Listen mate, as much as retail pugs don’t log, so don’t tbc pugs. So your argument here goes anyways. And what does dead realms have to do with anything? If you were watching everyone is migrating to 2-3 megaservers, for more AH convenience and pugs since you can’t play crossrealm in tbc. Dead realms isn’t due to players quitting, its because players are moving to better servers. The tbc population has remained pretty stable since the release of tier 5.
Also if you want me to start changing topics too, I can also start mentioning how tbc doesn’t have all the accessibility tools such as LFG and cross realm play.
just imagine if there was version of older wow but new expansion and new content, you have to understand that majority of people would want that, therefore these few on forums are not right about any single thing, they just want more convenience I am saying this again, because it is now a compulsion they have.
And btw, i’m not a diehard classic fanboy that’s antiretail. I also play retail and I pray all the time that the game improves. I think the current design of raid in retail is very uninviting, and so is itemization and certain other stuff. I am a big fan of m+ and I occasionally pvp too, even though I would love to see rated solo queue
Alright, there is an LFG tool thats completely irrelevant and comes nowhere near to how useful or good the retail one is. And no, I didn’t lie when I said it. I literally forgot about it. Thats how bad it is
I never actually used it myself. I play on gehennas and I use buletin board only. Maybe its good for dungeons I might try it, even though I don’t really do any as I am full BIS atm
But anyways I wouldn’t mind the retail LFG tool for tbc pugs as LFG/world chat are so cluttered you can barely read them. It would massively help out pug creation
I use it all the time for heroics and I end up whispering someone in LFG chat and getting invited like that, hours can pass and I wouldn’t get invite from LFG tool…
Give it a go it is good one thing i do like about retail is the LFG tool BUT it is such a shame that the player base abuses it as server reps are no longer a thing.
Now if blizzard were to do what they have done for
classic som
classic TBC
and give FCM or merge more realms then we would not need cross realm game player if we had mega server’s but all 3 of the games i have mentioned get prevence for some reason were as retail players are forced to paye.
Do not start me on LFG channel with “leveling boost spam”
People back in the day didn’t really care for their reputation on my server either. Everyone knew who always ruined hunter Rhok’delar quest for other people, who ninjalooted or scammed enchanting mats,
The community was just large enough they did it to someone else and not you next time.
Ulduar will be the last good raid, after that multiple difficulties get introduced.
Ulduar is probably the best raid with its hard modes.
It might not be with all strategies already exposed but it was a very fun to do first time round.