What happened to balance? :)

Math increased to 100.

Same story again, ppl just dont like playing dh. You were bringing up that representation argument back in s1, saying same now. Everyone knows that dh is a joke class with 3-4 key rota. Eventho almost all melee specs got pruned to moba style gameplay, they have seen a better days in past, unlike dh, which was that way since adding it to the game.

That is absolutely not a fact when Arena is so driven by FotM and min/max mindsets.

If a class has two viable specs, but one spec is percieved as slightly better than the other, then the playerbase has a tendency to gravitate almost entirely toward the percieved-better spec - even if the difference between the two is marginal.

Achieving a sense of class balance where every spec is considered viable is incredibly difficult. What it essentially means is achieving a state of design where the player perception is that everything is equally good. And one quick look at the forums will tell you that that’s almost impossible to achieve. There is always a percieved best amongst players - and a percieved worst. And players always gravitate toward the percieved best and away from the percieved worst.

If class balance was only a matter of numbers, it’d be easier.
But it’s not
The perception of the numbers matter.

Some dude on NA forums managed to reach 2.4 on his MM hunter in 2s but i can imagine the smount of times he’s gotten destroyed by superior comps

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Y it’s doable, just like rat (sub rogue) mgodx(demono) or avines(enhance) but let’s be honest, going r1 with those spec is pretty much impossible even if you are a god at your spec VS the other insanely Op spec.

What I wanted to say is if every specs was atleast close to each other and not insanely Op or insanely crap, everybody could climb with his own spec without hurting themself to a wall vs others specs.

Its very rare specs of the same class are “close” though and most specs of the same class play so differently that the composition you want to play is also dictated by the spec you are/want to play.
it’s also the amount of effort specs take to play and how fun they are.


For sure.
I mean, there are lots of top players who stick with the same spec each and every Season and expansion, and who are renowned for that particular spec they play.

So when you look at the ladder it’s easy to conclude that certain specs must be overpowered because they keep being at the top of the ladder. But it may just as well be that the top players just keep sticking with the same specs, so they keep being in the top of the ladder.

I mean, I’ve stuck with my Priest since day 1. It’s not really balance that dictates what class or spec I play.
And for others it’s the FotM train that dictates their choice entirely.

Point is, the ladder is tricky to analyze vis á vis balance.

Overall, maybe - but only looking at the very top makes things pretty simple. If you see a player on a solid strong class always up there, then it’s surely because his class isn’t weak but obviously mostly because he’s good.

But if a class (especially the newiest one) is starting to dominated and overwhelm those people who have been there over the years, it’s not tricky at all to say “Hey blizz, watch there, can’t be balanced!”.

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I dont get why People are always gonna defend their class No matter the state its in, just because something cant be OP if u loose alot of games as that Said spec. Casuals like myself mostly loose due to our own flaws, not because our spec is useless (mine is top tier and noob friendly so). The ladder is usually more than a good enough indicator of what specs are currently the strongest, so ur own opinion doesnt beat that fact :slight_smile: Just play and enjoy instead of always qq’ing Everyone \o/

Of course it matters lmao, what.

People like playing what’s OP.

Yeah, that’s how facts are established. " Everyone knows ".

I see, so when a teacher ask his students “How many of you speak Chinese?” they first need to know how many people on this planet speak Chinese…

I just thought that demon hunter was created in a attempt to draw in the children to the game. I mean, it’s easy to play, has flashy animation and wings along with horns.
Pretty much everything a child would like.


If the teacher wants to claim the school is full of Chinese speaking pupils he would first need to know how many people are in the school, more like.

Making a percentage for Top 10 is nonsensical.

Again, it’s as if going outside, seeing 5 people and saying " This country is 100% white people "

This is so accurate I felt like crying just because of the brutal honesty. Respect.


But that isn’t the question - neither it’s the question how many dhs are in top 200, but at the very very top, so top 20 or top 30 (11 dhs btw, still 36.6667% which is waaaaay above average). This means that there was already a distribution, or natural selection (they all had to fight to collect rating points).

You somehow try to select everything which is absolutely unnecessary, since the selection in a ranking list has already taken place.

Finally get it!

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It looks like this Kelduril guy RPs being a demon hunter in real life? He is effectively blind to what you write, Venuki, because words are not magic/fel and he can’t see it.


All his excuses about his opinion that dh is underperforming is representation. Literally no other argument since s1.

DHs can see just fine though.

I have statistics, you have " because I say so ".

It’s pretty clear who wins.

Again, that’s not how you make statistics. The number is too low to look at percentages and try to prove something.

Even Top 200 is too small, but I CBA going more than that.

Is your IQ below 50 or something? Even my toaster would have understood it by now.

It’s already preselected. It’s like you make a casting: 5000 people went to the sing casting, but only 20 or 30 go to the live show. If there are now a lot more girls than boys, you can say that more girls obviously sing better than boys.

The only exception in this case is, if a lot more girls went to the casting - but copied on our example, dh is actually just within the average population (in 2s ladder) - which is the ultimative proof, that dh is too good.

So ya, that’s exactly how you make statistic - learn the meaning of preselection (like a ladder, etc.).

Me too, I can’t deal with your stupidity any longer.

Quite frankly not the case. The issues described by op have little to do with design philosophy, and everything to do with (lack of) moderation and tuning. As opposed to what you argue in most of your replies here, classes today have a very distinct feel and different strengths and weaknesses. Never before have we had a class with the mobility of an arcane mage or dh, or the cc utility of a sub rogue. In fact most specs excel at very distinct things to a far greater degree than during most of wows history. Disc priest dmg, lack of healing and mana. Fury warriors uptime, lack of ms and cc. Rsham disruptiveness and tankiness, lack of throughput. Sub rogue endless cc, lack of consistent dmg and ms. Ret insane dmg if uptime with cds, lack of mobility and disruptiveness. Etc

The issue is that certain classes like rdruids and dhs excel at everything. And the little shared utility (or homogenization if you need to call it that) is hardly a problem. Hunter exhilaration is not an issue. Rogue vial is not an issue. Dhs self-healing is an issue - and a MASSIVE one. We’ve reached the 2nd point in wows history where a comp wins every single matchup. Rdruid+dh should beat every single comp there is, assuming opponents of equal skill and gear. Similarly in 3v3 rmd should beat every single comp. Never outside of s5 dk+hpala(+surv in 3v3) was this the case. Even early expansion broken comps like s12 kfc could lose to certain things.

Its not a design philosophy error that makes druid and dh this way. Dhs should be elusive, have high mobility and some self-healing. But they shouldnt be immune to dmg until 60% dampening. They shouldnt have a baked-in 100% dodge on 0 cd as part of st dmg rotation. They shouldnt have a mana burn on 10 sec cd. If mana burn was 30 sec cd, 100% dodge on a separate ability with a gcd and fury cost and self-healing cut in half, dhs would probably be fine. They dont have to choose between utility and no utility when they can simply do the tuning right instead. Same with rdruid. They should be tanky, not immortal. They should rely on hots, not heal more than every other healer in the game with a simple swiftmend–>regrowth.