What if wotlk succeed more then retail

Oh so they are not just few people with noatalgia? I didnt know that… 3 games? 85% play tbc and 10% som…

My argument was about the “nostalgia” card that keep in the table… its not about nostalgia… its about different game design philosophy!

Who would have thought that 3 games has more players than 1 game i guess the maths is mind boggling to some please say it isnt so.

Please explain to me were you find all your stats because you are now saying 85% play tbc …10% play SoM only leaving 5% on “vanilla” i love factual links to all this data please.

And yes it is nostalgia to some who play them i mean shock horror some people play all 4 games.

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I’m gonna main unholy dk and Retribution Paladin. But mainly The Paladin.

oh thats your excuse right? hahaha you deniers… be patient for wotlk then you will say 4 games hahaha

Classic alone had more than retail! even if there was only TBC would have more than retail… the people who prefer the old wow are just scattered into 3 games, this doesnt mean that if there was only one (classic or tbc or wotlk) that retail would have more population… but if that makes you feel better be my guest I dont wanna break it for you


/10 chars

I won’t give a single … if it ends up bieing more popular, I deem it very unlikely but you never know.
I did all the xpacks in the past, I can’t even bother doing old content for smogs, let alone play it all over again properly :sweat_smile:

That’s a fallacy.
All it would do is make sure people get bored faster and quit faster.
There’s many, many, many people who simple will not raid. No matter what you do.

For a short time. It was a peak. Because people were curious.
That’s all. Nothing special.

When I played wotlk - it was in private server, and a lot of things didn’t work or worked incorrectly. My reasoning to play woltk would be to see “correct” mechanics :slight_smile:
I didn’t play in vanilla/TBC, tried to start playing a bit in both, but couldn’t get past level20, I just hope leveling in woltk will not seem to be to slow :smiley: but as I remember, it was a bit faster.

PvP was a mess in Vanila.
PvP was a mess in TBC
PvP was even more messy in WotLK
PvP is a mess right now.

War never changes?

For you. Literally all the people playing them atm and all the people that will play WoTLK (which will be a lot) will disagree with you and say retail has become an abomination compared to the older expansions. So purely subjective.

Its like you didnt read my post :frowning: :scream: :woman_facepalming:

Good points made! LFR is probably not logged almost at all. Even though i think its completely irrelevant, someone might actually be enjoying it.

I hear your argument about only two paths existing. However, why do people raid in classic? I personally refuse to believe that they do it just to obtain gear. Everyone keeps clearing and they keep going back. Even when they are full bis. I think for some gear is a sufficient reason, but a large amount really enjoys the design of the raid and wants to perform and compete by parsing/speedrunning.

Overall, good points made though.

then I don’t see much changing mostly because it’s different teams working on classic and retail and retail has already proven with SL that they’re stuck in their ways because SL was do or die in the sense of can they make something new and interesting (no they couldn’t they just rehashed the AP and grind systems and called it an expac)

Blizzard has taken the effort to remove spell ranks because they came to the conclusion it wasn’t fun. Modern day? We’ve got conduits on different item levels (and you can’t buy them at class trainers so its basically worse then spell ranks ever were)
Then they removed minor/major glyph systems only to bring around SL legendaries which are literally just glyph effects put on gear with an extremely big treadmill.
My guess is Dragonflight will introduce something that’ll bring back reforging stats except its timegated or put behind a currency you need to farm rares for in the content island patch

I agree, i have no idea how anyone could enjoy LFR. But a lot of people do it.
Either way, we have no way to quantify who does what because of what.
We have very limited data from which we can’t really draw any conclusions.

If you want to find out if your hypothesis is right i’d recommend starting a poll. But give lots of options. Not simply Do you like A: Classic raid or B: Retail raids. Try and get it spread out both on EU and US forums, maybe contact wowhead/mmo-champion, they might just feuture it since the next xpac is on it’s way. You dont want something like that spread only on forums for example, because then an arguement could be made that mostly certain players frequent the forums ect.

Personally i think a poll would quickly show that the problem isn’t really the raid itself. Or all these other things that are blamed on repeat. I think the core issue of wow retail is the reward structure. Which is something i agree with. People want bis gear with the least amount of effort. And no offense to anyone, classic raids aren’t really hard, which is your point in another post i believe. So they might prefer classic raids, not because of the actual raids, but because they prefer the reward structure.

I think classic raids have achieved a nice spot between raid difficulty/reward. The main reason being that 1 difficulty caters to all types of players.

  • The extremely casuals have difficulty progressing.

  • The casuals can casually clear on their own pace once a week.

  • The hardcore can do that on multiple characters every week.

  • The very hardcore can optimize and be competitive by parsing or speedrunning and trying to push performance.

The nice thing is that the very hardcore, which also probably consist of a small % of the classic population, dont have a greater edge on loot/gear than what the casuals do.

Edit. One thing many people also like about classic is the relevance of previous raid tiers too. t5 rewards good and certain BIS pieces still in t6 and a large amount of people are still interested in clearing that content for alts or even their mains.

you have a point there, but that is most important is pure adventure like RPG vibe in open world that classic offers, similar to beginning of every expansion where you go in open world for many reasons (because of content) and you meet other players, you see in vanilla and classic series you had to farm gold to prepare for raiding (same as you do in retail) but catch is that 1 hour of farming in vanilla can be around 100 gold right? approx. and you will spend that gold on consumables like how much hardcore player needs for 1 raid, around 300 gold right? to buy protection potions, flasks, food (if you were a tank 1 piece of food costs around 30g stamina food from chimeras elites - i know cuz i farmed them myself and I could get like 6-7 pieces of meat for 125 gold profit… you see gold meant something, you had to sustain your character every day in order to do content and that is what is important and we don’t have that kind of content in retail, instead of that we have many timegated questlines that they call RPG content, which in my opinion is fine but we need more sustainable content that you can do till end of expansion and have that vibe of importance of your job, most people don’t like to farm today because gold is meaningless as I said…
1 more thing and im done - if we had some kind of protection potion that protects you 100% from one kind of mechanic in raid encounter (like from last boss for example) you would spend a lot of gold on that and it would be meaningful, today idk if consumes buff even 5% of your dmg, where in classic they buffed much more. I as a druid could buy flasks that buffs my spell resistance magic school and with my mark of the wild buff I would reduce spell dmg from shadow bolt for example by 500-600 dmg each, you think I would spend gold if I reduced like 50 dmg only? hell no…

I disagree that hardcore line old raids for your stated reason, at least it’s not the case for me and those i know.

And as to the relevante of older raid gear. That brings us back to my previous point… is the problem the actual raids or the reward structure. I’d say the reward structure, since everything get reset with each patch, and world quests giving normal level loot from last raid tier ect.

Even the few people I know that plays classic instead, one of them had multiple rank 1 parses. He prefers modern raids. But the classic reward structure and classes

This is still very much the case in retail.
It’s the same as in classic, you don’t really need it, but if you want to parse, you do.

People pushing high M+ can easily spend a few 100k gold on consumables a week.

you don’t understand that if you did play 10 hours every day non stop raids in vanilla you would need much more gold then it is now… I am talking 2 hours of farming for 2-3 hours of raiding, which is not same as retail :confused: