What to do dillema


I have just returned after more than half a year I think, and at that time all I’ve managed was this character, but I have been questing a huge lot of time and done everything I found, never rushed to level.

The thing is, I now feel bored with my actual character. I always choose the “assassin”/“shadow”/“dark” class/character in every video game I play, because i find it fits me and my playstyle. But now I just feel bored playing it.

  • I don’t like the energy playstyle, I like to be able to constantly do stuff, not look at my character auto-attack, waiting at my energy bar to refill… that for me is not fun gameplay
  • the “spells”/“attacks”/“buttons” are boring and look boring
  • I don’t like looking at my character stealthed 90% of my gameplaytime, only being not stealthed while mounted. I love my worgen and the way it looks and its walking animation, but never get to look at him beacause it is always stealthed

And that’s funny, because I usually love being stealthed/invisible, in shadows and all that fantasy, in all games. But not in wow it seems, which is strange.

Do I feel this because Rogue is not my class, or does one always get bored after much time playing the game with only one class, no matter what class?

The thing is, I could just make another character, but even the idea that I am losing everything I have done with this character destroys me. I know, I know, I am only level 85, but I have done nearly every quest I found in the whole Kalimdor, other than 2 zones, and have nearly finished eastern kingdoms as well, and all dungeons so far, and so on. And I don’t intend to play more than one characters, because I have way too many games to finish, I don’t have the time replaying a game just for the sake of it. And that’s why I obviously want to have everything on one character.

What if after I try a class, I then like it? I have to change to that class, but I then have to redo all that stuff I did with this character. And what if I then at around this level I once again get bored of this other class as well? Will I not hate myself?

If you have read everything so far, you’ve got my respect! <3 Hope anyone can help me with my dillema. Love y’all!

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You don’t lose it, you can go back to it after making another character, and the only other stealthy one is a druid.

You don’t need to redo stuff on another character, there isn’t really that much you have done. If you type /played you will see how long in real terms you have been playing that character. At 85 it won’t be as long as you think.

You have changed character before as I see you have the 110 achievement.

The problem is, I’m not a psychoanalyst! :stuck_out_tongue:

Trying to reconstruct from your armoury, you played, very intermittently and slowly, from April 2018 to 1st of August 2019. (You have the achievement for Halls of Reflection 1/8/19.) So you’ve been gone 10 months. And you’ve only just returned?

You are level 85. You have level 85 gear, some from dungeons in which a friend boosted you, and a couple of pieces from vendors. You have only quested in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.

You have a 110 character - boosted? - that you haven’t used.

I want to make sure I’ve got that right, because I have a feeling it’s all about the setup.

Let’s deal with your Rogue first.

You have barely played since coming back. You are a level 85, questing among level 60s. That has to be pretty boring. Why do you even bother stealthing around level 60s, if you prefer to be unstealthed? none of them can harm you - probably can’t even hit you.

Subtlety and Assassination do favour stealth, though. Have you considered going Outlaw spec? While it does have stealth, it relies on it less, and has a much smoother energy throughput. My Outlaw Rogue drops into stealth only when about to attack, and often not even then. Also, if I was killing level 60s as a rogue, I’d rather use Pistol Shot, which is an Outlaw ability.

Do you remember if you were feeling this way about your rogue before you left?

Now let’s talk about your idea of what the game is.

I do understand the sense that the objective is to do all the quests and dungeons. I believed that when I started.

You can make that your goal, if you want, but it really isn’t. and certainly, even if you want Loremaster of Everything, it doesn’t have to be done in order, or all on one character. Lots of people complete one zone on one character, and another zone on another character. Considering that you will be massively overpowered if you stick around and try to do everything on one character, it doesn’t feel very rewarding.

Your achievements are account wide, so if you make another character, it will have the achievements of your rogue.

The intended progress of the game is to get a character to max level - 120 at the moment - and then do all the progress and dungeons and raids and systems at that level. You can optionally also go back and cover the achievements at lower levels if you want, or level more characters to do that as well as play the max-level game. The max-level game never really “ends”, at least until the next expansion.

