What made you think that world pvp doesn't happen on a pve server in the first place?

I mean that’s easy to say when horde outnumbers ally so much in pvp server… no wonder most pvp server defenders are…horde.

What I mean is how the “full experience” narrative lulled ppl into thinking wPvP would be something amazing instead of a neverending zergfest on wildly unbalanced servers (for the most part).

On “other realms” it wasn’t always the case that Horde outnumbered the alliance, only this time on retail

You mean private servers? Well many swapped factions just to “try it out”.
I knew most were gonna roll horde when officials came out. Seems others didn’t get the memo, or see pre-release polls.

Just hope you keep finding allies to kill, most will sure ragequit soon, i wouldn’t be surprised.

I see plenty of allys to kill on Firemaw, they spend less time whining on the forums and more time actually playing the game

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For now at least. I’m so glad i didn’t roll lolliance on pvp server myself tho, seems like their job is to be ghosts running to corpses.

I got a lvl 60 human w0yer on mograine, I knew it would be better to leave him alone before phase 2 came out lol cause im not in a good guild on him

What you fail to understand is this:

I am not biased by any faction though i see a lot of Horde posting stupid assumptions not that some Alliance members are greater or better.

I also analyze the game for more than just PvP but also statistics from the census.

I have been playing blizzard games for more than a decade and i know that compared to other companies they are a puppy when it comes to rules hence why their games simply die after a period of time.

I love PvP games in general but i am aware that each needs to have rules so people wont leave in masses and servers wont die. My server has had statistically 10 000 people that left and will soon be a dead server because of this which only enforces that there is a problem that is being ignored.

If the end game is to kill the PvP itself, then good job, numbers are in your favor if you compare them to the numbers before the PvP itself.

What kind of rules are you talking about here? I’m not following you.

Then you haven’t exactly played other pvp games :slight_smile:
Let me just give you some facts:

English PvP Gandling 22732 32041 54773 42% 58% ( September)

Now: Alliance - 13 975, Horde: 43 275

French PvP Amnennar 33061 39839 72900 45% 55%
Now: 14 697 A, 4278 H

English PvP Ashbringer 40337 39734 80071 50% 50%
Now: 11 897 A; 10 116 H

French Normal Auberdine 46178 34301 80479 57% 43%
Now: 32845 A; 18 278 H

English PvP Bloodfang 11770 13021 24791 47% 53%
Now: 22 464 A, 9 573 H

These are a few examples…since they are not so many, i could make a statistic of how many players left but aside from Bloodfang, the numbers speak for themselves.

Well, doesn’t that only prove that the way wPvP is implemented on WoW sucks and caused many ppl (especially Alliance) to leave?

I will call the hability to PVP at will War Mode.

ok, there are so many games that implemented a sucktard of things that made people leave but then they optimized it or if it got out of control, they brought rules to keep it in check and for everyone to have fun.

Also, it isn’t Blizzard’s fault when toxic players abuse the system but it is their fault if they don’t keep it in control.

Do you think that mass leaves is a good business thing for blizzard? What happens when the number of subscribers falls below the costs? ( because you can have classic and not have retail). How much time do you think they will pull funds out of other games to support this?

Tell me, why do you think there has been 0 updates for Starcraft at BlizzCon…wonder why

Never said that - though if PvP servers are the superior experience, why are they experiencing such a steep fall?

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It’s simple… bad players ruining the experience for everyone.
Like all my friends say who have actually played wow from the begining…PVE is limited and it becomes boring.

So, consider PVP… ok, make a PvP char then realize that most of the time you death walk and can’t do much after level 20 when you quest in contested zones. You try again and again but barely do anything.

To PvP and get honor or reach the end game you need to level up otherwise you can’t experience full PvP battles, ganks or creative strategies correct?

How can you do that if players wont allow you?

We have an expression in my country:
If one person tells you, you’re drunk he might be lieing.
If two people tell you you’re drunk, they might have a point.
If more than two people tell you you’re drunk then go to f… home.

With that, look at all the complaints…from Horde and Alliance and then at the number of people that left.
Gosh, if the numbers showed otherwise then hey! the complaints have no basis but when they actually support the complaints, then maybe you should wonder.

Edit: the typos and one last thing: if the servers were about PvP only then they would make it more simple and you wouldn’t have an end game of reaching level 60 but they aren’t which by any logic means that it’s not PvP, carnage mass murdering only.

I didn’t roll on PvP specifically because I knew this is how it’d be

Still, what was/is Blizzard supposed to do about it, exactly?

Blizzard is supposed to optimise so that both sides can enjoy the PvP and fix the imbalance issue.

My bf is on Ashbringer… which is one of the balanced ones. My undead character is there… there are two guilds of which i know that simply kick you if you are a bad player.

Some people suggest transfers, others the BG.

If it was me, i would implement a warning system with restrictions but then again, my wow experience is limited but i have seen people proposing solutions that might work.

Orrr we can just ignore everything and more people would leave and people who want to PvP will not be able to PvP anymore because there wont be players from the other faction to PvP with.

Also, i have no hope for the toxic players in communities to understand how this will also affect their PvP because as you see… they don’t have the capacity to think future wise.

Transfers don’t work if all servers are unbalanced towards Horde

BGs early would piss off the other segment of the playerbase that is actually enjoying this phase - the one which asked for it in the first place.

You can’t.

Any solutions will piss off a certain player base.
In this case the solution that should be implemented should be the one called by the majority.