What is the point of having hybrid classes

You’re not the main tank, Noflame, Oakenshield or Machcia are…

Edit - Bring on TBC, where specs that are actually fun to play, are actually viable.

No shaman tanks dungeons though. It’s just not viable, not even close.

TBC is just so much bettter in every way than Classic.

I tank dungeons. I tanked dungeons in 2004-2006 including UBRS. The only places it is not possible for Shaman to tank is the content designed by Jeff Kaplan(MC and Onyxia) onwards.

TBC is an improvement if you agree with Kaplan and Pardo’s desire to turn WoW completely into Everquest. Vanilla though was WoW as it was meant to be for 95% of the time and hybrid classes had a purpose as hybrids.

You don’t have a purpose as hybrids though… You’re a healer or you’re useless.

That’s not a hybrid, bro.

I find them fun to play.
Take the druid, you can change forms as you see fit, heal yourself instead of relying on first aid or food. You can adapt while questing, whether you’re teaming up with a priest or a warrior.

Raiding isn’t all that matters. In fact, the majority cannot raid, either because they’re less skilled, don’t have the time, so they aren’t accepted anyway.

Even in a five man, having a druid and a priest can save scenarios that are otherwise problematic, by throwing a few off-heals.

Retail is what you get when you strip utility in favor of equality. (Because, a 2nd player of the same class is useless, unless taken to the other extreme, each class has several exclusive buffs, like the paladin used to.)

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If a tank goes down because of a bad-pull, hybrids are the preferred stand-ins over anyone else. If a healer is lost or goes oom, hybrids can fill in. Hybrids in the pre-expansion days filled exactly this role, of being versatile and adaptable, in all content except that which was never originally meant to be in the game: the Kaplan-designed raids with their enforced narrow standards of class roles.

Stop trying to force the logic of Legacy of Steel Everquest extremism like Rob Pardo and Jeff Kaplan loved and made WoW all about from 2007 onwards, it does not fit for the vast majority of content in vanilla or Classic WoW.

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Raid 2 main tank brother, check your facts please. We have 2 raiding groups in our guild. Machia is fury btw.

U only get rejected in tryhard guilds. Play in casual guild with friends. And thats the end of this non issue.

I play Druid and paladin from classic to retail. Why? Because I can do other stuff. Some classes can’t at all. I’d rather do everything ok than one thing amazingly. This is the hybrid mentality. Is it the best? No. Who cares? It still gets bosses down

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To be able to play different styles with the same class on different scenarios and have fun playing the game.

You’re not a min-maxer, otherwise you would have picked a min-max class/spec, so don’t get influenced by what you heard somewhere by some random min-maxer jackass.

Just play what you like and have fun.


Istarted with a mage now i leveld a paladin all the way up to 60 and I honestly like it way more.

Who are you to call Blizz devs clueless in teh beg of WOW?
just WOW, these classes are viable , they are not “best” or “meta” as you would have call them, but ppl wants to clear MC 10,20,30min faster then other grps thats where you ppl got this mentality from.
I’m proud Bala , raiding and yes some younger guildies tried to convince me to heal, since they are retail players and running MC/ONyx in 2hrs.
But after all im in WLOGS where i should be in the middle , mediocre DPS , even lower heal and good utility , so i think we happy now.
Obviously i will only decurse or heal on Shazrah but on Gedeon i can fully DPS and be even in top 10 etc…

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Klax is MT in one.
Noflame is MT in the other.

Where exactly are you the main tank in both of these awful raid groups?

Go ask him yourself buddy. Actually go ask anyone in raid 2. Who was main tanking in the past 3 resets? Also, I played with the first group for one reset and when the second group was formed i was the only geared tank and Klax wasnt 60 at that time. Tell me how will he main tank? What are you trying to prove by saying i am not the main tank? I dont understand whats your problem honestly so once again go check your facts before replying.

Game aint done.
Drama ower!
Roll another spec

Raiding isn’t everything.

I’m having an absolute crapton of fun as a hybrid spec.

  • “Looking for group, any role”. Get invited in a heartbeat. Easy. Tired of babysitting or being bored as X role? Just switch to something more fun.
  • Tank/healer died? Take over their role in an instant so that you can survive!
  • Lost the roll on the item you wanted? Stealth in and solo kill the boss for it. Hard fight? Duo it, switch between being the tank and the healer/dps.
  • Gankers? Hide. Spotted? Run. Hurt? Heal. Survived? Go back for revenge on your own terms.
  • PvP? Always be useful. Heal when it helps. Ambush people when it hurts. Ranged attacks when they’re cautious. You’re not a rogue sitting on the sidelines going “if I engage that big group they’ll kill me in 0.1 seconds” or holy priest going “if I don’t find a group to fight with me I’m dead”.

The benefits of hybrid specs are just not paired well with the requirements of the raiding scene, and if a hybrid spec would outperform pure classes then the question on this forum would instead by “why play as X pure class?”.

I’m gonna have to see if I want to go through the effort of playing as DPS (farm MCPs forever) or tank (don’t think Im dedicated/have time enough to want to be geared up as a raid tank), but I knew that going in and as I found DPSing to be so boring and easy I’m probably most excited about going in as a healer tbh.

Unless they’ve fixed it by now I think there’s been talk about how for example the “Leader of the Pack” buff is broken for feral druids at the moment, it might be a contributing factor.


The point is flavour of choice

Every class has only one efficient spec for raiding and hybrid classes should not be exceptions. They already have enjoyed an easy leveling and the freedom of choice for almost any role in leveling dungeons. Why would anyone play a rogue or mage if cat form druids and elemental shamans could take their spots in raids as dps and also serve as offtanks and -healers?

Oh, awful raid group are they?

Tell you what mate. Post on an account with GM and wins against Maru in starcraft 2. At that point you get to swing an e peen around, because in order to do that, you actually have to be very very good at gaming.

This is an EASY game. I am playing it with my fiance and she picked it up in about 3 hours on the hardest class for newbies to play.

No one playing classic gets to denigrate anyone else.

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well said.

Just wondering what class did she pick?