What is the point of the Glamora selling PVP Elite Ensembles?

Exactly. So why would players play, if you could just do KSM once every expansion but gell all rewards from previous seasons and expansions all in one go? That is my point.

Opening up retrospectively, trivializes the whole thing, and would just mean a part of the player base that do play for the rewards would simply just lose interest.

what happens if you actually give me a reason to dedicate myself for an achievable reward?
how about we incentives longevity.
we have great examples lets look at pvp 100 wins over 1000cr gives you the current season vicious mount,100 more and you just unlock yourself a vicious saddle that can be used on a older vicious mount from previous seasons.
why not implement the same system for old elite sets?
You don’t have to make it free

more rewards are never bad.
btw you know what makes me lose interest? lack of balancing, lack of inflation etc

same goes for mplus allow me to work towards unobtainable stuff (mage tower, challenge mode rewards etc
i got to 2100cr i was rewarded a ugly cloak?!
ps: try adding recolor gladiator mounts as a reward for masses see what happens to pvp participation.

You mean the saddle everyone has a billion of in their bags and are completely useless?

You know what would happen to me if it became a vicious saddle system? I wouldn’t touch the game mode. Why would I bother trying to learn and improve towards something if I can just swoop in and get rewards in one go?

And now imagine lack of rewards
 No one would touch the game mode
 Making unobtainable things optainable is like pissing your pants to get warmer
 Helps for a few seconds and then we are back

But why? We have the seasonal PVP mount for that
 Why not encourage people to learn the game mode and work for it? Why does everything need to be a handout? Of course participation would increase, but it would be just like plunderstorm
 Forums would be flooded with complaints

We have rewards for people that just want casual stuff, and we have people that want to push higher, and that is okay isn’t it?

I still don’t understand how we can look at a game mode, all agree that gladiator was harder back then and then still go “yeah I should be able to get the same reward now as back then”
 Don’t you see how much it would actually diminish rewards?

And I ask again
 Why not then just give everyone all rewards? Why time gate it with such easy thresholds like vicious saddle that just becomes mundane?

See this is exactly my point evrytime i have this talk it falls in mute ears.
Who said anything about hand outs?
If you have to put in work to get it its not a hand out bud.
Trading post is a hand out.
Lets see if i understand lets make the rewards as exclusive as possible ,that will for sure retain players in the ladder.
Remove quality of life or any sort of engagement boost system.
Perhaps keep inflation as low as possible for 90 percent of the season.
Make so the highest rated players can barely get glad after 2months of a season.
Im sure this is the recipe to cook.

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Bit contradictory isn’t it?.. You get tenders by doing stuff

And retrospectively opening seasonal sets would be “hand outs”
 What is the difference between vicious saddles and Trading post?

“Do X activity get reward”
 yet one of them you call “earning” and the other you call “hand out”
 Pretty odd to me

Nowhere did I say that. But your solution is “People will play if they get previous sets”
 and they won’t. They will stop right after getting the reward they wanted.

Worse off, it will artificially decrease participation in the beginning and artificially increase at the end, because people will just farm out stuff when it’s easier to climb.

Like it’s honestly so weird to me that you can speak of “earning” stuff, yet you are willingly accepting people not participating in a given season yet be able to get the reward later
 That’s wild.

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Dont take this the wrong way but i think you are either out of touch or delusional the fact you compared “doing stuff” trading post with pvp is insane to me.
We currently have a faulty system with 0 consistency if im at 2200 now at the same point next season ill be hardstuck 1600 my point being you are rewarded for playing in a bad season i guess ( i dont see that as prestige) i call it chicken and ball torture.
People will play when its rewarding and fulfilling. i think that’s quite easy to grasp, no?
Im sorry but what makes people stop playing its r1 being gladiator lvl
Also you are basing evrything on assumptions, you assume people will stop playing.
I stop playing when it feels unrewarding like most.

Nah I just think its contradictory that just because the content you do for trading post is “easier” to you, you call it “hand out” but when its literally just winning games above 1k CR you call it “earning” that is wild
 At least be consistent in your view. (Big hint
 You get tenders by doing PVP too
 the same freaking thing xD )

 So why would anyone play when its hard to climb? Exactly they wouldn’t
 They would just wait it out and get ALL the expansion rewards when its super easy
 Like I really don’t get how you can see me write:

“People wouldn’t play unless there is a reward tied to it” and then disagree with me only to go:

[quote=“Worldwiynd-ravencrest, post:67, topic:546656”]
People will play when its rewarding and fulfilling
[/quote] xD

What do people do when they have nothing to go for? They stop
 Like come on my guy

Ah because you’re basing it off of facts? xD If so please do reveal those
 Sorry but that was a bit laughable trying to undermine my comments with “you’re just assuming” as if you have facts to back up your claim like its been tested xD

And of course fires the good old anecdotal evidence to back your claim:

I think this says enough
 Think we’re done here mate :joy:

No one did, and equating earning something through gameplay to charity is moronic at best and disingenuous at worse.

