For those who love transmog, their is no incentive to run the BFA raids so you can get your Priest set or your Mage set or your Hunter set or Shaman set.
In Legion, I was running LFR Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold every week for that Mage set. Still isn’t complete, but I got the important parts.
Why is instanced pvp a problem, serious question. Like I can understand when they balance the game around it like now, but what if it’s just an extra thing to do?
reskin races.
terrible ilvl planning.
pvp gear that is usable in pve.
random loots.
professions as they are now, especially ranks (gods how I hate that).
rep farming that doesn’t apply to alts.
mythic anything.
mages dying if they pull more than 2 mobs.
gold missions on table.
warmode, in any fashion.
that bloody neck and the way legendary things are done. bring back talent trees.
blizzard designing the entire game around the assumption everyone uses addons.
gnomes who all seem to have squeaky voices.
the boy king.
that awful stop animation thing, just give me movies not pictures.
non-detailed nerfs and buffs … hate not knowing whats been done to my class.
bop anything.
Political correctness everywhere.
too much mechanisation.
storyline revolving around the races developing in to new and ultrakilly things … be inventive and create new evils.
massively overpowered melee versus some ranged.
classes that can heal, like warriors and rogues and hunters.
and finally,
well, one last iddie biddie little one.
allied races: if they can’t figure out how to make them properly. Current allied races should’ve been customizations to already existing races, since they dumbed down even the original Nightborne look so much that they look like Night Elves anyway. If they can give us races like Naga, vulpera or whatever, something that we don’t have already, then fine. Also, if there will be new allied races, don’t hide them behind a reputation wall. It’s just obnoxious. Imagine TBC like this: level up to level 70, increase reputation to exalted with Aldor for Draenei, Scryers for Blood elf and then you can start over and level them up to max level. It’s just stupid, especially because of how utterly boring leveling is.
titanforge: it’s out of control. There should be a +5 wf and +10 tf limit. I just don’t feel like i need to do anything serious in the game anymore to get good gear on my main, and when i get it, it doesn’t feel good.
catch up mechanic in its current form: It’s not a catch up mechanic to give players normal and heroic raid gear for doing 4 world quests, 5 timewalking or 5 mythic 0 dungeon. It didn’t helped me to catch up, it helped me to skip normal raids. That shouldn’t happen.
azerite gear or anything similar: it’s just not fun to farm these stupid neck levels in order to unlock the same traits on different gear and it’s not fun to farm the same traits every tier. It’s like giving us one tier set for a whole expansion that we have to farm over and over again in every tier. Boring. At least the set bonuses were interesting most of the time and even affect ed our rotation but most of the azerite traits are like “xy spell does xy dot/increased damage or healing” great… If they want to give us something to farm for a while, then they should give us an item that’s like the artifact weapons without the paragon trait at the end.
Pathfinder: Just let us buy flying for an insane amount of gold like how it’s used to be and done. That way people can progress toward flying, they would still see the content from the ground in the meantime and they don’t have to wait a year for it.
This level of ilvl jump every single raid. We started around 200ilvl in this expansion and now we are over 400 ilvl. Hell, the first azerite gear we got was already 280 ilvl… why? We didn’t needed it. There is also no need to have this huge ilvl gaps between raid difficulties. That way we wouldn’t need stat squishes every second expansion.
i would love to see the removal of hero classic or at least made them less more braindead
pvp vendor back
removal of flying
removal of all this rng related to gearing
reforging back
Xmog and mounts for doing high lvl M+ every season (even if im a pvp player i think the concept added during mop was sick)
removal of this “artifact” stuffs
salty af and lame/cringe hahaha
if you dont like ppv cuz u r bad at it, just go play pve
you dont need addons if you dont want addons so i dont get your points
stop animationg thing on cine,matic its amazing
Ehm, what? I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.
Nothing. Because I have different taste in what I like in my game than you, something has to be wrong with me? What’s wrong with YOU for thinking that?
Your taste is just that; yours. As my taste is just that; mine. Nothing good or wrong with either of them. And that’s all I did; give an answer to a question that was posted. And of course my answer is based on MY taste in gaming.
title is what you dont want to see in 9.0
and you says pvp in any forms
and i ask WHY
cant you just uncheck warmode and do you boring pve?
why you would want to remove a feature loved for a big amount for player when it doesnt influence your game experience?
its a mongo way of thinking imo
same for M+
having something that let you challenge your skills untill you reach your limit is something good and healty, in game and irl
Y’know, I did a tortollan wq yesterday, where I had to run a circle aroud an npc. And i thought to myself “welp, here’s the pinnacle of quest design”.
Can we do without those please?
First of all; you didn’t ask why. You made a hard-to-understand comment, coupled with a derogatory remark.
The second part of what you said above makes it clear you’re a pvper and the way you went about giving me a comment on what I said earlier, proves what I think of pvp and the effect it has on people; it’s toxic. It creates a toxic enviroment where people are hostile towards each other. Imo.
Also; I never turn ON warmode. I have no interest in it whatsoever.
Did you read this part of my original comment?
I honestly think that for the way I enjoy the game, it would be better without any pvp in it. More resources and focus could be put towards the parts that I DO enjoy. Again; my comment was solely based on what I like, not what others like.
Same with mythic content. I never do it, so as far as I’m concerned it might as well not exist. Again; more resources can then be put towards the content that I enjoy.
Yes it was a totally egotistical answer, but so what? It’s never going to happen anyway. So there’s no harm in it.
IRL yes I agree (not for everything, but for certain things, sure). For a game, no I don’t agree. That’s not why I game.
Anyway; want me to give a more realistic answer to the OP? I’m fine with that too.
I don’t want to see azerite gear again.
I don’t want to see mythic-only content ever again.
I don’t want to see PvP-only outdoor events; there should be a non-pvp equivalent event for people with warmode off (the battleground AI experiment proves this would be possible in some way).
Agreed! I cannot stress enough how damaging this is to new and returning players. I for one will not play wow if they pull this BS again. Not gonna grind rep for a new char, there’s already pretty much no character customization in wow compared to other mmo’s, not gonna do my daily chores for weeks just for a little more.