Doesn’t really matter, what matters is shift in people’s mentality, a lot of people will realize true potential in mmorpg games and they will stop being competitive freaks, of course there will be some people chasing that dropamine fix and usually they are streamer fans but most of casuals will realize they want something to do in OPEN WORLD that FELT like adventure and not shooter looter boring mechanic…
Wel yea if they release Cata that is.
Or if the new expansion becomes good actually which i doubt with all my heart XD.
That’s not wotlk.
Nah, it will look like that even if they don’t release it.
Wait what ? So you ideal rpg is one where u have to farm a lot ?
Yea and now imagine it with todays mentality, where everyone know whats bis and what not . Combine it with people that played wotlk for 10 years on private and knows everything .
Och and dont forget people that played classic and tbc will be there too, so prepare to fight some dudes in full BT/sunwel gear at begining , and ofc ruined economy as there are people with milions of golds already …
have you ever even played wotlk, all you did was raidlog and maybe do wintergrasp
Yea the game will be shorter because i played wotlk before and know most of the stuff already and then ppl will get bored again and abandon the game yea makes sense.
Devs were right when they said:“You think you do but you dont”
Man every classic is open world adventure, weather you are farming in open world with multiple farming routines or ganking and doing stuff for fun actually for first time in 10 years of retail new design. (I don’t mean farming AOE skinning like korthia because I don’t see how fun is that).
Also one thing I want to mention from RPG perspective, why the hell did they change fishing in wow? Out of 10 times only twice you managed to catch a fish in classic, where in retail out of 10 you caught fish 8 times or even all 10… why did they remove RPG aspects for convenience in every way possible, it just pisses me off because this game is titled as MMORPG.
There’s absolutely nothing to do in wotlk outside of raiding or playing arenas. If I wasn’t raiding I was playing arenas and if I wasn’t playing arenas due to my arena partners not being online or not feeling it, I logged off.
You have a short period of rep farm(CHOOOOOOOOORES) outside of this and that’s it.
Why would those be the lessons learnt?
They could realise that players like lots of zones with lots of quests. Having more than one starting location. Including zones that require flying to get around meaning that flight must be introduced much earlier. Multiple leveling paths.
Or they could just learn that players loved the Argent Jousting dailies quests and give us more vehicle dailies in future. (Poe’s Law requires a )
Well you see I played game differently, I would be out side in open world 80% of time farming and ganking players, although you can do that in retail too it is not the same, because farming changed from skinning mobs 1 by 1 and searching for them in open world to skinning 30 mobs at once with shared loot and skinning mechanic, everything is shared and everything is hyper fast, which is not fun at all, you just can’t relax into it, it pushes you toward fast gameplay where you want to kill more and more and faster and faster…
Then you were inefficient. I was pulling loads of mobs in wotlk when I was skinning and farming meat for cooking.
Yeah, no.
you just can’t tell me that you could kill 30 mobs at once, you just couldn’t… did you saw korthia skinning grps? 4 men would skin 5k leather for 1hour wtf man… In wotlk mobs even werent grouped as they are in korthia, it wasnt same, you might pulled 3 mobs but thats just it.
There are 3 things to do in Wotlk and that is
PVE like farming Emblems of frost and triumphs and Raiding getting 5.2KGS to start doing ICC 10 man normals moving to 10 man heroic on 5.4K GS then on 5.6K gs moving to ICC 25 normal then at 5.8 or 6.0K GS you move to ICC 25 man Heroic and the end.
PVP you grind random bgs to obtain 5.2K GS PVP gear score(possible with offset wrathful gear stuff).Then you would start doing Arenas to get full Relentless and full Wrathful gear and maybe some open world PVP ganking lowbies or low geared players doing their pvp dailies in WIntergrasp.
Rep farm and mount farms:You would do alot of rep farms for buying rep mounts and then you would do them aswel for Enchants that are BIS for you class.
Farm time lost proto drake for 12h that was the thing XD.
Sorry about the paragraphs i have no idea how to seperate them actually.
Ahaha, no. Just no.
But open world felt somewhat different then it is now, just because you could roam and kill players that did stuff out there, you didn’t have only 2 spots to farm leather, you had a lot of spots, and it was that vibe when you stumble on someone in open world and you would kill them, that wilderness was felt, I don’t know how to describe it so you understand…
Then what did you think happened back then im curious cause our experiences were different it seems???.
the begining of shadowlands was good, but then later one, one zone feels too small that it is not fun at all to gank in it… im big open world pvper…
Trust me i understand more then you think i know but thats just nostalgia times for me i grew out of that period and thats just not fun for me anymore to gank and molest a random player doing his proffs just to show how better i am.
I grew out of that Horde E-peen mentality.
Yes but you didnt kill them all you would pull them because you had to escort an Elephant not fight all of em you would die.