What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

The significance of the male presense is in how they decided to write them out of the story so that a female could take the mantle or stand in the limelight. If we carry on at this pace the entire cast of heros will be female in a female lead world with female antagonists, surrounded by incompetent weak men and love “props” like Turalyon, while all the rest of the males will have made a noble sacrifice, before appointing a new female to take their place shortly before they die…

And maybe I’m wrong and Anduin will stop being the sidekick, and stop being pathetic as he gets dragged along by Faerin the mary sue with her infinite confidence and fearlessness, and maybe Anduin will step up and be a man, but somehow I doubt it.

This is what I think is going to happen. Anduin marries Faerin and she takes on a greater role as a leader of the Alliance.

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I can’t swear my hands on fire because I did not look further into in once it was somewhat clarified.

But I thought Algeria is really not that “modern audience” to allow a T athlete.
So I don’t know.

Okay even so, – what do you think that does to the body, especially when since birth?

That’s a ridiculously huge advantage over a regular woman. :joy:

But let’s not get into what she was or if she should’ve been there it’s far offtopic xD

That’s pretty much all I’m trying to say. I’m all for cool female knights/warriors, Joan is one of my heroes for sure, but when talking on this topic people need to stay very grounded and close to reality regarding peoples actual abilities.

Joan for example is so amazing because everything was against her as a woman on the battlefield, and she did what she could to rise above it.

As successful as she was she also most likely knew all too well that her place was as a commander, and not first-in-row in a shield wall or charging head-first into combat alongside the men.

This is actually why I loathe the way that Blizzard writes their female protagonists; They try to make them look “powerful” in the same way and for the same reasons that men are, but that simply does not work for women.

correct. having a transgender fighter representing or even being alive in Algeria is South Park levels of stupid - like having a surfer from Mongolia who only competes at home

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side note though she was known to actually do that because raising her banner was incredible for morale.

…but that doesn’t mean that it was smart… physically… xD

Again. Where does the gender matter in the story ?


A story has to be somewhat grounded in reality to be immersive and believable.

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The lack of strong male presence in a story about War is highly unrealistic, especially when a strong cast of male characters has already been established in the game, and in order to create the story they have written in multiple scenarios where these male characters appear and then are sidelined in one way or another, one after another.

And in their place, a female is positioned. It’s so blatant. Nobody thought it was bad that Sylvanas had a strong role, she was built up over a long period and had a progressive rise and fall, on screen. Nobody complained about Jaina because it was organic, same with all the strong female characters of the past.

This isn’t organic, it’s hamfisted, and it happens over and over, to setup new female placements.


Yeah no the fight is not fair… At all.
The girl is basically more of a man than 50% of the dudes in this forum.

But as OT as it is, she was born with an advantage, just like Michael Phelps body produces less lactic acid than a “normal man”, it’s literally 50/50.

The only issue is that she is fighting against other woman who even as a fighter, can break easily.

It’s wrong to let her compete and it’s wrong to not let her. :rofl:

I don’t doubt it. He’s obviously being prepped for something big.

I’m curious what they’ll do with Faerin. Maybe she’ll be a love interest for Anduin.
Maybe she’ll be an antagonist at some point (although I don’t think that will happen), when the Arathi emperor is introduced to the story.

The thing is; they’ve chosen this cast of characters so far for this part of the story.
And you’re not going to be able to change that.

Maybe for the next patches, we’ll have different characters to focus on, at least partially. Depending on where the story takes us. Definitely the next expansion it would make sense to have some different characters take center stage if things do indeed largely play out in Quel’thalas.

I’d be fine with that. I like her.
But; I don’t think she’d be ‘the leader’, more like ‘leading the fight against the emperor’.
When the light becomes more of a threat.

But we might very well be speaking post World Soul Saga here.

Mmm alright then, point out 1 part in TWWs story where then being female or male is a big deal.

I forgot we have flying dragon people irl.

Uhuh… but that didnt answer my question, point out 1 part in TWWs story where it was made a big deal about a character being male/female.

The depiction of a flying city is highly unrealistic.
The depiction of talking cows, pandas and foxes is highly unrealistic.
Shall I continue?

But not only that: It’s your idea of a strong male presence.
In my opinion there are several strong male characters in TWW.

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It’s dangerous for the other competitors to let her.

That alone should’ve made them not let her.

Quite simple really, but logic and reason has long since left this world.

Thing is:

You wouldn’t say that if that was about men.

It’s not believable that almost every single position of leadership that’s relevant is occupied by women in a world that is very heavy on physical combat.

I’ll buy 50/50 for diversity sake (since that’s what people are all about now).

I don’t buy 85% women, 15% men.

The dragon people are able to fly because they kept the setting realistic so that flying is possible AT all.

Hope this helps.

Because men are born with a far higher testosterone level and women are not?


There are ‘genetic freaks’ among men.
Guys who could absolutely tear apart another guy.

But that’s fine, right?
Just not let a woman do that?


Yeah but we don’t want to see woman getting hurt tho…
Man smashing each other is fine, woman is hard to watch imho.

We are the real feminist in here lol

That’s why we have weight classes…???


How is that the same thing as having one woman that has had testosterone intake since birth compete with women that never have?

Explain that to me.

It may be so but that’s still not what I asked for, in what part of TWWs story is the gender of the character made a big deal ?

You… still missed the part about dragon people.

Im not sure if i should be amazed or baffled.

Women should be able to fight if they want to. We don’t need you to protect us from us. Have you watched women MMA? They are often more vicious than the males because they know they have something to prove to be recognized for their merits and not their gender.