What made you think that world pvp doesn't happen on a pve server in the first place?

The majority is the one currently out there mowing down casuals, I reckon

Is it though? I think only a poll/ survey would clarify.
One made by blizzard and not on the forums because i’d be surprised if 30% of the ppl playing the game are also on forums.


Lol…unbalanced, sure but consider an unbalance on servers that contain 10k ppl tops and an unbalance on a server with over 30k people.
The unbalance is less obvious when you have less people.
Why do players complain that it is worse then 10 years ago? Because the numbers are higher…

Blizzard has much better data than we do, they don’t need to do any poll.

They know who stopped playing, their characters and their levels, how much honor they got, how much did they play and so on. That’s more than enough info to determine what kind of players left/stayed and to make projections about the most profitable outcome.

This has already been covered

In the linked post - “In early “vanilla” wow the problem was less pronounced as the eventual outcomes were in their infancy.”


None of these are “Facts” as Blizzard has not released the exact numbers, though I’ll be forced to agree with you if you had said “the best available data”. But I have to refute this as “fact”

Even if this is the case it’s not hard to see that players on the outnumbered faction are seeking to leave or transfer which exacerbates the problem… and then and then and then. “Why does no-body PvP on my server, would PvP is dead”.

The “problem” people see with no PVP on PVE servers is that there might be a member of the opposing faction they want to fight, but said player is not flagged, as such no PVP happens.

As seen with Warmode, this can snowball into nobody flagging themselves for PVP because its inconvenient.

Chewbacca is from Kashyyyk but he lives on Endor. Why would a wookiee want to live on Endor? It makes no sense. Just think about it. Chewbacca is not an ewok. PvE servers make no sense!

This has already been covered in my July post

“The ultimate answer we’ve had for years, it’s the PvE server. For those of you who not played extensively on PvE servers, I’m able to inform you that there is wPvP on PvE servers. Now before you scream hypocrite at me hear me out. As players can easily avoid “unfair” situations ad-hoc now only situations where both players feel confident result in PvP. Of course there are servers that will favour single factions, this however is driven by the number of available players for PvE content.”

if X alliance farms in Y location, can you as a horde kill A too get Y? if no, not a PvP server.

The whole thing with “lul, pve server enjoy pve newbs” comes from this one simple thing; on a PvE server you CHOOSE if you want too PvP or not, so you can always never PvP if you want too. Therefore, lol newbs xP

I can tell you that on my server (PVE), the Hillsbrad battle is going full speed all day long. As you said, you still get WPVP, but on you aren’t victim of the overpopulation when you level alts.
And as a bonus, you avoid the toxic illiterate childish community that tend to flock to PvP servers.

The best of both worlds.

Of course there is WPVP.

But imagine the situation: You have a quest during which you have to kill a named mob on a 10 min respawn timer. Not unheard of in Classic.

You arrive at the location to find out that there is currently a player from the opposing faction killing said mob. If you were on a PVP server, you could compete for the ressource by trying to kill him. But if you are on a PVE server and he is unflagged, you will have to watch him kill the mob and wait for 10 mins.

Thats one of the reasons why people think PVP servers are superior in some respect.

That’s like saying “i want to have sex when i choose instead of getting r*ped everytime”, don’t see anything wrong with that… unless you are into some really freaky stuff.

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This is precisely the discussions I was having 3 months ago it’s a case of expectation vs reality. I can see you’re on horde character (likely numerical superiority) Undead, PvP oriental racial, probably best in the game. And a Warlock taboot (strong PvP class). However, for others this is the reality

Yeah but that’s where the misleading lies. Take statements like this, for example:

The problem with some of you PvP players is that you tend to conflate PvP with stuff like “fighting over resources”, “ganking”, etc. whereas PvP doesn’t necessarily imply these things. To some ppl, PvP simply means fighting the other faction and succeeding. Flagged wPvP, battlegrounds etc. are all forms of PvP.

The honest way of putting it would be claiming not that “you can’t have the full experience without wPvP” - because you can have wPvP on PvE servers as well. The honest way would be: “you can’t have the full experience without Devilsaur mafias, BRM ganking, etc.”

At which point I kinda start feeling a bit baffled: if I don’t personally enjoy these activities, why would I have to choose to roll on PvP servers where they do happen? What do they add to my experience? It’d be as if you claimed you must eat walnuts with their shells because otherwise you’re not enjoying the “full package of the walnut”. Sometimes, you get a better experience if you remove the bad/unpleasant parts. To many of us, ganking/mafias are the untasty shell of the WoW experience - the good part lies bare once you pruned that nonsense away.

PVE and PVP servers are exactly the same, except PVE sever players can turn on/off PVP whenever they want, and PVP server players can’t.

After all these years, I thought most players already know that.
Your claim “PVP is more complete package” is exactly a statement with 0 argument or fact.

I’m playing on a PvE server in classic,even though I’m usually one who loves vanilla-style PvP.
However that is tainted by the fact that people know the meta nowadays,so you could have expected (and it indeed happened) people overpreparing for phase 2 with all the strongest gear,consummable,engineering trinkets and world buffs,which leads to lv 49+ being farmed all day long unless they’re on a server where their faction dominates (and really where’s the fun in not playing on a ~50/50 server if you’re gonna play on a PvP realm?).

So I’m all fine with PvPing all day long in Hillsbrad on a PvE realm for now,though I’ve gotta concede that World Bosses just aren’t the same,and that sometimes I’d like able to slap an enemy player who’s killing my quest mobs :rage:
Though I’ve gotta say I’d have joined a PvP realm anyway if we were getting the real AV and not that 1.12 parody of AV

Yeah but at the same time you get some feelsgood moments like when you show up and Moonfire Sin’Dall under the nose of three unsuspecting Allies :smirk:. People always complain about being unable to stop the other faction from stealing their stuff, but it goes both ways.

What years? Pay attention to what i say before making claims. Also, i see people giving more arguments then you do.
There are differences.

Yeah but are they actually good (or at least wanted/enjoyable) differences? I mean, whenever I’m out in the world on low health after killing a mob, or stealing a quest mob from a bunch of allies, I can’t help thinking “Man, if this was a PvP server I’d be so dead”… and then wonder “What exactly am I missing here?”

Seriously, I’ve never felt too sorry about being alive tbh^^