Nerf demons hunter blur!

And neither does arms, fury, BM, MM, destro, affli and demo.

But again, stick to a practical situation where it matters (competitive environment), 1v1 is not a viable comparison for determining what mechanics are good and bad.
3v3 arena is where it is at, and in those places you can’t just kite DH and let your DoTs win the game.

Dude, you are the whole time saying senseless crap about demonhunters.
Everyone knows how pathtetic ur spec is, stop defending it and get better.
You should definitely be atleast 2,2k instead of 1,6k. I even cant take you srs.


First of all, take a big step back and check yourself.

Secondly, I don’t even PvP this season. I was a Duelist in my first arena season in 10 years and I’m quite fine with that. Also you play a Warrior, which is more mongo than DH so go back to Step 1.

Then shut ur mouth when you dont PvP this Season, you’re literally argueing against urself. Be atleast a bit smart.

Better run 4 Steps back :wink:

  1. Don’t tell me what to do

  2. Did you F your own face? Do it again. You seem like you could use some.

  3. Me refusing to play doesn’t change the fact that DHs get superior defensives because they have poor healing during enemy defensives due to healing being leech based.

1.Bfa duelist isnt something to be proud of, so dont come here with im a skilled duelist player.

  1. dh is the most disgusting thing ingame, go meta on every eye beam, blur every min, range kick, darkness, has 100% uptime on every class, mana burn, purge, reverse magic, rAiN fRoM aBoVe, prison cc and someother bs spells i dont remember name of.

  2. everything u said about 1v1 dosnt make sense, (ugh dh is the only class that dosnt have self heal) because in arena forums its either 2v2 or 3v3. u have 100% uptime against the classes u said that dosnt have self heal. how can dk get behind pillar and use deathpact (who picks death pact lol) against any class since they have no mobility. no warrior uses second wind in arena, hunter got heals but they got like 2 min cd and bandage spell is for survival.

  3. you been complaing about dh being bad but maybe thought u being bad at it? (ugh there isnt a dh in the top 200 in 2v2 or 3v3) lets see, there are 5-6 dh in 3v3 and in 2v2 there are 9-10 dhs in top 200 but here is the thing, top 200 is mostly dominated by skilled players or broken classes like destro locks/sp and is over 2.6k this season so you cant realy count it as dh being the under dog. so you need to use a global statistics to see the % out of 100% is played by a class then u need to check how many % is in the pvp statistics being played, global statistics for dh is 8.6% and for pvp its 3.5%. source: https: //ww of wargraphs.c om/pvp-stats/classes and https ://ww of wargraphs.c om/global-stats/classes

  4. back to self heal. dh isnt a dueling class if you are not talented for it. they got crazy defensivs because of that and mobility. you cant kite a dh but you can slow him yes but fel rush dosnt get slowed or backflip leap + ranged kick trow glaive. you are blood elf also so you can use the racial to remove magic effects like bop, temporal shield. shaman shield and lot more + with a purge also you have.

so dont come here with this bs with dh being weak or underplayed by some way. dh is fine as they are but they have too much and should lose some spells or new ones for better playstyle so ppl dont make jokes about them.


My dude I’m not reading all of that, but if you’re gonna rating bash me at least post on your main.

should lose some spells or new ones for better playstyle so ppl dont make jokes about them.

Yeah I’m sure the devs care what some neckbeards make jokes about ayy

Let him play his 2 button class and have some fun.
Oh btw you said about warrior LoS the dh and go heal with second wind.

  1. No warrior choose second wind over
    def stance in pvp.
  2. LoS a dh? How? Your class have two
    charges each on 10 seconds cooldown.
    How is this even possible? Especially as
    a warrior. Explain please.

No dk in the world plays with death pact

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That’s irrelevant tho. The option is there.

I’m here just to say to don’t blame DHs for kelduri’s speech, he actually said that DH’s are bad in PvE aswell in the DH forum, he’s not someone who has game knowledge.

