The worst part is that they won’t listen to WNYTHING listed here. They gonna ignore everything , and let the game be like in bfa which absolutely suck.
I dont wanna see titanforge again i hate all rng with loot ontop of it dropping, same for sockets and messes to much with balance.
Im fine with warforge espcially if its a long last tier(hfc,icc,soo and such) as a small bonus(outside weapons the old +6ilvls wasnt that big of a bonus)
Pathfinder is fine but rep should be grindable and as soon you got it you should fly.
I dont want the extra rep chests to have toys or mounts or anything but some gold/mats mounts and toys should be exalted rewards not 0,1% chance for evry 10k rep after exalted and if they stay should be bad luck protection/currency so you can eventually get it.
azerite/artifact power i never ever wanna see this again, no infinite grind to keep evrything relevant but not really and having to unlock stuff you had in past over and over and blizz gates it till they allow you to get more then number of lvls they want at moment. just get rid of it. And allow people to actully be done and have endgame gearing just be gearing not reearning your old abilities again.
Any rep thats timegatred and cant be grinnded from openworld or instanced mobs(dungeon/raids and such)
Frustrating zones like naijzatar.
No pvp vendors and pvp gear (shouldnt ever been removed in first place)(and bring back wod style that scales up in pvp so its not worthless in pve but is best in pvp)
Il be hated for this probbaly but Mythic + i never liked it. i way prefered challenge modes. Ive hated the affixes since the start And how its another infinite grind cant ever be done thing.
And that its basicly nescarly to do dungeons over and over from launch to get gear for raids ,if they keep it around should be like wod pvp sets special gear for M+ via bonuses or ilvl boost.
No tier sets, they brought nice mogs and changed your class a bit each tier and werent really abilties you had in past and now had to regrind and if M+ stays make them not work in it. then both will be seperate progession paths instead of having to do both for either of them.
Ilvl creep it should be slower and less insane going forwardd (no 30up each tier and 15 per diffuclty) maike it like 20 (or 15) and 10 . se we dont double each tier.
Squishes ilvl,stat or lvl squish theyre all unescary(except first stat sqpuish but since legion the limit of numbers is now 64 bit which basicly can be reached) and they only take uneeded resources and fix nothing and for dmg numbers just display ir like diablo 3: 100 000 is 100k and 1 000 000 is 1M like that.
And they only cause issues
The current glyph system just bring back the old one it was fine as it was. now need a glyph 3/4 times for each spec and if you ever swap have to get it again which is horrible since some glyphs are really rare and/or expensive(like tidesage elemental for frostmages or fel succubus for locks). And give scribes exp or rep books or so to make so its not only glyphs.
Pruning(it isnt inhirently bad as if you only add it will be issue sooner or later in some form) but its just been done way to much.
Masterloot being gone for guilds. It being gone for pugs is fine but was no reaosn to remove it from guilds at all.
needing to be 11lvls higher to not have personal loot on old content if i can do it solo or with group of friends give me the loot as it was when current.
SHould be 10llvls higher as legion is not current content the raids and dungeons at all.
Gcd way to much is on it right now. Just let is stack our cooldowns again. Not cooldown A, cooldown B, Cooldown C and Cooldown D ,potion/lust and now i can cast but now my pot/cooldowns are half run out already.
Fixes on use trinkets aswell would allow them to be marcoed again with cd’s.
Also the daily stuff like Ishayu says (she explained it better then i possibly could)
i dont want either ever again. infinite grind for ap/azerite to get stuff back that clearly shouldve been baseline or used to be baseline.
pve gear being in pvp
good looking and exclusive mounts gated behind island expedition rng farm aka in general islands.
demon hunters.
misson table should be some missiosn for folowees only for really minor stuff. but harder missions should unlock some neat quests/mini scenarios for some rewards like mats a unique mog reclour or just some money . like they find the cave /location and then you go alone or with help of them do it.
that is why I said “if they do this again” because HOA was really bad, I liked the weapon though… so if they do this again, please do weapon style not HOA style with reearning, what you already earned
I don’t mind the weekly chest, if TF would go away. Having an extra item every week wouldn’t ever be bad.
And especially get rid of “sockets as a warforge”. No. Sockets as standard in all raid-quality gear. Make jewelcrafting great again!
Yes to all! Bring back PVP VENDORS!
Grey vendor trash.
Please. Just make mobs drop more money and stop clogging my inventory with tat.
Or if you must give me tat, make it interesting! Give it funny descriptions and icons. No more “partially used cogs”.
I mean they better, pretty much all of their games are in the worst state ever.
Mission Table
Paragon Class Power(Artifact/Azerite bs)
Quest cinematics
I would also like to see them revive professions to make them viable all expac both for goldmaking and gearmaking purposes
Forced mixed content e.g.
Treasure chest : Dont see the point of them If i want war sources i do WQ
Warlock voidwalker : Voidwalker is usless This thing cant even hold aggro
pathfinder : give us flying at max lv
- Pathfinder. Should be able to fly from day 1, no waiting until the expansion is half done
- Allied races. Especially the ones that give one faction’s model to another. Void Elves and Nightborne were a mistake
- Christie Golden, Alex Afrasiabi, Steve Danuser and everybody else involved in the creation of BfA’s crappy plot and characters
- Ilvl scaling
- Any Horde leader. Please kill them all off for the sake of our faction. Actually just kill off all leaders, let’s go full apocalypse with a soft reset of the story and a wipe of all major characters.
- Warmode. Alliance outnumber Horde ten to one on my shard and it’s the reverse on every other shard. It can’t be balanced so get rid of it and either merge pvp servers or offer free transfers for the over represented faction so they can leave and to the server for the under represented faction.
- Essences. Stop making me do PvP or Mythic+ to get a decent essence for raiding and on that note…
- Mythic+. Selfish probably, but I feel like it spits out gear way too fast and undermines every other endgame content. Plus I don’t find them in any way fun.
- Paragon boxes and Island expeditions. Stop putting mounts behind this RNG heavy crap.
Forgot to mention Paragon reputations. I want those removed as well unless the reward is just some extra gold or currency. Don’t attach cosmetic items or mounts behind them, like they just did again with the Royal Snapdragon mount for the Ankoan/Unshackled.
Wait what? They said they would not???
They lied. Nothing new from Blizzard sadly.
On the PTR it was a very rare drop from elite naga, but they seemingly changed it to drop from Ankoan/Unshackled supplies now. I am actually unlocking my first Paragon cache soon, but I honestly doubt I’ll get it the first try. It’s gonna be another tedious grind.
O man that is sad, I don’t like the mount personally, but I know the feels if this was the bee mount. Why would they do this, because they know ain’t nobody sticking around in Naz after revered.
Ye, let’s kill this game insta fast!