What is your least favourite race?

humans, and those fox people.

Well, we’ll never know, but I somehow really doubt JInjy would have been any more popular. I never really saw them as “requested a lot”, more like a vocal minority calling for them and hozen being made allied races. It doesn’t matter though. If you like them, that’s cool. I actually like mechagnomes, but I don’t have any. Too many other alts.

haha wow that is a long no. That usually means yes. not reading all that from a furry, sorry

Well if you bother to read, acknowledging at least I am too a human being like anyone else and my answer is worth as much as yours, you would see, the answer is indeed an educational yes, and not no :roll_eyes:
But even so you wouldn’t do such basic things of common courtesy or should I say decency, the term “pearls before the swine” is quite fitting
Anyhow, I think the best would be to just put on ignore each other, and you don’t have to read the post of a furry and I don’t have to see your comments, borderline hate speech; so lets do that, shall we?


You go ahead if you find words by strangers who don’t know you hurtfull.
I don’t.

So were most of the allied races, thats why we did quests / story to give a reason why theyre being recruited into their faction

please no. will remain without things to punt.

Goblins? They are the same hight with the added bonus, there is a 50-50 chance, the goblin you punt explode :thinking:

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Garrosh was the one to bring them into the Horde, what is there to sort out?

As for my personal least favourite, it’s got to be Orc, easily. The female ones look kind of neat, but the men are so ugly that it boggles my mind how they even reproduce. They’re so ugly they have to be separated from their own mother or she’d try to kill them right away. And due to all that pent up rage they can’t go 2 expansions without starting another useless war that they’ll inevitably lose when the rest of the Horde is tired of their poop and turns against them.

Runner-up for most disliked racial lore would be Void Elves. Pulled out of some writer’s bum in the last minute, possibly during a coffee break.

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err yes but there would be a lot of filth around FILTHY FILTHY!

ps let me thank marmar here for his kindness!

I like them but they still have only one face that doesn’t fill you with horror when you look at it :smile:

For me it’s vulpera and kul tirans close second. Sorry muh friends :wink:

*and mechagnomes



For the simple fact I hate having to swim through puddles that other classes run through.

Goblins. Just embody so many qualities I hate in people :pensive:

2nd place for blood elves. Arrogant narcissists. Exceptions exist, but the racial trait is to be awful.

Dracthyr themselves are fine, starting zone alright, but the visage stuff is just awful. I had a hard time trying to make my visage look as ‘normal’ and pleasing as possible. The women look like cat people, and the men look like femboys. I still don’t know for the life of me why they didn’t just allow any old race to be the visage. You walk all the way through SW where you’ll essentially see every race, and then practise your transforming skills. Having way more choice by being any race should’ve been the option from day 1.

High elves should’ve been there in their place. As lovely as the voidstrider is, an updated Quel’dorei Steed would go nicely with them.

it would be cool for them to at least have 3 visages the dragons use the most (Nelf, belf and human) with more customisations.

Tauren. Because fat cow.

Can’t say i hate any race. They all feel great in one way or another and I wouldn’t want em gone.

Dark Iron Dwarves. They are so ugly!