What happened to balance? :)

If you read what jito said classes gained more by time so i dont know what are you on about

Oh, its this thread again, you know this thread has been going nonstop since vanilla, but back then it was the rogues who supposedly had to press only 3 buttons to do everything all other classes could do in a single gcd.
Only thing that changes is the class in question.
Even the arguments are the exact same, my favorite is when people do a list of like 20 abilities with all talents rolled in to one, and then add how it takes 3 buttons to use those 20 abilities.
Like you could make that same bullcrap list with any class, and they have been made, every single class in wow has one made by a butthurt player at some point in wows history and every single one of these threads was filled with piss and vinegar and nothing else.
Its like all classes arent all that difficult to grasp when you break them down, go figure.
You know what changes? You do, learn to play, adapt, you dont rise by tearing others down.
I’m not saying there arent balance issues, or that demon hunters couldnt use some fine tuning, but these same old threads are entirely useless in terms of pointing out what could be done.

Edit: also the idea that one class is super easy and for bad players isnt new either, if you take these threads by face value then every single class falls in to that category, which they do, there isnt a single “hard” class in this game, thats just stupid, try them.

Please refrain from attempted lowblows if you want to be taken seriously.

True, nothing wrong with that.

True also, however that doesn’t mean that one class isn’t better off if compared to another, bringing everything back towards the topic of balance.

True, just pointing out another issue.

True also, however that doesn’t mean that one class isn’t better off if compared to another, bringing everything back towards the topic of balance.

You missed my point, this thread isnt on the topic of balance, its just disguised as one, this topic is about attacking one class that you personally have a problem with. I’m sorry if pointing it out feels like a lowblow, but you taking offense has little to no bearing on the validity of my statement.

Beside the fact that this isn’t even true, why do you write in the PvP arena forum when you actually haven’t even played 100 arena games in your life and you stepped into arena first (and probably last) time back in 2011?

You’re free to feel that way. Yet in the opening post I mentioned several things that I percieve as “off”, for lack of a better work. The discussion below just drifted towards DH, you can’t blame me for that. Several examples have been mentioned.

Could also word that better. If you think it strenghtens your argument, it does not.

I was just trying to point out you saying that warriors lost more than gained might not necessarily be true, and that you can say that about any other class which might not be true either.

It is true so i dont know what are you trying to point out.

And this is where you’re wrong.
Charge + intercept
Charge + leap + intervene (also safeguard was an option in mop with banner if you had No teammate where you needed to charge)
Misinformed and on high horse gj again

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Ah yes, I stand corrected. They used to have Charge AND Intervene. :yum:

Point remains the same though. There’s more today. Heroic Leap. Double Time. Bounding Stride.

That’s the trend for classes in general. The design moves toward having more mobility in the game, not less.

That’s okay. I can always rely on others to point out my errors. Don’t need omniscience when I have such scrutinizing readers. :crazy_face:
Dunno about the horse though. :horse:

Double time vs storm bolt, bounding stride vs def stance lmao. You decide which is better to pick. Blizzard just gave you an illusion that you can “choose”.

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That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that Blizzard have added more mobility to the game over the years. Whether you pick the mobility talents or not on your Arms Warrior is another matter - I speak merely of the game design.

If you go back to Vanilla WoW, or TBC when Arenas were introduced, and then counted up the amount of mobility-oriented talents and abilities in the game, then the total was less than the amount today. The game simply has more now.

And all that was a simple point in response to the OP who asked why classes that used to lack certain things, like self-healing or AoE damage, or whatever, have those things today. The answer is merely that Blizzard have given classes some of the stuff they used to lack, in reponse to player requests, so today there’s generally a broader class design.

This is no true. You were right about mobility. There is more mobility now than before. But there isn’t more of everything AT ALL.

Warrior is a good example. Say we pick TLK or Cata or even MoP and compare everything, and I mean everything, the class had to what it has now, only the mobility side will shine more now that in the past.

This nit-picking is excessive. The point is so simple that you’re not even disagreeing with it. The classes just have more bells and whistles today, because Blizzard have given them more.

I’ll correct the word “everything” to something that’s less definitive.

The lawyer-speak needed here sometimes… :disappointed:

I would (and did!) use Vanilla or TBC as comparison, because that’s the timeline from initial design to current design (whether you want to go with initial WoW design or initial Arena design).
I mean, sure, over the course of all expansions there’s been stuff added, stuff removed, added again, removed again, added, removed…But over the course of the whole timeline the design has moved toward adding to the classes/specs.

He must be from Blizz.
There is a reason why he for years talking as robot trying to explain every wow design points and are patient af.And he even trying more after he lost his green nick name. To blend into crowd better?:slight_smile:

Especially when you have an argument with Whisperer here :smiley:

I was summoned?

Jito is from bliz for sure. Some months ago i made a poll (like a joke) to ban jito from the forums and guess what … mama bliz punished me with a one month ban.

So be careful how u talk to jito or about jito…

Literally anybody could have reported that post and had you banned for it.

Intercept AND Intervene, they were different spells. Warriors in Wotlk and TBC had Charge, Intervene and Intercept. They got Heroic Leap in Cataclysm and later they made Charge share CD with Intercept because of Heroic leap giving warriors too much mobility.
Also, you’re just naming talents that improve your mobility spells. Warriors had that before too, Improved Charge, Juggernaut, Improved Intercept etc.
Warriors also lost their entire core with stances and what not. They’ve been little more than just a flat out damage bot for several expansions now, with little abilities to do playmakers with.

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