What is DH weakness?

I already told you why the statistic reflect that, just because something has low representation doesn’t mean its a bad class, a lot of people just don’t enjoy playing DH because its as I said, mind numbingly boring and yes, 70% of your games you do nothing but your dps rotation and win, please go and ask the players at the top level of the game if they think DH is bad, I promise you they will tell you otherwise, you going to tell a R1 player hes wrong and you know more about the game than he does?


NuMbErS aRe NuMbErS mAtE

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It does though. Meta classes always have a higher popularity.

In any game.

I already DEBUNKED this argument by pointing out that DH participation in high rated 2v2 is much higher than in 3s. Try another argument.

People at the top will always say their class needs buffs and others need nerfs. They’re people like any other. That’s why we use numbers, which aren’t biased,

I’m going to tell a R1 player that numbers mean more than his opinion.

You legit contradicted yourself by saying meta classes always have high popularity, and that DH has a high representation in 2v2 as an argument to why people don’t play it because its boring, this is why… DH is a meta class in the 2v2 bracket, its not a meta class in the 3v3 bracket, its boring to play and its not a meta in 3v3, that’s why its higher in 2v2, people will play it regardless there because its fotm.

but there’s no use arguing with a deluded idiot hunter, no one will change your mind because you don’t seem to know enough about how PvP works to see what’s wrong with the class.

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It’s crazy indeed. I was in Mechagon near rustbolt and there was a DH on his mount. I used the dismounting thing, when he dropped to the ground he was 30% health. I almost got him to down and he suddenlty healed up fully again. I anticipated him to use his defensives, so i popped my offensive abilities right after. Meanwhile while he was defensive he still managed to get me to 30-40%. As a SV hunter i don’t have alot of defensives apart from a heal and Aspect of the retarded turtle. The point is he didnt’t drop below 80% and killed me. I used everything, even heroism. Same happened in a bg where a DH killed me in 1 stun? Come on I’m not new to PVP, I’m 2.5k experienced in arena and rbg, and I am 1 achiev away from Battlemaster so I have some PVP experience, but what the hell is this? The only thing they complain about is their mobility but are you kidding me? The double jump and endless flying is insane in world pvp. I can’t even kite away or something. They literally ruined pvp again…


There is something wrong with their survivability I swear to God.

À lot of times in 2s when we fight dh and manage to drop their health, suddenly they use darkness (at this moment their healer is afk in cc) and they can’t be touched for no reason.

I remember 1 match this season when dh darkness at less than 10% my healer hexed the heal into my pet stun (more than 10sec cc) and the guy never dies just standing in darkness I got some pets and I used bombers on him but nothing happens and guess what we lost just after that xD

Same with blur sometimes they are just unkillable whith it.

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Why report my use of the f-word with the U censored with a * ? Are people this sensitive these days?

I haven’t played demo so I cannot really help you that well in this case, but have you tried fearing him out of the darkness? Sounds like a good play, in theory.

I couldn’t because I already feared paly and tbh I was 100% sure he died there :confused:

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this is a 1 year old post where i showed kelduril facts and where he was wrong.
to this day he still got the same mind state about dh being weak when truly hes just a bad dh.

Well yes, that’s my whole argument, that they’re not a good class in 3v3.

Actually you just listed the spells the class has. Any class looks OP when you list their abilities. Your lack of ability to make a valid argument does not make me wrong.

Thank you for your input level 20 Orc Warlock

To be honest I think their only weakness is they are a little gear dependent but who isn’t I guess. Fighting a DH with double lash or lash and GW is entirely different to one without. Double lash is just painful.

Having to DR stun cos the DH is doing 30k dps and half of it is lash and GW is also a massive do not want.

Unless you are an absolute beginner in wow you should know what ‘trinket’ means in a pvp setting…


You’ll always have people defending their class, but dude it’s well known that Demon hunters are invincible 1v1. Even in world pvp, and the skill cap is really low. It’s easy to see, so don’t go all into defensive mode, it’s just to make the game more balanced, easy as that. ‘‘valid argument’’, hmm dunno, maybe the thousand posts about this. Maybe if you ask any other class about this they’ll all say DH as most OP class, so shush and be honest.


