What happened to balance? :)

I don’t find these strengths / weaknesses distinct at all.
A Rogue lacking consistent damage (dubious) and Mortal Strike (which they had, only because of pruning they don’t) is not a design angle that compares to Rogues not having any self-healing at all.
On a general note, I think most specs in the game have very robust toolkits. What they’re usually lacking is some very specilialized tools - like Mortal Strike.
I think if Blizzard had proceeded down the path of pruning, then we’d have more defined toolkits between specs today.

Well I won’t go into inidividual class balance issues, so I won’t comment on that.

Generally speaking, I merely think a lot of it comes down to classes getting more and more from Blizzard - which is great - without ever getting less of something - which is probably not so great in the long run.

If the concern here is that x, y, and z class are too good because they have too much of everything, well then doctor Jito’s prescription is to get rid of some of it. I would prescribe that for just about every single class there is. But that’s never been popular to suggest amongst the community.

What do you mean by classes getting more and more? My spec is pruned to 5 key :thinking::thinking::thinking:

You have more than 5 keys, don’t be silly.
But regardless, it’s not about the amount of keys, but the mechanical difference between them. You’ll generally have some of everything. Self-healing. Offensive cooldown. Defensive cooldown. Mobility. Group buff / debuff. Etc… And I would argue that most classes have too much of all that, in some areas more than others.

I have a self-heal on arms? :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:. Lets be real, “mechanical” difference between old warrior and present is pretty big. I hope we can agree that warriors lost more than gained.

Yes, you do.

No, we can not agree on that.
Simple example: Warriors used to have Charge and only Charge. Now they have Heroic Leap as well. That’s more mobility.

Your toaster probably understands sample size better than you do.

Maybe, my 50 iq toaster is a lot smarter than you.

Anyways: you have now proven several times that you are neither able to follow the simplest logic suitable for children, nor to put into practice what you have learnt about statistic (presumably in self-study without the corresponding basics).

This disqualifies you for any discussion, especially since everyone here knows how stupidly biased you are about your filthy class.

They used to have shatter, thats minus invulnerability breaker mechanic. They used to have charge stun, thats less cc. They used to have intervine, minus counter play ability to help your bud. Removed taunt from dps, you could tount a pet to get yourself out of cc before it landed. Dbts removed from fury and etc. Remind me what self-heal arms warrior have btw.

The only self-heal you have as arms is dualboxing with a character that can heal

Flame on yourself? :stuck_out_tongue:

Play with a Warlock and get a Healthstone. There is your self heal !


Thats an yikes from me bro

No, it doesn’t. You’re the one who thinks top 20 in a game that has over 20,000 playing ranked arena is relevant.

I agree with that totally, if blizzard pruned classes around strengths and weaknesses it would create much more interesting gameplay especially in 3v3 bracket since every class would bring something unique that the other classes don’t have.

Also, I don’t wanna sound like I’m attacking you for this or something, its all in good spirit, but didn’t you say that you don’t comment on balancing stuff back in the post about whisperer? :smiley:

I did. Hence why I also said earlier:

I don’t mind sharing some general thoughts though, i.e. pros and cons of pruning, design direction, and so on. I usually convey that through terms such as:

Hopefully it comes across the intended way. I don’t crusade against anything specifically, and I’m not going to say anything about what’s overpowered or what needs nerfs. I’ll let you all deal with that. :yum:

Sure sure. I mean, the toolkits of the various classes and specs have changed over the course of the expansions. You’ve had something, then it got removed, then you got something else, then that got removed, then…
The net result though - as it appears to me - is that classes have something of most things today, and they generally have more of something they used to have less of. Self-healing is a good example. That’s something that’s gotten increasingly common with each expansion.

More strengths, fewer weaknesses, so to speak.

It came the intended way, I didn’t read the whole post, just pointed this out since I found the correlation between you saying something in other post and the topic of this post quite funny, didn’t try to put you down or something, just felt like pointing this out :smiley:

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If we look at overall picture yes, but i wont speak about other classes so i can say warrior lost more than gained

Warrior is not the only class out there, you cannot be biased looking at things in a way that you only take one aspect into consideration. You can say that about any other class as well, that they lost more than gained. You have to try to look at things more objectively imo.

Sure, just because you see a class in the Top30 doesn’t mean you know if it’s good/average/bad - but if you see the same class in the Top30 11 times, you can be sure it’s not a coincidence or exception.

You don’t need a doctorate in mathematics or a large database for statistical evaluations. Because stochastics alone says that it is practically impossible with an assumed normal distribution.

If a poker player shuffles the cards and in 30 games goes all-in 11 times with AA in his hand, would you also assume that he was simply lucky, or wouldn’t you rather let shuffle someone else?

Exactly, so please find the power button for your brain and press it, It’s obviously already in hibernation.

As to tanks in PvP:
Why is it so hard to implement a system as the following,
a tank survives longer, but without a healer will always drop to any dps over time due to lack of damage. Yet we have guardians running rampant with S-tier numbers in healing and damage, effectively being a raidboss.