What do you wish NOT to see back in 9.0?

They sneak this in, also discovered that the new (well old models) flying mounts are now 72k at exalted. They said 50k… And that was too much!

I actually farmed elite naga (not to a heavy degree) every day for a minute of 10 for nothing then.

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Garrisons in the WoD, “have all this free gear” sense.
I know this might not have been removed in a sense, but I would also keep legendary items out of the LFR and World Content.

Ye 72k lmao, I wonder if someone at blizz is taking crazy pills.

At least they could stop forcing warmode. I’m not very good at pvp and I’ve been avoiding warmode, until I ran into this “Prototypes for Profit”- daily in Mechagon. You have to be in warmode to loot those prototype implants, and I kept getting ganked by the Horde almost everyday. At least I’m revered now, so I don’t have to do that daily again, unless the mechagnomes become an allied race in the next patch.

Really nice of them to implement another paragon mount despite everything and then put it on the faction where getting rep is as tedious as it gets. Truly a brilliant move! Gotta love those 75 rep WQs! /s


I can imagine that it is pain in the a**, I have never enabled warmode on my main and got revered in ten days, so at least you can do it quickly without this quest :slight_smile: (even getting to exalted is not really slow)

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Devouring Plague

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Just because you pay tokens as you said that doesnt mean i have to do as well.

MMO’s are all about grind, if you want rewards without efort MOBA’s are there for you.

MMO’s are all about grind, if you want rewards without efort MOBA’s are there for you.

Im pretty sure you hate everything about the game you play but yet not all the rest do, if you dont like it dont do it.

Hell no, That was implemented because some classes specs had a 1 key dps macro, im sure youre bored to grind and probably bored to dps but that doesnt mean i want it back.

Its pretty fine by me, if you want to roflstomp content you can run in Legion’s and do so…

They should be irrelevant because they are “previous tier”

Hell no,class balance based on a tier set you cant use and making M+ loot entirely useless and forcing M+ players to raid for the bonuses. No.

MMO’s are all about grind, if you want rewards without efort MOBA’s are there for you.

You know that PVP vendors items where tied to title or Rating right? Just because im sure you think you could buy top tier items without even playing PVP that doesnt mean it can happen.

By seeing your posts on the forums and threat specially that you whined eternally for pathfinder that took you like 8 days… Im pretty sure youre not in a need to play WoW but in a need to forum whine.

get rid of the stupid global cooldown! they ruined so many classes.

brink back class specific elite gear for 2.1+ or 2k or what ever, just not 1800 and a good looking wep enchant for 2.4+

Anything related to ion buggycostas

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Without titanforging M+ will not be rewarding so no, keep it as it is.


Massively healthy mobs.

Swarms of mobs everywhere.

Crap loot not worth taking from corpses.

Rep grinding for main game features like races & flying.

Blatantly obvious time-gating.


“Go to wowhead” responses to tickets.

Mr Hazzikostas sitting there on a live stream spouting a load of rubbish that means nothing after being asked a straightforward question.

Repair bills going up exponentially with gear compared to flat character power vs mobs.

Obstructive geography and building design, like buildings & caves with multiple floors so you can’t find the quest objective due to the 2D map.

Daily quests used in certain places instead of world quest to ruin the use of contracts even further than their already rubbish 10 rep per world quest.

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Damn Versatility Please get rid of it as fed up of it being on every single damn armor peice we get.
bring back Class Talents trees
make Proffessions usefull again and the way they were before Wod
(this horrible 8.2 could of made Gnomish or goblin engineering a thing again)
bring back re-forge, loved that when you got a peice of armor with a stat you didnt need (would help with versatility)
slot machine RNG
most others have covered everything else that we dont want.
mainly though No-one wants that stupid gating pathfinder back, Just give us flying for Gold once we reach either a top level or even a certain Gear Level

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Pathfinder gone, random pvp rewards, HoA/Artifact system.

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cough gcds have almost no impact on a lot of specs and if you macro cds then you suck anyway, they only make gameplay clunkier cough

I’m sorry but you are the type of person that wow gravitated to, and now its ruined for the rest of us. You’re a 100% shill defending pathfinder and allied races and I’m not even gonna reply to all your points because they’re just plain dumb. I’m actually losing braincells just reading it. If you fail to see why allied races are bad, (eg new players or returning) than you’re not worthy of my time.

I sure loved my reward without a grind; blood elf, dreanei, goblin, worgen, pandaren etc. you’re just a shill. Pls don’t reply i don’t care.


The main things I’d wish to see binned for the next expac are Titanforging, the Artifact/HoA style progression system, and world quests as they stand.

Titanforging is what drives the current power creep with item level, more than anything else, because each tier has to account for potential bloating. A ten item level jump between tiers should be sufficient, rather than the current thirty item level jump. Warforging can stay, to a max of 5 item levels, returning it to a minor boon like third stat, as it used to be before Legion.

Artifacts/HoA are neat ideas but not if they’re going to be removed and replaced each and every expansion. Especially if levels are going to keep increasing each expansion, abilities should be put into those instead to justify them in the first place, even if it’s only one or two, or some change/improvement to a previous one. Maybe a spec proficiency system to show our characters increasing in skill as they grow, rather than receiving powers from an item.

I think dailies should return, and that they were never even half as bad as people make them out to be. World quests should be retooled into perhaps once or twice a week events, requiring players to group up to work towards a collective goal in the world to earn a larger reward; currency, a mount, a piece of gear, whatever. As it stands now, even elite world quests rarely force people to group anymore.

Allied races are fine as they stand, and if more are indeed added in future expansions I will be very happy. Pathfinder is a great compromise, and means we actually get to see ground mounts for a while. I don’t want to see tier sets back, but I want to see a huge step up in quality for how the raid-themed appearances look, because the vast majority are extremely underwhelming.

  • I hope they keep pathfinder because playing the expansion unlocks flying passively anyway and i like having it unlocked account wide
  • I hope they keep warforge/titanforging as even while raiding when i have BIS i still have a chance to to continually upgrade.
  • Allied races a feature of this expansion and end of last one also gave me objective to work through. Completely cosmetic addition that is not needed at all but gives an objective to work towards. Also passively unlcoked if you take part in xpac content.

basically everything i’ve seen mentioned in the first 1/4 of this thread. its so sad that there are so many things are are so small but so annoying that they all add up to a bad playing experience and that blizz keep doubling down on keeping theses bad ideas or badly IMPLEMENTED ideas in the game rather than holding their hands up to the mistake and fixing it.

i dont want to miss anything out, but i dont want to say nothing. so, no flying on cap, INSANE rng, tf/wf, dead servers, sharding, timeGATING for sure, though basically all the others too.

only one i’d not push against is allied races. while maybe this is a cheap way to avoid putting another unique class or race in the game, the idea of an allied race is not bad, but yet again, is badly implemented.

you have the pain of unlocking them in the first place, you then have the pain of getting them from 20-120. AND then you have to decided if you want it to be your new main or not because they are the same class as your main.

Instead, they should be cosmetic. sorta like how i believe the night elf eye shadow thingy is once you do that questline.

you do an allied race questline/unlock (no rep grind!!!) and you unlock the cosmetic appearance of an allied race for the race they are based on.

dwarf = dark iron dwarf
orc = mag’har orc
troll = zandalari troll
human = kul’tirin human
draeni = lightforged draeni
tauren = highmountain tauren
night elf = void elf
blood elf = nightbourne

this then can be changed in the barber shop for a couple of gold as long as you are the correct race. saves doing a 20-120 slog with nothing new playwise to show for it. allied races are all about cosmetics.