What is up with the feminism and false inclusivity already?

You can continue but you’re not being logical, the flying magical city and humanoid animals like tauren are established just as the strong male presence and brutality of the story was established.

This is a new direction, a deliberate one, and it’s blatant and crude. What made Warcraft was strong characters like Grom, Thrall, Arthas, Illidan, Cairne, Vol’jin. We have nothing like that now, while back then we had both strong male and well written strong female characters, Tyrande, Jaina, Maiev, Sylvanas.

Now they just retire male characters and replace them with female standins that have the depth of a puddle.

I’m not just talking about weight.

There’s other physical and/or hormonal abnormalities that males can have that give them an edge over other males.

But those aren’t discussed. Then you’re just ‘big and strong’.

Funny how that works, huh?

Anyway… I really have to go to bed now.

And cool.

Yes we do.

Anyway, I’m off.

Where? Name me one that isn’t either completely left out of the story or plays a cameo like Thrall?

That is the answer to that question. THAT is why it’s a big deal. It’s not believable for 85% of characters to be women.

You’re trying to bait me into naming one specific situation in where gender matters, but that’s literally not what I’m talking about at all.

I’m talking about the over-all big picture.

I didn’t miss that at all. That’s the fantasy part? Does not everything in the game still take place in a world that’s LIKE the real world, that’s grounded in reality so that we can make sense of it?

What do you think muscles add??? You think those things weigh nothing?

Yes, but none as grand as the difference between one woman that has essentially been doping since birth and a natural woman that has not.

Entirely different scenarios.

If you’re that much bigger and stronger then you weigh more, hence weight classes…

How do you not understand this…

Sure fight all you want, I’m not interested in watching it xD
But if a man suddenly shaves and get’s into the ring to beat the living hell out of you, there is where I have a problem.

But lately to be honest, I’m starting not to care about that too, your life your choice, you want to fight against a man? Be my guest, I am not the one stitching you up.

More culture wars, o the joy… no escape.

Another one? This is getting old.

At this point, its better to just tell them ‘Shut up and play the game, or go get your kicks somewhere else.’

You can’t bring up stuff like this on this forum. It is heavily censored. You may want to give your feedback on a site that values free speech.

Plus we’re getting sick and tired of these kinds of topics every day.

And we are getting tired of this propaganda, yet here we are.


Fellow paladin here brings down the hammer of Facts.


It makes me miss like Horde vs Alliance propaganda… can we just go back to that?

Oh holy Human Paladins with beards! You will make Uther proud!

A man without a beard is called a woman and today I am not a woman.

So true. My kind, since we don’t have beards, we tend to revel our gender by showing… but that’s besides the point. I salute you, Holy Paladins of Facts! Salute!

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Virtue signaling is the ultimate performance art for people who are rotten to the core. It’s their desperate attempt to look virtuous to their equally shallow, performative peers. So insecure about their own flaws, they feel the need to broadcast their “goodness” at full volume, shoving it down everyone’s throat. And let’s not forget their most treasured accessory: pet causes or minority groups paraded around like shiny trophies, all to prove they’re an “ally.” Otherwise known as the classic white savior complex.

What makes it even more insufferable is their obsession with looking good rather than doing good. They’ll sacrifice anything—values, integrity, even other people—on the altar of vanity, envy, and pride just to feel morally superior. But the hard truth? They were born rotten, and no amount of performative outrage or virtue signaling will fill the gaping hole inside them. No matter how many systems they dismantle or how much of other people’s stuff they burn, they’ll never find happiness or love because, quite frankly, no one can stand them. After the last decade, most people don’t even want to live near them anymore—they ruin everything, from basic systems to high culture, with their shallow self-righteous attitude.


Isn’t the “line” the actual amount of these people that exist as you describe so lovingly?

Is there a limit to the amount of

That are allowed to do things /be seen /exist in society? Like you have some fixed quota in your head that seems reasonable.

Or can you only handle so much of these people in small dose’s, and the rest should remain hidden away until there’s a place in society for them?

Peeps got so much hate in em its unreal, need to chill, stop reading the news /social media nonsense /“politicians” / youtubers /podcast nutters

BOOMSHAKALAKA! :peace_symbol: :dove: :rainbow:


It was love and peace.
Now it’s peace pigeons and rainbows.

There is your line.

Accurate guild name. Kudos.

Easy fix for a Gnome no need to stress

BOOMSHAKALAKA! :two_hearts: :peace_symbol: :dove: :rainbow: :two_hearts:

bringing the love to ya’all in these times of darkness :vulcan_salute: