What class to play? ( Classic ) creating a long lasting story

It’s eating me up on what class to play on World of Warcraft.

I’m new and willing to learn, coming with great passion, wanting to create a name for my self in the community.
I love farming gold, basically just love to grind mobs for long durations, doesn’t have to be AOE but it adds to the fun a LITTLE.
I love completing everything the game has to offer from all the quests to collecting rare items, mounts and achievements ( 100% completionist )
I LOVE hunting down other players/bots who farm gold, open world PVP and sometimes battlegrounds.
I tend to like undead, dwarfs, gnomes and goblins ( They are my favorite but are not in classic ).
I want to create a story around my character, a name in the community that will be known.
I want to have a chill and fun experience, while also not being afraid of a challenge to master a class/spec that will be rewarding to do so.
My character name will be Feeshh.
I chose to play World of Warcraft Classic ( Anniversary PVP server ).
I want to experience the game from start to finish (all the expansions as they go).
I did play shadowlands expansion but quit before dragon flight came out, felt to rushed for me.

I want to create 1 character that will be my main one, no alts.
What class, race and faction would be most fitting for these goals?

How could anyone possibly answer that for you?

Undead Warlock, does that help?

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somewhat yes, I’m just not knowledgeable to know what classes will be best in those fields I mentioned.
So trying to see if the community can help me narrow down my options

Then warlock is a good pick.

Lots of lore, class quests, strong and varied specs.

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There is a Classic section of the forums too if you’d like input from other Classic players

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Well if you’re named after a fish you should clearly be a Druid.


So should I post the same thing there?

Undead/gnome/goblin warlock
Dwarf hunter

Would my best bets if you are a completionist.
Pet classes in general do well at soloing, especially in classic.

Hunters have the ability to tame rare pets so there’s a plus for you in terms of collectibles.

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Rogue sounds like your pick too, hunting down other players is just their thing.

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You can either post there again or move this post. You should be able to edit your first post and choose another location, if you wanted to.

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I appreciate your insight! :smile:
Those seem to be my two main picks for now next to rogue due to fantasy.
Didn’t think this will be one of the hardest decisions I had to make :rofl:


I think you picked well so I say stick to your hunter. It is a really reliable class for soloing.

I for some reason cannot post there :man_shrugging:

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Oh, how odd :frowning:

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Depends on what you like.

Do you like up close and personal with Melee? If so, is it with massive two handed axes chopping and hacking? Or is it swift dual wielding daggers slicing and back stabbing?

Or do you like range with Arrows or Arcane blasts?

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Do people intentionally ignore the existence of the Classic section…?

Puny already pointed this out and OP said they can’t post there.

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Doesn’t let me post there for some reason… I’ll try and move it if it’s possible

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You did it!!! Fab!

You might get some more informed answers here. Best of luck :four_leaf_clover:

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I was trying to post it just in the WoW Classic and not in the discussion.
I’m new to all this sorry haha

maybe you have some insights for me too on what class fits :hugs:

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