What is the point of having hybrid classes

You cant judge the hybrid classes based on Vanilla.

Keep in Mind that Vanilla was unfinished. It was like an Early Access to WoW.

The paladin for example had three hasty thrown together Skilltrees, which were kinda reworked later to not suck as much as thes did but still were ways of being good.
Hell, Paladins could basically spend their points as they wanted, because no talent other than Illumination really mattered.

Come TBC, with the team having the time to actually finish the games as they wanted it to be, suddendly the hybrid classes could do everything very well.
Paladins still had a bit of a Problem tanking long Battles, but other than that, everyone was golden.

The point of Hybrid classes is that they can fit every role, and come TBC they did.

Druid. Three competing resource mechanisms makes it the hardest to do. She doesnt like tanking but dps and healing is fine :slight_smile:

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Plus a few of the devs hating hybrid classes from previous games, and specifically not wanting them to be competitive.

Thats just Bullsh*tā€¦

Read what means ā€œsupportā€
Support class support team in team gameplay.
Example could be League of legends.
5 players in team- 1 tanky, 3 dpslike,1 support. Team = together everyone achieve more.
Donā€™t like support your team,donā€™t pick hybrid class.

Well eventually you do, because as I have found over the years, this party ends when you start wiping or spend unnecessary time in the evenings.

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Read what I wrote, not what you imagined I wrote, numbnuts.

Well, it could be like in TBC where a single hybrid in a group can enhance the whole group with a return on par with a pure DPS, but thereā€™s no point in bringing more than one per group

Try readin up on Kaplanā€™s (Tigole) and Afrasiabiā€™s (Furor) attitude towards hybrids in EQ. Not exactly a secret.

All I can say is that hbrids were more often than not, totaly fine.

I was able to do every role as a Druid in TBC and WotLK, and in Legion too.
And as far as i see from the forum, Druids seem to be dominant in PvP right now exactly because of their hybrid status.

So other than an unfinished product like vanilla, what are your examples for Hybrid classes getting hated on (more than other classes) in WoW?

Hybrid classes is the BIGGEST myth of vanilla, they do not exist. If a class can heal, then it is a healer.

Yeah, they eventually were fine. And even more fleshed out in TBC.
But thereā€™s no denying that some classes were hastily slapped together or simply neglected for a long time in Vanilla. Hybrids being chief among the latter. Calling Vanilla ā€œbeta WoWā€ doesnā€™t change that.

Stop playing classic then, we all knew how the specs etc. are going to work. You knew it, I knew it and we chose to play classic despite of that. You cant expect them to change the game just to suit you and your opinion of what classic should be.

Well, yeah, most classes had like one, if they were lucky two specs that were viable in Vanilla.

But you specificly spoke of hatred against Hybrid classes, and I would like an example for that.

Feral tanks are absolutely legit, and are actually optimal on quite a few fights such as Vael, Jindo, Thaddius, Patchwerk and basically whenever you need high TPS

If you didnā€™t play in Vanilla or canā€™t remember it, Iā€™m not gonna go through the patch notes for you. You know where to find them.
And if you mean examples of the devs who didnā€™t like hybrid classes, Iā€™ve already directed you to two examples.

false, we have a feral dps druid, 2 enhance shamans and even a dagger rogue and a shadow priest, if the guild wants min max (witch there is no need in classic) then they will try push you to a more optimal spec but most wont care

Yup, it already is like that - one feral for 3% melee crit, one moonkin for 3% spell crit, one shadow priest for shadow weaving and so on - which is why I mentioned thereā€™s a bug with Leader of the Pack at the moment which might contribute to why ferals are currently a bit problematic.

OP, you clearly need to L2P. Hybrid specs are fantastic tbh.

The problem is that, right now, the damage difference between, say, a Moonkin and a mage is so big that the 3% spell crit is not nearly enough.

Things get better in TBC because the aura gets buffed to 5% and the damage gap between boomkins and pure dpsers is reduced considerably