Go back in the hole u came from


I can’t believe people are actually defending DH’s lol

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what time to be alive huh?

nono i didnt just list the spells the class has, i listed the spells that can change a game. i know any class will see op when listed but not many classes have pvp talents that can CHANGE A GAME FOR THE OTHER TEAM IF PLAYED RIGHT.

you have options to choose to vs certain comps. not many classes have that because most classes have to use pvp talents standardly every game to win while DH has the option to what kind playstyle he wants to use. lets say rogue/priest? if times right YOU CAN RAIN FROM ABOVE IMMUNE KIDNEYS ON YOU. just an example. vs other mana users you can go with mana rift and detainment to drain the mana of a healer easier. play reverse magic if you know your healer is gonna get magic cced alot or send back magic dots to the orginal caster or to dispel druid roots on your self so you have better up time.

you also have better defensivs vs most classes. darkness and can be added with cover of darkness that gives you 50% dodge/avoid incoming damage. Soul rending gives you 20% leech in pvp while in meta and 10% leech outside of meta. basicly a passiv heal if not stunned. Blur gives you 50% dodge and reduce all dmg taken by 35% for 10 sec on 1 min cd. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY CLASSES THAT HAVE A WALL THAT DOES LESS ON A 2 MIN CD BASELINE? and blade dance that gives 100% dodge chance for 1 sec on 9 sec cd or less with haste.

dont forget the mobility you have now and when to use it before the game goes from 0-100 quick if you dont read the game. 2 fel rushed, double jump, fel rush and a disangage leap that gives a slow on the targets you leap from, this can be used to kite or train any class ingame.

btw my argument from 1 year ago made it valid argument. you just cant see it. cant wait til next expansion when xbox controller gets supported and dhs can get gladiator with it. maybe you will have your chance getting 2.4k boosted dh.

im comparing to the classes we have now during this season, shadowlands will be a different experience for sure but atm lets just focus what is going on now.

comparing to other leather classes. they also have a different playstyle but dont forget druids,rogues,monks have different defensivs and offensiv spells but not like dhs in the first place. yes its easy to play those classes but dont forget you still need brain to play some of them right. i seen plenty of rogues/monks/dhs/druids in random bgs or skirm with negativ win rate, 100+ games played and still havnt gotten to 1.4k but they have full hc gear or mythic gear. so only way comparing dh to other leather classes is to know what the class can do when its doing perfect in an arena match. rogues have alot of ccs yes but that is their tool kit to land kills. dh dont need that to land kills. rogues feint, evasion and cloak, 2 of these being a 2 min cd and with vanish to reset or defensivly avoid more dmg.

Monks, they only have 1 spell that isnt a talent to reduce inc dmg, karma. they also have a 8 sec execute that can be countered or reduced dmg. they got good mobility with an teleport they can use but no mobility like a dh. they have a pvp talent that makes fist of fury 90% slow the target infront and parry all attacks. basicly a 2 second wall but as an pvp talent and since its so good its a standard pick. they got self healing since its a hybrid class like the other hybrid classes. they have 2 walls they need to talent into and a magic dispell you need to talent into instead of 1 of the walls. they got 5 sec 1 min cd stun while dh have 2 stuns. they also have ms effect and a root but for dh ms effect isnt need if they can drain mana and win the game faster ATM.

druids, the class have alot of stuff but i dont want to list the specs strong and weak points because it will be too much. but i will say this, most of the melee classes dont have the tool kit dh has for 3-4 pvp talents. most classes lose something important if they need to go something else where dh dont need to change much.

dh is the most rewarding none brain easy playstyle class that can do ANYTHING IN ARENA and win, they only loose if they dont peel for healer and cant play the class right. gear is also important to this factor.

all im saying is dh isnt weak at all. if you say the spec is weak in arena then you are playing it wrong.