So…i’m struggling a bit here. I’ve resorted to just leveling the last couple of months as 120 feels like the game’s end, as in there’s nothing worthwhile to do.
I’ve done BoD heroic with my guild completely and normal of the new raid…but aside from that it truely feels like there is Nothing to do. With azerite becoming effectively white noise and gear from world quests, dungeons and emissaries being so insanely RNG based i don’t feel like doing them at all anymore since i just have to rely on the RNG-ods wether i get an upgrade or not. Likewise, mythic+ feels like an impossible task with random people. A clear goal is really missing in the game right now, for me at least.
I don’t like pet battles, i have no interest in farming old raids for any purpose and i don’t think there’s any value in leveling up proffesions. I guess that put’s me at a disadvantage for sure, but i’ve recently tried pvp again…and as always, it frustrates and angers the heck out of me…and the rewards aren’t even worth it, with underleveled gear, low amounts of gold/whitenoise…
I need a clear goal of something in wow to strive towards, to work my way up towards…help? 
You can try PvP.
Clear some MM+ to gear up even more and prepare for EP.
Then don’t play them with random people. Form a static group and start pushing keys.
I did try some pvp but the horde pvp queu is 30 minutes and when i do get in, i usually get zerged. I feel like warlocks are very weak in pvp :(.
Also…who’d ever accept a dps without 400+ ilvl for Mythic+? i can’t find anymore for sure. I don’t know why people assume forming groups that frequent certain content or finding friends to play with is so easy, it truely baffles me…for a select minority this might be a piece of cake but definitely not for me. :x
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By Pvp i meant RPVP
Rated arenas or RBGS.
Wait, how are you 370 ilvl with Heroic cleared ?
Oh you didn’t cleared Normal & Heroic on that toon, well here is a goal.
I’m on AD so there are next to no guilds and i’m not about to do it with random people Dx
Pvp is so damn frustrating and i doubt i can ever find any rated pvp content groups. That’s only for the top 1%.
also, thanks for the suggestions.
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Welp if you refuse to gear up in raid with pugs i can’t really suggest anything friend.
Its less about refuse, and more about groups prefering the 410 ilvl warrior over the 370 warlock (that has to rely on things titanforging to gear up.)
Grouping with only randoms has Never been a good experience and feels more frustrating than fun. To me, things to chase like legendaries, like the class story quests, like gearing up through argus token things…were things to do and keep busy, i feel like BFA has none of these things… 
So YOU dont want to do what’s available.
It’s quite simple., if there’s nothing you want to do then quit until the next patch.
You dont need to constantly play WoW - breaks are allowed.
Was waiting for a comment like that to pop up…as it inevitably does every time.
Can you tell me what there is to do that isn’t Endlessly farming a small number of azerite? or doesn’t involve the impossible task of grouping up with random people?
All in all, i just want wow to be fun, like everyone else (i assume).
I love the warcraft universe, the lore and playing in the world. I want to have fun in this setting…but something keeps me from that and i don’t know what.
Maybe becuase it’s true!
So only level it to the stage you need.
No one forces you to group with ‘random people.’ If you want to do stuff with people then join a Guild or a Community.
As I said in the previous post it’s you excluding yourself from content.
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If content is not entertaining, you suggest forcing myself through it like it is a job?
Because that’s what you’re saying. 
I remember being able to do stuff like PVP for useful gear, like being able to group up and do dungeons without the stress and annoyance of timed dungeons.
The reason i “exclude myself from content” is because i don’t like it. I don’t like Mythic+, never have. The time trial aspect feels stressful and unfun but i can stomach it, the part which i can’t is failing endlessly in a mythic+ with random people and the group falling apart after a singular wipe. I can’t put up with that crap anymore.
Also, someone’s linked the calm keystones thing to me before but it says its not available anymore. So i can’t do that.
I haven’t laughed this hard for a while. Good one dude.
I don’t want to say warlock is good in pvp. But let’s put it this way. Without the broken pve items for meele, warlock would be the strongest class in the game. Now it’s only T1
Push keys, aim for the +15 in time for every dung achieve. Will make it 10x easier to gear up in 8.2 with that raider io. It’s a fun challenge, and everyone gets loot at 15 in time, so win win.
Nothing, you should send me all your gold. Thanks
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I wish i could, but i lack the itemlevel to be invited to groups.
Ughh……Gearscore 2.0. 
And the highest i’ve done is +12…and that’s nails. Was fun to try but it took us like 2 hours to complete, not keen on doing That again. xD
So join a community like the one I listed and start that way?
Here, if you want. I got a rogue on horde. If you link your btag I can show you one or two things in pvp and maybe you like it