What do you wish NOT to see back in 9.0?

what you dont enjoy having your 0;001% mount or toy in paragon chests even thought we said we wouldnt do that again?

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I could do without people who grasp at straws as reasons to complain and create excuses over how they would totally do harder content if it wasn’t for X,Y and Z.

Also going back on pruning, but they already admitted they went too far so I can only wait on that.

Like most on GD with the ML removal protest, “I would do guild and pug raiding if they ban ML!”

queues BFA

Raiding guilds lacking more recruits than ever! Many are dying or atleast unable to even try mythic.

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I worry that if they let us buy flying, it’d be so ridiculously expensive that it would necessity a lot of grinding anyway.

Agree with the most of the points of the OP and the first few messages. Don’t agree with buying flying however. I started in Cata so for me the WoD thing was a big change aswell, with WoD being terrible and then adding that pathfinder system. I’d like for this system to be kept like it is now, people can earn to fly in the expansions zones in the first week of the update that adds that ability. You have to play through the story, the dailies/wq’s and explore all zones. That’s a great system to encourage people to do most of the content. Getting flying now feels like an accomplishment and it feels great to be able to fly everywhere now. On the day of obtaining it I flew all around Kul Tiras, finishing up some exploration and quest achievements (wicker pup, treasures, magic truffle hunt…). In legion it felt less great, probably because Dalaran was too far and too high compared to mainland that flying from dalaran to any zone took longer than just taking the flightmaster. But in BfA, earning flying felt really good, and being able to go the extra mile to get it just a little bit faster than anyone (that is trying anyway, lots of people are getting flying just now… lazy af) feels great. No more “I’ve done my dailies/WQ’s, now I can just sit here and wait till reset”.

we wont know if this is solely true or not, as a lot of people did like long quest chains like the attunement quests in TBC. but the problem is there is SO much peripheral s… these days, that we dont know if these people actually are complaining JUST to complain, or if these issues really would improve the game.

thats not just to do with ML. our server has 18 raiding guilds atm horde and alliance COMBINED (5 horde, 13 alliance). and only one of those guilds can really do more than 1-2 bosses in mythic, and even that is still always short 3~ bosses from a full mythic clear. this is because the server is dead. and dead servers just wont breed healthy guilds, whether we have have ML or not.

dead servers need to be addressed.

You selectively quoted, it meant to the people saying they didn’t try guild stuff because of ML. So now they got their wish it’s gone and what do they do? Still only do LFR…


I would like for pathfinder part 2 to be gone! Part 1 is enough grind to get flying in next expansion.


With pathfinder basically all they would need to do is to remove rep grind part. Maybe put in some quest involving dungeons and that’s it… Who ever thought that mindless, irritating rep grind for flying is a good idea, is a bad person…


that would most likely be Ion because it was his plan to take it away in 6.0 and for it never to return.

And he was right.

And then people cried, because they always do.

And then he changed it, but not before designing every future zone to be as annoying as humanly possible if you can’t fly.

I mean seriously, just compare and contrast Shadowmoon Valley of WoD with Naz’jatar. It’s a friggin’ joke. Maybe if they didn’t design zones like this in the first place, we wouldn’t have all this crying for flying.

This problem began in Legion, and we haven’t had respite from it yet. There was a brief moment with Vol’dun where I thought “FINALLY!! They’re getting it!” but my joy was short lived.

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no he was not! and the fact that half the playerbase at that time (5M) left shows he was wrong. and NO, im not saying 5M left because of no flying, but its funny how the 2 happened at the same time, so i would guess it factored into part of the reason why a lot left.

agreed. And making getting flying as humanly possible. it is his spiteful dig at the playerbase for forcing their hand in 6.2, and he keeps digging it in every expansion.


How dare they design the world with realistic geography. How dare they try to preserve immersion in the world in an MMORPG. How dare the art team work as hard as they can to deliver gorgeous, complex zones for us to enjoy. After all, it means it takes more than a few minutes for me to complete my quests!

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Can’t wait for pathfinder part 3 next expansion, he just keeps adding to it. Can’t wait to have: Cleared the current HC raid once and have x rating RBG and arena! Should simply be exploring and meeting the factions, no more no less. If needed you should be allowed to do it on day 1, so a max rep of honored-friendly. That’s what pathfidner was about they said, exploring by foot first. Then they just had to add rep grinds…


Same, or maybe a part 4 or 5, or what about:

50 Parts of Pathfinder
by Ion Hazzikostas

dont give them ideas

The class design dev team. I don’t want them back on any title.

Me. I hope to resist the urge this time.

No more AP grind or anything like it.

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Well the folks who made latest raid armor…it sucks donkey ballz lol…i mean come on even vanilla low level sets look better than this >.<