What happened to balance? :)

So you wrote 1728 posts within 421 days which means you defend your broken class over 4 times a day - each day…?!

AIright, explains a lot.

  • Destro got buffed a few month ago, so it was undertuning and is fine now? (Whisperer, I haven’t asked you btw if you think you should answer to this…)
  • Assa rogue haven’t been nerfed in quite a time, so it’s balanced?
  • Boomi gets nerfed with 8.3, so it’s broken right now?

Nice logic dude - do you actually believe your own words?

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he’s just defending DH so that he can keep playing it on 1.7 and doesn’t drop to 1.6.

besides, before they nerf DH they have to nerf rogue, mage and destro anyway


Not taking sides, but…isn’t everyone always defending their own class on this forum?

I don’t think I’ve ever come across a thread where someone said:
“This class is overpowered! It needs massive nerfs!”
And then the people playing the class were just like:
“True. We’re way too strong and need heavy nerfs right now.”

And I’ve read this forum since its inception.
Everyone comes here with self-interest in mind. Not sure why that’s a big deal.


What brought you here then, Jito? :thinking:

When I say everyone I mean everyone. :yum:

I don’t really comment on class balance per se, but if Priest suddenly turned out to be massively overpowered, then you woudn’t hear me demand nerfs right away. :smile:

Let’s be honest, we all want our own classes to be as powerful and amazing as possible. No one comes here with the desire to be mediocre or average or middle-of-the-pack. That’s boring. Overpowered is fun.

Greater fade should be removed btw, this spell is stupid.

Tbh no need to do 2000topics on balance with 100.0x feedback and other kind of rage…

Just take a look at 2k4 because it’s glad rank til r1 and take a look at why there is only dh/fire mage/rdruid /destru for example and why there is pretty much no enhance/demo/afffli/mm/hpriest.

This is he only thing devs should take a look at if they don’t want to hear feedback and see what is going on.

I’m going to bed, so…

One thought though…

Don’t you think the top Arena players could reach 2400+ rating on

if they commited to playing them?

Ladder analysis is always tricky, because you have to account for the player choice.
If Holy Priest is weak, then the perception of its weakness is likely magnified because no good players play it.
If Demonhunter is strong, then the perception of its power is likely magnified because all the good players play it.
And it’s difficult to take the player out of the equation and only look at the classes in a vaccum.

Except I haven’t played arena seriously since S1, genius.

Yes, clearly I only post in 1 forum.

Why does it matter to you then if your class becomes beatable in 2v2?

The question is simple, why nobody play those specs?

The answers is also that simple, because they are garbage.

It’s a fact, if every spec where atleast viable/competitive, it will be way more différents spec and doesn’t matter of the dmg/tankiness etc… If everything got the same work on design😊

It doesn’t. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s not without a counter. Because, again, if it was, the top would literally be full of them.

Well, that’s how it is. 9 DH in the top 20 of 2s ladder, which is 45% representation.

Most people would call that

the top is full of them

It’s about 12% in the top 200 which yeah is a little high, but not anywhere as apocalyptic as you describe it.

I don’t think you understand what a class with no counters is.

Who cares about top 200 when they are obviously dominating the absolute top?! If a class/spec can get 45% representation in the top20 spots, you don’t watch in the top200, you beg blizz to fix that overtuned spec.

At least a normal human being would do.

Obviously I do - it’s broken. Would be great if you finally realize that as well.

Anyone with a brain? Looking at top 10 is ridiculous. That’s not how you make statistics. The larger the sample, the better.

Except if you look at 3v3 it’s clearly not overtuned, and they don’t balance for 2v2.

If it was unbeatable or without a counter everyone in the top 100 would be DH.

You don’t understand what those words mean.

Well, who cares about 2nd/3rd/4th league if you want to know who strong the national team of a country is… Common sense I guess.

4 dhs in top20 3s. Still 20%! If they weren’t at least as strong as rogue/mage/destro, they wouldn’t be there. Since RM and destro are for most people in this game too strong, DH is too strong for them as well, obviously.

I do understand: it means if a dh and class x on the same skilllevel meat each other, the dh wins. You act like it’s not about skill anymore and on lower mmrs you are mostly right, but you need to be a good player to reach to the very top. A broken class helps a lot but doesn’t automaticly means that other classes which are behind but still strong, couldn’t get there as well.

That’s something you don’t get.

Edit: Oh, “only” 3 dhs left in top20 3s ladder, still too much if you want to call this class balanced.

Again, statistics are meaningless in a low sample size. I go outside, I see 10 white people. Surely that must mean my country is 100% white people, right?

And again: It doesn’t matter that much how many white/black/yellow/red people live in a country, if the question is how many of them you find within the top 1% of the richest.

Statistic isn’t meaningless, but in this case the sample size matters a lot, because I don’t want to have a statistical average distribution, I just want to know which class seems to be the most dominant.

Nobody in the champions league is interested in which club has relegated to the second league in each country, they just want to know which are the best of each country… And if the semi-final is almost exclusively dominated by Spanish clubs, one could draw the conclusion that the Spanish league is obviously particularly strong - regardless of how many clubs/people in general play football in Spain!!!

If this still wasn’t understandable enough for you - you don’t need to answer anymore.