What "Social Aspect" is left to preserve in Dungeons? my experience after 60 wrath dungeons

Engaging with that DH is like trying to have a debate with a barn, you need to take in copious amounts of illegal substances for it to make any sense. A fun thing tho is if you call him a jerk he says he will report you and then runs away for a few hours.

So when I did an Heroic World tour today in a pug and was invited to do the same with the same players tomorrow that didn’t happen?

How would that be harmed by RDF?

This guys post is just his experience from a few dungeons and it also could be just a lie. His post proves nothing.

We would have been on different realms. Are you serious?

Nope, unlike you I socialize during my dungeon runs.

I do so whether they’re RDF or manually formed though. Cause I realize it doesn’t matter either way, they’re still people on the other end and some of them are actually pretty fun.

That doesn’t answer the question.

How would RDF have harmed that?

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First of all no one does HC world tours with RDF. Secondly we would have been on different realms. Thirdly, there would have been no need to have a group to begin with.

Are you actually serious now?

Save your self you cant convince him ether, he wants RDF so badly that nothing being said is understood by him

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Rdf kills the need to socialise to be able to do dungeon runs


So beg Blizzard to implement the Cataclysm cross realm server party invite system and voila, done. Not like it’d be the first Cataclysm feature to make it into the game cough healer and tank rewards cough.

Are you under the impression that no one does premade groups with RDF or what?

Cause I can guarantee you, everyone who can still does premade groups with RDF.

You don’t need to now.

Yes you do need to socialise to be able to do dungeons

No, you literally don’t.

There’s absolutely no need to say a single word during current 5 mans. None. Nada. Zilch.

You and I socialize more right now than the average 5 man WotLK dungeon/heroic.

Okay. But that’s worse.

You do get how that’s worse, right?

The point was, do your world tour as a premade then if it really means so much to you.

I like meeting new people, pity you don’t seem to.

Some of the dungeons can be like this but in general you do need to socialise. Also what you present is not an argument to kill social aspect and open world

No, literally just did the “hard” heroics as a freshly dinged 80, there was never a need to socialize.

We did, but that was about other crap cause it was a guild run. There was no need to discuss the instance whatsoever.

Do you like playing with strangers you will never and can never meet again? Because that is how meeting people in RDF works.

I recommend you stop responding to the level 10 starting character account, If they’re not willing to post from a real tbc/wrath character then their opinion holds no value.