Pvp servers are just good to put the delusional roleplayers that still believes that wpvp is the core of this game
I have explained to you the difference between PVE and PVP servers.
Show me your argument for “PVP is more complete package”
You explained after how much time Kanasi? then assumed i have been playing for years :))
I said what bothers me at the so called pvp…not the pvp itself but the players that abuse it to ruin the entertainment of others. Ashbringer at least deals with it which makes me happy.
But you can’t have one without the other. It’s like those players who want to play, say, Magic the Gathering or Pokemon but “please no cheap strategies”. That’s not how it works. People - especially competitively-minded people, who’ve been playing the same game for years - will do whatever they can to win, within rules.
And that’s what we’re seeing now. Back then, WoW was new, many players were new, and nobody would expect content as it rolled out, nor prepared for it or figured out how worth doing it was. Whereas now people knew phase 2 would come, what it would offer in terms of rewards, and how to best rank up.
Just be thankful that BGs are coming soon. However, even with BGs coming, I doubt it’ll return to a state like back in Vanilla. It’s just not 2005-06 anymore.
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