What is DH weakness?

The question here is what did he trinket

Its remind the unanswered question : What does happen when the 2 events horizons come close. In other words : What does happen when i black hold “swallow” another black hole

They merge, the real question is what is going on inside.

Much like we will probably never know what is going on inside a DH players skull, not even reason can escape the ignorance horizon.

Probably saturation.

The higher the prevalence of any FotM tendency, the less gain does the individual stand to accumulate from it.

Salty gamers in this forum will say they have none but there’s a reason it’s the bottom 2 class in 3v3.

For one, poor CC. DHs only have a weak Sap ( untalented ) and stun. Almost every other class has something else, like a blind, fear, root.

People have called Medallion ‘Trinket’ since Vanilla, when it was an actual Trinket.

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agree nerf dh


So DH doesn’t have Mana Rift, 2 stuns, imprison (which is basically a shorter but instant cyclone), Reverse Magic, a range kick, A Pruge and Darkness, ontop of high self healing due to the amount of uptime you get in meta combine with high sustain DPS in single target and cleave situations… please tell me how Demon hunters are weak, there’s a lot of them on ladder at all levels Kelduril, maybe stop being so bias, if you are dying easily in arenas as a DH that’s an L2P issue on your part.


Dampening, stormbolt, SB mortalstrike, kidney, roots, silence… Dunno cant think of anything else. Slows have no effect, since they got freedom and fixed distance mobility.

If you cant beat em, join em. Then again everything is starting to get out of proportions with high corruption resistances… Wish they just shut down corruptions in pvp completely. But that would stop em from gaining more money since mongrels keep buying game time for absurd corruption effects, cough Gushing, cough expedient, cough masterful and etc. Ah ye the mindflay tentacles ticking for 50k’s…


They’re the second least played class in 3v3 above 2.2K rating. Because they’re not good.

And stop listing a class’ spells like it means anything, I can do that with any class and make it look overpowered. The numbers show they’re not good. Else there’d be more of them.

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Imagine thinking demon hunters are not good enough in arena LMAO
they designed this class for the players like you ^^ enjoy it you beautiful person


‘Thinking’ would imply it’s a matter of opinion. Statistics show it’s not.

Hilarious considering Warrior is one of the few classes that’s even easier than DH.

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No Kelduril, you are incorrect, Demon Hunters are strong in each bracket, the point of listing spells was to show how much utility they have with their dmg and survivability and most people don’t play them because they are just plain boring to play, and don’t present a challenge to the player, Trill from Method Orange even quit playing DH because he found it mind numbingly boring to play, the very class he won Blizzcon with, if that doesn’t tell you how boring and easy the class is to play nothing does, you barely have to do anything to win a good 70% of your games on DH, just not fulfilling to play.

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Incorrect. Demon Hunter is the bottom 2 class in 3v3.

You can check Arena mate.

Incorrect, else more people would be at 2.2k rating as DH.

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https ://imgur.com/a/rB6Ribc

Rogues ans destros are more represented than Dhs in both formats.

Nerf them first.

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Oh, Kelduril is back! Now we only need Whisperer (whom I lately saw in GD btw) and Jito to make the thread feel complete.

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Arena forum:


Wait… am I seeing things or do you have trust level 3?!

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Youtube is classified as a trusted source

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Oh… there I thought.