What if wotlk succeed more then retail

You didn’t, if you were good you boosted people. Which give you plenty of gold for the least amount of effort.

here is problem, don’t compare m+ at all because that is another topic and I won’t go into it, it is not same as I said.
Rather compare 2h of raiding one day that is x2 flask 550g each, agi potion is around 500 if you manage to kill 6 bosses for 2hours that is like 12 potions so 500 x 12, and food and oil I won’t go into it because it doesn’t cost a lot and it does not make big performance impact, but it is around 10k gold, so that is what, 15min farming in barrens deviate fishing, come on man, you want to compare sustainability vanilla and retail… lol :slight_smile:

Absolutely. Your inability to make gold in classic doesn’t really say much


Idk, if you look at this partition which shows speed clears for BT. Anything under 1 hour 30 minutes is fast and hardcore in my opinion, plenty of guilds are engaging in this activity. Speedrunning has been popular since the beginning of classic, and alot of hardcore guilds have been doing it.

btw you had more gold farming routines in vanilla then you can in retail :confused:

Retail works the same way with Expansions, or not?

Nope, I boosted people… gave plenty of gold.
In retail, I boost people, gives plenty of gold.

You didn’t play Vanilla though, so where are you getting all this from?

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I am talking about open world farming, in retail you can farm tmog which doesn’t pay off good, you can farm some toys in open world which again is not very good to do every day as a routine, and only whats left is professions which I don’t count because vanilla had at least 4 other ways then professions in open world. (you can farm mounts in retail but really that doesn’t pay off to do every day.)
And not to bring hyper farming which is really bad way of open world engagement , it is so anti RPG that it is crazy, looks like asian mmorpgs with action combat, whole culture is based on that type of farming, i dont see anything interesting in it…

He has no idea about vanilla as he didnt play on offical realms until cata and played on TBC pirate realms you are wasting your time on him.


That is clear… and apparently you have to have earned the gold in his extremely narrow definition

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I farmed chimeras meat in feralas in phase 4 and that is how I got prepared for TBC, I was earning 120-140g per hour, and it was good farming spot lol, if mage was boosting for 10g per spot x 5 times per hour = 200g

Not sure I get your maths here but why divide by 3 if there are only 2 tanks per raid?

Where did you get this info from, I only see 20,267 kills on Illidan… lol

I did all content except naxx in vanilla, so I prob know more about vanilla then you do, I lvled 3 chars on horde side, did attunements and all that stuff, so please, by all means, go on poking others, it seems that’s all what you do, complaining about how hard and grindy game is while staying 24/7 on forums, its been 4 days since i joined forums and all 4 days you were on for a whole day every day, doing nothing except poking others… what a life…

If WoTLK succeeds they will likely do what they’ve done with classic and probably do with TBC which is seasons.

No matter how successful WoTLK it will not suddenly revert retail to some similar state of game as it completely gates off a large portion of players.

Why have one money maker when you can have two?

I to did everything in Vanilla only half of naxx tho, my guild was in the top 3 for realm first for MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20 and 40, we just boosted people in MC/BWL/Onyxia… we had plenty of gold…

We done comparing epeen?

The poster you replied to didn’t even play Vanilla, they said themselves the started in Cata.

lol I played vanilla as I played tbc when I started wow first time on pserver, while it was TBC still in retail series, was 2008 year I think, and I ganked people in redridge with my orc hunter, would even make fights with 60 lvls as they would come to help their guildies lvling because of me, you see thing is that most of people played same way as they did back when it was original vanilla, just difference was that we were all skilled and some of us knew game to the core, so everyone was raiding… everything else was same…

You said yourself you started on Cata in another thread, why do you lie?

I even recall a post by you contradicting yourself, the proof is all there!

And this shows how deluded you really are.