What is your least favourite race?

Vulperas, mostly because of the uwu in chat. I insta-kick when that stuff happens.

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Vulpera,havnt even unlocked them.
The whole questing in the dune and their voices ruined it for me,combined with some ingame players acting as creeps while leveling one.


Can’t decide between Vulpera and any Tauren. I have a character or two because I wanted to collect the heritage armor. I always disliked Tauren old Vanilla model and WoD made them look better, but not enough for me to change the opinion.

As a human main I have to agree. I have to choose either looking like a 40 year old European dad on steroids, or a younger looking East Asian female.

Not many variety and the older hairstyles are badly designed too graphic wise.

The makeup options aren’t the best either.

Disclaimer: I’m not taking into account racials, as I don’t pay attention to them when creating characters

Tauren: Horrible looking, borderline deform race with horrible animations to which no transmog look good. Their only saving grace is the excellent heritage transmog which is really fitting for some classes. It’s a pity that you have to play a tauren to be able to use it.

Higmountain: Basically a worse version of the tauren with different horns. Less customisations, worse heritage armour, worse class selection. Why someone would play a highmountain is beyond me.

Draenei (male): Same as with the Tauren. Horrible looking and awful animations. Don’t even have the saving grace of the racial transmog.

Humans: They simply have no purpose on fantasy/sci-fi environments. Coming into fantasy/Sci-fi game and playing a human is like going to Spain or France on holidays and eating only McDonalds. Like going to an Irish pub an ordering a soda. Like going to an Italian Ice Cream shop and ordering vanilla. I could give more examples, but I think the point is made.

And don’t get me started on how most allied races should be, at most, customisation for existent ones (Higmountain, lightforged and Dark Iron being the worse offenders. Void Elves and Nightborne at least give the chance to play a race in the opposite faction)

Blood elves by a mile then vulpera that is one thing about the horde i always found great and envied you can play cool sentient race like taurens and undeads or trolls.

For me its all about the transmog so,
alot of male races because of the stupidly huge shoulders and also not keen on tiny races as you cant mog them very well.

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Robognome because I can’t use because they won’t let me pick one. It says I have filled all the criteria after they nerfed the stuff we had to do to get it unlocked.

I did KTafter the criteria nerf that way. For some reason robognome unlock isn’t playing ball.

For me I don’t mind playing all races, but there are ones I tend to avoid just because…. I don’t know. Not my cup of tea

  • Male Draenei. They look like a completely different race from the females. Too big for my taste.
  • Mechagnomes, it’s mostly the grind to unlock them. Can’t be bothered. And besides the heritage armor, they aren’t very good with transmogs.
  • Orc female. It’s mostly the voice. When I play a female I usually like a more feminine voice and orcs don’t match that.
  • Demon hunters. I don’t know why but I can’t seem to level one past the starting zone. Not my cup of tea.

Probably night elf. I think I have PTSD from the earlier days when they used to be played by toxic people all the time.

Gnomes are my favourite race by far, if you don’t like them you need to lighten up.

Probably limitations with spaghetti code in the ancient engine I imagine. Or they simply ran out of time because Dragonflight had to be released 6 months before it was ready.

For me it’s the other way round though. I like the face on the female Dracthyr, but I wish we weren’t stuck with the rather “agricultural” human body. I will never understand why they didn’t use the Thalassian model for both male and female Dracthyr. The human body is such a colossal letdown for me, as there are so many better fitting choices in the game.

But least liked race for me have to be Orcs. Awful, awful race. Little more than animals, and constantly on the verge of succumbing to their inherent bloodlust. The only Orc to ever try and keep them in check was raised and educated by humans. And even he left them after a few years, probably because he wasn’t paid enough to deal with their :cow2: ::poop:
On top of that the males are so outlandishly ugly that I kind of wonder if mating is completely consensual for both parties.

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need advice about this help me :smiley:

I don’t hate any of the races im about to mention. I infact want to play them very much…

But male Humans and male Night elf player models I just can’t go with.

Night elf male’s waist looks too squished for the following very long legs that follows below. And their arms almost reach down to their knee caps and look almost as wide as their thighs followed by a pair of massive hands. I just think their body proportions are either very big or very long in general… Basically.

Human male look like Cubix the robot. Like a perfectly rectangular square human man. With very derpy faces. And after I saw the Kyrian humans I cannot unsee it. I now know Blizzard can make humans look way better if they wanted too.

Don’t hate the Vulpera by a long shot. But they got served to the most Warmongering faction looking as Disney as possible. With a goblin model as a base rig with improved on polygons. And it gave everybody who played them a really… REALLY bad time inside the Horde for it. Didn’t have to be that way… But by now most vulpera players seems to prefer what they have got. And wont ask for much else.

The ones I would be least likely to play are gnome and goblin, possibly vulpera as well. Not because I have anything particularly against them, but because the character models are small and difficult to see when there’s a lot going on in a dungeon or raid.

Most of the races have OK looking character models - some better than others - but I think it’s sad that the male (er, body type 1) models often look odd or out of proportion or have clumsy animations.

Trashgnomes aka Mechagnomes.

They basically occupy race slot Mechagnomes without seeing any play. We could have had something useful instead.

I wonder what was the thought process behind Mechagnomes, a clown one day comes to office and gathers the other ones ;

Clown1 : GUYS! I have a great idea! You know we have gnomes in the game since 2002 right?

Other Clowns : Yes.

Clown1: You also know that they are extremely unpopular right?

Other clowns : Of course we do. We have the data.

Clown1: I have a brilliant idea! We will replace the gnome race’s arms and legs with mechanical parts and limit their transmog options and create the ultimate trash race! How does it sound?

Other clowns : Perfect.

New Race Announcement : Mechagnomes

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Troggs. They have no redeeming qualities.


They got Gnomes to literally nuke their own city. I don’t know about you, but there is some comedic value to be gained from that at least.


As much I hate the Gnomes, they are anything but funny!
Just immagine; every Gnome is the survivor of their own Chernobil combined with Fallout, they had to survive the unsurvivable! They had to watch their home destroyed, their friends and family, loved one die… but before that, they had to listen the screams and the sound of their nails and their banging on the blast doors, knowing if they open it, it means certain death, radiation poisoning or cannibalized by the insane infected
They had to leave all behind!
Haunted by these memories and survivor’s guilt, strugling with nightmares it is a miracle they are still able to smile , to be “funny”
They are actually tragic and badass and should be admired for their strength they manage to continue day after day despite what happened…
…and smile

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Race: Forsaken

Reason: I openly admit to very much dislike the “Bone-People” (not the players playing them ofc).

Race: Human

most bland race in any fantasy game can’t even stay loyal to their own faction like that serial traitor khadgar the Lion of Azeroth Anduin Lothar would be ashamed of him he even sat out the 4th war like the spineless traitor he is