According to blur, yes, it can be considered an strong deffensive 35% dmg reduction and 50% dodge chance, but it’s the only decent baseline deffensive without any talent, and the dodge still relies on RNG so if you really got luck on RNG it’s really good, anyways im not sure DH blur works if you attack him from his back, but if you guys think it works we’ll have to trust you.

Still i don’t think DH is op atm in PvP, it’s decent but meh… i just saw tren playing double DH in 3s the other day, 20 minutes game… what an absolute joke, compared to S1 when double DH won the WCA through the mana burn+a bit overtunned dmg.

Blur isn’t a problem actually, but an ability that is fixed in the dps rotation with like a 3 sec cd, that is avoiding everything (!!! even initial karma like he would have a block or bubble) is.

Remove the avoidance of Bladedance and Blur is fine.

Blur giving 360 dodge is bs imo.

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You pretty much just crapped on him with this and his only come backs were “I’m not reading all of that” he definitely did though hahahaha!

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More than you, buddybro, where’s your Ghuun cutting edge? Your max rating in 3s is 2k, mine is 100 above, so you’re worse in that area, too.

I guess you’re proud that you mana burned your way to 2400 in twos, as if that means anything.

It does.

It’s not. It’s just annoying to fight against and bad people always think annoying to fight against = broken. Happens in every game.

I never said we’re bad. I said considering we have 2 specs and one is junk you’d expect Havoc to at least be top tier. Which it is not, it’s a glorified debuff bot. Top guilds would rather take a Shadow Priest instead of a second DH.

Stop strawmanning, you little monkey.

1- I stopped raiding after zuul, so ofc no cutting edge. BTW this is a PVP forum, what’s the point on talking about PvE progress?
2- I don’t enjoy playing 3s so what’s the point on playing it? I reached 2k on legion and then i barely played it out of some times with friends.
3- DH is not op, but it’s not bad either, i don’t see any DH apart from you saying class is bad
4- I reached 2400 through mana burn yah, so what? it was my objective in s1, reach 2400, which was actually the 1st season i really focussed on PvP, and still in the same season u didn’t even reach 2k, so you should not talk about CR.


Battle of Dazar’alor features several fights in which our main forte as DPS ( AoE cleave ) is useless, such as Grong, Champion ( you want most DPS on boss, which is tanked alone, Conclave-- cleave doesn’t matter, as the bosses heal back to full when one dies, Opulence for 75% of the fight, Rastakhan, Mekkatorque you get the point the raid is pretty much ST DPS ).
We’re still solid in M+, though classes like Rogue and Warrior can keep up with me without needing to lose ST DPS by speccing into AoE damage ( I go barrage in M+ which means I lose boss DPS )

I feel it’s the worst melee right now. No slows, questionable at best and situational self-healing, pretty awful in a 1v1 scenario due to other classes having some sort of healing, no burst whatsoever."

If any1 interested on the post to have some fun where i took the mentioned parts i leave it to you

Kelduril, stop bashing other ppl if you cant defend yourself with pvp facts, this is pvp forums, why are you coming here with pve? nobody cares

oh look, i had higher rating than you in 3s by 5 points, guess you are worse in that area too. btw why are u bashing on a dh that reach 2.4k in 2s when u havnt been higher than 1.9k? atleast he can play your class in 2s better than you

Because he claims to have better knowledge and by objective metrics he does not.

I stopped playing 2s once I realised 50% of matches were Assa/Disci.

You said game knowledge. The game includes PvE.

It’s literally the only ladder that matters and has at least a semblance of balancing. This has been the case for years.

Where have I said it’s bad? I said I’m disatisfied that we have 2 specs out of which 1 is trash and 1 is average.

I had 2.1K in 3s, more than you ever did. Good job playing an imbalanced mess no one really cares about.

This logic is stupid it’s like saying not only rogues can stealth ”literally all nelfs can they have shadowmeld” kind of stupid post.

Dks running behind pillar to heal with death pact, wat?

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