What do you wish NOT to see back in 9.0?

what i’m saying is in classes that have a low number of cds the gcd change is just boring and makes the cds clunky, moreover if the class revolves around said cooldown.

In classes that have a lot of cds either have only them have the gcd or treat them like all the other classes, if a cd is only used in combo with another then those two probably have no reason to be 2 cds. If they aren’t Always used together then you’re not playing at the max that your class can, easy as that. If someone wants to have 5 cds in a macro (agreed that these are a lot and that you could keep 2-3 of them on the gcd, there are already classes that have only some cds on the gcd so it’s nothing new) i say let him do it, it’s not the right way to play, but why leave the choice.

If they are a problem in pvp just keep them in pvp, they already balance things differently for it, why not add this to the things to balance.

I get why they did the changes, i don’t think it’s Worth it and a lot of people in forums and people i’ve talked to online don’t like them. I don’t think the added anything fun and ultimately this is a game, it should be about fun.

Well we can close the thread, only folks left are the 5 fanboys of retail wow who think everything is great even though 90% of the original fan base has left. Keep on dreaming guys. Keep it on topic on what you want REMOVED in 9.0 pls. Thanks.

My take on your list:

  • Pathfinder - Personally, I don’t mind this too much, but I rather like the idea of areas being built with flying in mind, so I wouldn’t mind either way if this was the case or not.

  • Allied Races - Again, I don’t mind them. More customization is never really bad. However, I do dislike the fact that you have to rep grind for them, especially older ones. It’s not fun to go to old content to grind world quests every day to get a current expansion feature. They should reduce the rep required for it if they want it to stay tied to rep.

  • Time gated story quests - I hate this too and wouldn’t mind to see it go. I understand why it’s there, but it gets annoying that after 1 hour of playing, I’ve run out of new content until the next day. Not much they can do about this though, since people would complain either way. It’s either they hate having to wait for content, or they’ve burned through content too fast.

  • The Mission Table - Absolutely agree. I hope it doesn’t make a return in 9.0. It was a garbage feature in the first place, but now there isn’t any reason to use it (thank god). It serves no purpose other than to gate content, which is very annoying.

  • Global Cooldown and ability removal - Not quite sure what you mean here. For GCD, I’m assuming you mean the BFA GCD change? If so, I 100% agree. It was so jarring moving from Legion to BFA. Legion played so fluently, but BFA is really slow. As for ability removal, you’re hoping they don’t remove abilities? I heard they agreed that they went to far in pruning, so we might be getting some spells back which is nice. Hoping for DK presences back, but more importantly, 2H Frost.

  • Mob scaling - Depends what you mean. For leveling, I’m completely fine with it. If you’re on about scaling to your item level, then yes I agree. I hope it gets removed.

  • Scaling of pvp damage - Back in MoP, I remember grinding in PvP to get some PvP vendor gear (good times), and it was really satisfying to finally get the honor/conquest for the pieces I wanted. I’d like for it to go back to that system, where PvP doesn’t scale and you have specific PvP gear for PvP. You can actually earn your gear instead of getting lucky.

  • Tier sets - Yes please please please. They said they removed tier sets to make better, zone themed armour, but I’ve been rather unimpressed with the gear that has been released. The only gear that I like is the Plate chest piece for Uldir and the cloth and leather set for BoD.

  • Mounts - I agree.

  • PvP vendors - I agree. One of the reasons why I stopped PvPing. Too much of a pain in the booty hole to get gear. They should stop trying to make their current system work and just go back to their old system that did work and everyone is asking for.

Something I hope Blizzard do is just allow us to be more flexible with how we play. As a Frost DK, I loved switching between Dual Wield and 2H. Please, for the love of all that is (un)holy, please bring back 2H Frost.

EDIT: How could I have forgotten about Titanforging? I loathe this feature and hope it gets removed.

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if you find it boring to play with low number of cds re-roll.

You wanted an explanation why, i gave it to you. Now dont jump from GCD whine to class design balance just because you wanna whine and argue about the obvious.

I agree with You with almost every single of those points. I disagree with just the first one.
I think Pathfinder is great option to earn something (flying in this case). Just bying it isn’t way of true excitement.

