What made you think that world pvp doesn't happen on a pve server in the first place?

As soon as someone mentions that world pvp is very much alive on the biggest pve servers out there (and it is, it really is), people go “loool pve servers are for newbs, enjoy only doing pve, those are not servers for real players”, yada yada…

I fail to undestand this: IF you can world pvp the same way you do on other pvp servers, only this time you get to choose when to do it, and how to do it, and you can play in a relaxed way whenever you don’t want to, and enjoy the world without getting ganked all the time…well, isn’t it a straight up better experience overall, BOTH in pvp and pve? Not to mention that pve servers get bgs as well (once they’ll be out of course).

Seems to me like pve servers provide the same world pvp experience as pvp servers, without the super frustrating part.

So what exactly is the problem here?


People just think that pvp server won’t happen on pve servers because it’s called “PVE”, that’s it. Now they’re starting to understand that it’s not that simple, but it’s just a psychologican trick: people convince themselves of something, and stupid things happen afterwards, like this P2 situation.


Mostly it boils down to ego, it’s as simple as that.


It may be that the PVP on PVE servers dies off after the initial hype. And then you can’t do much PVP since most people aren’t tagged when they do other stuff. But BGs are coming next.

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You can’t wipe out an enemy raid in BRM when they are fully buffed, that means PvE servers are the inferior experience to PvP ones.


PVE servers are limited.
Most want the full package but what the “mighty” don’t understand here is that to have fun PvP and actual PvP means that you have to let the players doo the basic thing like leveling up.
Compare this:
A level 60 killing a level 30 and grief camping them vs 200 players (Horde and Alliance) of the same level or similar level clashing in a zone. ( different experiences and more fun).
Compare made up strategies to defend a city, to help others vs 5 level 60 killing off constantly low levels.
There was at some point a video with someone that organized about 30 or 50 people who made new characters of level 1 and ganked upon a level 60. I bet you that both sides had more fun then what is going on right now.

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Playing on PVE server makes no sense. How is it hard to understand? If the world is a safe place the entire MMO genre makes no sense.

It is exactly the opposite: PVE server is the full package and PVP server is limited.


I don’t see any P or V in MMO

Pvp on pve servers basically consist of a few guys flagged, meet a couple more flagged. They get surrounded by unflagged players then zerged into oblivion and repeat.

Once the hype dies down, it could take hours to find even 1 flagged person.

Any good MMO has pvp in the world. Ultima Online EQ etc WoW is actually very carebear since you don’t even losing anything by dying. People that play a carebear game in the most carebear form scary me

Yeah, Ultima Online and EQ were so good that their population was dwarfed by WoW by a huge margin.

PvE servers will never be the same as PvP servers because world bosses will be cleaved by the first guild that gets the tag, on a PvP server opposite factions could kill each other over the boss
On a PvE server you mostly run into ppl that don’t wanna PvP so you end up not getting any kills out in the world, which is frustrating too
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but PvP servers are where the cool kids are at

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Because a lot of people are carebears (case in point this post). That does not change that PVE servers make no sense. If the world is not dangerous i.e a real world it’s just a numbers simulator on gear vs mob health. It’s dumb.

Explain because i see a lot of people saying otherwise and a statement withoout arguments is 0.

  1. PvE isn’t just “a numbers simulator on gear vs mob health”
  2. What about instanced PvP? What about flagged wPvP? Are people who voluntarily enter PvP “mobs”? No.

I also see a lot of people on forums realizing they were mistaken and/or they were tricked by the likes of you into “buying the full package”.

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Seems like more pvp server players had to swallow bitter pill to realize what a s*itshow pvp servers are if you looking at the hundreds of whine topics.

Nah I didn’t have to swallow any pills because I’m enjoying slaughtering every whining ally on a PvP server thank you very much

I also see a lot of false assumptions from people who don’t understand basic cooncepts like you.
For instance, i wonder how did i trick someone into buying the full package when i actually started playing wow for the first time a few months ago? Maybe i have another twin or my shadow started playing 15 years ago and i didn’t know, right?
Good job bud!