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I think there should be a period of exclusivity for PvP sets before they’re unlocked and made available to everybody. It’s another way to encourage engagement with PvP outside of ranked PvP and it’s ‘fair’ in the sense that many sets in the game are exclusive to high end raiding and only become available to the average player when the ability to solo the raid comes into play.

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When does the ahead of the curve rewards become available after the time limit has been exceeded? Or Keystone Master?

Why is it fair, that those rewards are unobtainable? PVP players have to go into mid tier PVE to get those rewards, but suddenly because its rated PVP and people don’t want to play it, they want the seasonal reward to become a non-rated or non-seasonal reward?

Doubt anyone cares half as much about a couple of achievements as they do transmogs. Getting some transmog-unlocking PvP rank is just a means to an end in this context, not a reward in itself.

I think that’s a fair compromise.


So let me see if i understand give more reward options = less active players??
Dude you are so fried

I dont need to give you my sources they are quite easy to find search the number of active players now vs sl s2 (notorious inflated).
Why should i play at the start when i can get the same rewards easier on the final week?
Exactly system sucks
Fix the system add some season long achievable grinds to it besides random ± numbers and you got yourself a nice formula.
Let achievements untouched,allow cosmetics to be earned!!

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If you’re spending time acquiring something - be it in PvE or PvP - in this game, it should be because you genuinely want it rather than because you want to show it off.

There’s numerous things in this game that were once very difficult to obtain and they have since been made easier to acquire through various methods. It’s the nature of a game - especially one that is twenty years old.

The ‘exclusivity’ comes from the period where it is difficult to obtain. Then when that era passes, it should be fair game. Again, whether it’s PvE or PvP.


You do know both those things reward a mount right? Hence why I didn’t mention cutting edge. And we both know people care a lot about mounts.

Clearly didn’t understand
 But I don’t blame ya. Your logic has been flawed the whole time, calling Trading Post handout but vicious saddle “earning”
 But nice calling me fried, guess you ran out of arguments

In a debate you actually do
 Let me rephrase
 A debate on a higher level
 The burden of evidence is on YOU
 You made the claim, and then going “You can go find the info yourself” is just laughable

And now change “final week” to “Final season”
 You see what you literally just did there
 You proved me right
 Everyone will just wait till LAST season to earn all previous season rewards in 1 go

I hope you can actually see it now, I can’t really hold your hand any longer

No thanks. Would quiet literally ruin what is left of the scene. Just put in the time to EARN your rewards instead of asking blizzard to give it to you easier.

Alternatively, do it like the saddles. Hit the high enough rating and get a token which lets you pick your desired outfit from any season.

Should be like this for aotc and m+ master as well.


 Therefor the people that want the PVP sets, the KSM mount, ahead of the curve mount etc. should go and EARN it
 They shouldn’t just want it to be released in non-rated scenarios to get
 We have SO many cosmetics in this game
 Why should the seasonal rewards suddenly be changed to a non-rated mark of honor farm?

Like holy damn, its so crazy to me, that they have changed the CR required to obtain it SO much, yet people who barely puts in time in PVP, and almost refuse to play rated pvp is screaming for elite sets to be put into random BG or given out retrospectively
 It’s a game, almost all games have stuff that you earn if you put in the time for it
 We shouldn’t nerf things that literally is an effort = reward structure

I repeat
 RNG drops are bad, because they are, RNG
 Takes no effort and is just time gating for the sake of time gating
 But I want to have goals at the start of the season, and so do a lot of people
 We see people stop playing M+ after KSM because they get the mount
 Now if we start removing those rewards people will simply stop or wait till a later time to achieve and wuuuf everyone in que waiting

If you can’t earn the elite set, put in the time to learn how to PVP and get it
 If not, then maybe just accept that PVP sets aren’t meant for you? Just like some PVP’ers don’t have ahead of the curve mounts because they don’t want to raid or can’t

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This would literally be vicious saddle 2.0
 People will unlock all rewards in 1 season and then just quit
 If you play PVP regularly you would have a ton of vicious saddles in your bags that are useless because of how easy they are to obtain.

Big no thanks.

They have the means to limit stuff to once per season per account.

Or once per class per season per account. Preventing farming everything in one season.

There is no way, once the gates have been opened, that people won’t complain about it until they lift it
 We saw it with the anniversary event
 Blizzard literally made it so people would slowly get rewards as they went until the end, and people complained that they couldn’t farm it faster and now they nerfed it to the ground so hard people can non-stop farm Bronze

Why instead of nerfing everything, we just accept that we aren’t meant to have everything in the world? If people really want the PVP elite sets, why not encourage people to learn PVP and earn it in the relevant season?
Why trivialize seasons so much, having some classes just wait out until they are buffed / broken and farming sets instead of participating?

I don’t get the feeling of entitlement, that you (general) want the ability to literally sit out an entire season and just jump back in and get rewards from previous times that you just skipped