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I’m under the impression that Pathfinder is deprecated because flying is itself a truly bad idea; especially in PvP zones.

people don’t even mention warfronts and islands, so i guess they are already removed :smiley:


Flying is bad, yes, I agree with You there.
But it is here… And propably always will be, because kids are lazy to do some content subtly like in the old times. So in that case I’m glad, that there is at least this Pathfinder, instead of just stupidly buying flying…
What next? Buying game with mythic raid progress completed, 415ilvl gear and litellary everything done?
I don’t know why just these nowadays “players” even play mmorpgs… They should simply stick with Fortnite and be there.

Brother, Respectfully i would answer to this: Kids wanna have their time doing their quests, adults have more things to do than play a game and need flying to fast things up for them.

You completely misunderstood my point, by like a mile. I’m gonna stop either way as the OP rightfully asked tp stay on topic.

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What i want to see back
-Tier sets inspired by the class you play
-Class story quest that are challange
-Good storys as you level up
-quivers and arrows, ammo bags and bullets more or less class fantasy i want it back.
-more open world content

what i want less of
-LFR and LFD
-same mounts like horses or dragons make them more uniqe
-weekly story content
-a boring pathfinder, i can live with grinding for it but tbh if it is boring like it is now then i rather buy it.
-scaling in pvp
-scaling in pve content
-ilvl just get rid of it
-aimed shot to be standing still i want more movment for MM like BM is.
-Allied races the idea is good but badly exicuted

• Titan/warforging
• Artifact systems, I just want normal gear again
• Ilvl scaling at max level
• Racials in instanced content. They should be unusable or reworked so it’s more balaced between both factions. Probably too long overdue tho

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I dont think i did at any point since i gave you answers you requested and then you jump on class balance after GCD complains. You just need to argue thats all.

Leads nowhere anyways as it lead nowhere the first time you asked my why.
Fair enough.

That is fair. I dislike it as much as I do for the game health. It is very daunting for new and returning players to see 30 different reps that they need for all pathfinders and allied races.

just to clarify, that post you commented on was not intended to question class balance, in any way shape or form.

let’s end it here now that we made everything clear,let’s respect OP’s will.

Theres no problem questioning anything the very nice way you do it at least. When i see insults flaming and toxicity i dont like it, therefore we can have a conversation like civil people do.

The ops will is the last thing i would respect in the forums at least, he is here only to whine. Ive seen him whining again on pathfinder and when plenty of people told him how wrong he is we all became nolifers jobless and whatever insults he could come up with just because we got flying 2 days before him and not whined about it.

Some people here are coming only to cry whine and insult, you got one here.

He never stops… Been in an argument with him as well, decided to ignore.

Anyone but the arts department


There are a few things I don’t want to see in the next expansion:

  • Excessive Titanforging; I’ve thought about TF quite a bit. At first I wanted it gone completely, but I know that won’t happen and I can understand why, so I would like there to be a cap of how high it can proc. My proposal would be that the highest proc is at the level of next difficulty. So if you get a TF normal piece, the highest it could go is at the ILV of the lowest item from heroic difficulty.
  • Sets shared across the armor types; I really don’t like this. BFA sets (especially for mail users) are some of the worst sets I’ve ever seen in this game (up there with Trial of the Crusader). Please, lets go back to every class having its own unique raid /zone themed set. More variety is better. Also goes without saying, but please hire someone with more imagination and spark to actually design them.
  • Mission table; I think it’s time to get rid. We’ve had it for three expansions now, and with each passing one it’s influence has decreased. It was never that amazing to begin with, but now I feel it’s just redundant. I still like the follower system to a degree, so maybe work on that and improve it, but please, nothing automatic that we have no control of. If they are to stay, make them part of our gameplay in a way. Let us move what they do like they are pets, have their equipment drop from content that we do on our own, and so on.
  • Lack of enchant options on the gear; This is something I’ve complained about in the past too, but please let us have more options on what items we can enchant, put leatherworking things on them and maybe even inscription shoulder enchants. More options = more fun. I don’t like the lack of things we have to do when our character gets a new piece of item nowadays. This isn’t Diablo. We are not changing items every day.

I’m sure there a few more things I can write about, but that’s enough for now I guess.