My recommendation, before you give up on your Rogue:

  1. Pick up a couple of One-Hand Swords or Maces and try Outlaw.

  2. Try some questing at, or closer to, your level - in Northrend, at least, or Mount Hyjal or the mission to Pandaria. Just a little, as Outlaw, with less stealthing, to see how it feels. You can always go back to completing Kalimdor and EK.

If you do want to try another class, you have your shelved 110 - what class is that? - or you could start a Demon Hunter at level 98. Those will both have credit for all the quests and dungeons your rogue has already done.

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And now I see your thread from last year. I thought that name looked familiar!

Did we ever meet up? Maybe I was the one who ran you through a couple of dungeons for the gear?

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12 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes, 49 seconds.
Dunno what is with that achievement, but I am quite sure this is my only character I got to this level. I only tried once the DK and DH, only to see how it look, only for some secs, and I think other 2 normal class characters, again only to see how they look

@ Gráinne
Hello there. Your name looks familiar indeed. Did we meet up? I think you helped me in some other thread I’ve made long ago.

Don’t think you ran me through dungeons though.

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@ Gráinne
So, I really have no idea why I have the achievement. I have no 120 character. But I think there was some kind of some days free time to try bfa or something, and I created a dwarf I guess, and only tried it. Can’t check if I have it on the deleted characters because servers are down, but will check.

I felt this way about the rogue before as well, just not as much as now. And it is not about killing low level stuff. Now, for example, I am questing in Hyjal, with exp. locked so I can complete some dungeons that are no longer available after level 85, to finish all quests in whole Kalimdor. Only Hyjal and the one in the bottom (forgot the name) Uldum or Uldur I have left. And it feels boring attacking 1 mob, then getting to kill him fun, next one maybe also ok, but then third I gotta watch how I autoattack msot of the time since the 2 abilities (shadow something and the one that gives you energy) are down, and energy is down after using the normal attack spell 2-3 times, and maybe one time the one that uses the combo points. I am playing subtetly, but I also tried the other 2 and I also find them boring. And most boring is in dungeons, against more mobs mostly it is so boring, throwing shurikens all time long…

I know I don’t play the game the way it is supposed to be played or how others play it, but I am free to do so, and I love doing it so. And I really want everything in only 1 character. Every zone and story there completed.

I would guess you used your boost to 110 then deleted the character.

I always play Combat for a rogue, are you sure you are using all your skills and talents?

If you have enough gold can I recommend getting a Heirloom dagger and the upgrades. They don’t give you an XP boost.

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Well, I don’t know how you are playing the various specs of Rogue, and I’m not sure how the scaling of Haste is at 85, but I do remember the energy recovery time needed for Sub, and Outlaw is nothing like that.

Pick a mob, drop into Stealth, Ambush (or Cheap Shot), Pistol Shot a nearby second mob to pull it and activate Blade Flurry if there is one, Sinister Strike a couple of times, maybe Roll the Bones, Sinister Strike some more, maybe Dispatch. Between teh Eyes, Kick, Blind as needed. Crimson Vial if you’re hurt. When questing, you have the time to use Adrenaline Rush quite a lot because of the time between mobs, and that speeds up your play and your energy immensely.

I don’t know what else to tell you.

If you feel compelled to do all quests on one character, you should probably use the character you feel most comfortable on.

I could list the strong points of other classes for continuous questing, but honestly they will all get boring if you do them all at low level, with the same rotation again and again.

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I see. Then maybe the problem is at me. Since not always has rogue been boring to me. Maybe I only find it boring now. Or maybe I should also try other classes, at least to get that out of my mind. Or maybe sub is not for me, I will give assassination and outlaw another go while doing quests. ^^ Thanks btw!!

Assassimation has similar energy regen issues when dealing with serial targets.

Try Outlaw, and don’t drop into stealth until you’re just about to ambush someone - and you don’t even have to stealth then; Pistol Shot as an opener from distange followed by some Sinister Strikes will do fine with no stealth for single, simple, same-level mobs.

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Exactly. It looks boring because it’s dog crap. Gameplay for dumb and trolling and gametime aka lifetime baiting on each step of the game design.

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