What is your least favourite race?


i think they look the best personally .

just need skinny options

Once they changed the bloodshot eye colour and tired appearance, it seems more enticing to me. (Not got around to playing one much, focusing on Alliance).


FEMALE melee Draenei - that high pitched HIY–AAH ! screaming, reminds me too much of Miss Piggy from the Muppets. Shudders

Mechagnomes - Would prefer a shorts or short mechanical skirt option in addition to the fitted pants imo. Dislike the ‘Diaper’ idea.

Races that don’t have feet - more options for boots in addition to ‘collars’.

  • Narrow ankle bangles / chains or spikes / flower chain or garland / manacles.
  • Toe rings for trolls
  • Hoof paint / markings

More face options where being old doesn’t always equal looking miserable.

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All others expect Goblins.
Goblins master race.

Dont think itd be less popular then 99% of the allied races are…

Id have defintly played a jinyu.

Their animalistic sure, but due to their structure they wouldnt ruin transmogs, so yeah i think youd achieve a audience with the race.

I can’t see it being more popular either. It’s a fish.

From Horde side I have to go with Blood elf. Was never a fan of high and mighty, power addicted mana junkies.

From Alliance side that would be Draenei, for a number of reasons, the biggest being that the entire race only exists because a huge retcon they did in lore. They are technologically advanced in a setting where the devs cannot do anything with that technological advantage.

They are also too fanatical and feel to lack individual thinking. If their Naaru tells them to genocide an entire race they will do it without a second thought.

Them being able to be shamans should not be possible due to how the elements work (or used to work) in the lore (Light worshippers should not hear the call of the elements. That is why the broken among them started to hear the call as they were cut off from the Light.)

During the launches of allied races, there qere quite a few playwrs who had jinyu in their list of demands.

It is a fish. However, plenty were demanding them.

Jinyu would have been more popular, it has a larger lore part and also can very much lore wise be certain classes, which open it uptoo a roleplay aspect.

Where mechagnomes just can roleplay “they arrived at a big city, leaving a rock.” Jinyu has been asked for consistently for a decade

Allied races were never gonna be a majority, because

  1. They required unlocking.
  2. No one wants to go back and do them.
  3. They cost money unless ur willing to reroll.

However, Jinyu would have been praised, espically as so many did directly ask for it, id race change to jinyu in a heart beat, i think lore wise theyre awesome. And they fit transmog extremely well.

Not as popular as elves sure. But popular enough to justify them.

No fish before kawaii Saberon cat bois :rage:
Or Gnolls

They will come for you now… All of them…

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Gnomes. All types of gnomes. Remove gnomes from the game please Blizzard.

Maybe however:

Sabertons would fit horde while Jinshu are Alliance, so no reason they couldnt become options as horde would need 1 to balance the factors out.

Gnolls wouldnt fit alliance either.

Sabertons and gnolls both fit horde in lore

Yes, Saberon could fit with the Horde
And Botani with the Alliance, with all the Druids and all :thinking:
But the Jinyu is a bit different, tehy could be independedt, since they are from pandaria, and te mainland pandaren are independent too; one tribe allied itself with the Alliance, thats true, but the rest not

Trolls because of there heel-toe

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Gnomes, both the regular and mecha/diaper variant.

Back in Vanilla i rerolled my warlock from gnome to human (Race changes weren’t available back then) at level 50, which was quite a lot of work to reach back then, because i just couldn’t stomach playing a gnome anymore…

Nightelf :slight_smile:

Vulpera because furries are degenerates and don’t belong in a kid’s game.

Then don’t forget the Tauren and the Worgen from your hated list :roll_eyes:
Nor the Dracthyr, you know scalies

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I like you , honest and blunt and fun :slight_smile:


Scales are not the furs

It is different body than they expected

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everytime i see furry creeps it’s a fox so obviously vulpera is top of list.
You salty cuz you are one?