making 10 char long answer.
I assume it is valid by Blizzard actions.
They have never banned a group with different loot rules even if those are not included in game by default.
They often ban a group which announces loot rules even if those are not included in game by default, but does not follow them.
There is enough of evidence to assume this, no need for direct allowance from an authority.
I guess You are the only person in the world that read software TOS
You can bent Your logic however You want, You read message, You deliberately send request for invite, You agree on the terms, period. Otherwise Blizzard would throw bans left and right…Jesus Chrsit…I am ignoring You its hard to speak with the wall.
LFM SP hc, need 1 dps and 1 healer, Eye res
Going SP hc to get the Eye for me, any dps and healer to help me?
Different wording, same thing. By Rivendale’s logic tho, first one would be ninjaing, the second one opportunity to socialize.
Are you sure that we both played classic wow? And you are saying that HRing HoJ in classic was not a thing? HRing hourglass was not a thing on tbc? And also HRing Metorite Whetstone from UP will not be a thing?
Man I simply out of words for such delusional person.
Bring me one source, one piece of litte source, that Blizz has said that reserving is legal.
Pls do that. And do we agree it is reasonable to assume that reserving is not legal if you dont find a source ? Remember, you have 19 years of blue posts to grab from, isnt it then reasonable to say that reserving isnt legal/valid if you dont find a post ?
Every loot system (except for RMT) that the game allows is legal. Since the point is players playing together in a social environment, every loot system is valid which players agree on.
No matter if you dislike on or not.
Your only choice is not to participate in the runs where you disagree with the loot distribution.
Same with guilds. If you don’t like how raidloot is distributed, nobody is forcing you to stay with them. You’re not forced to do any of them. It’s up to you.
No, thats not how it works. Its the opposite, that Blizz says what is legal, and everything else is on discretion/how far ppl have the nerve to stretch things.
We have loot systems. ML, group, FFA and so on.
ML is the only interesting one in this regard. Blizzard allows only the master looter to distribute the loot. On what basis the loot is awarded is based on agreement between the players.
Whether they choose to do rolls, EPGP, DKP, GDKP, until it doesn’t go against ToS, it’s fair game. RMT goes against ToS, so that one is definitely not allowed.
If loot rules are agreed upon before starting then it’s fine. If the lead decides to go against them, like leaving the raid with the whole GDKP pot, then GMs will interfere for scamming.
I do have a problem with GDKP and loot reserving, but I can still accept them as loot systems. Okay, I hate the constant GDKP spam, but that’s just because of people, not because of the loot system.
As I said, as a player, your only option is to not join those group where you don’t agree on the loot rules.
I dont know what EPGP and RMT is.
(I can only assume GDPK has problems with false bids (as in fact other systems might have too, but that is a different discussion)).
And regarding joining groups/raids I have the options as depicted by Blizzard.
Death to RDF and death to LFR , death to instant porting to dungeons, long live player interaction and world content!
Effort point/Gear point. Well, now reading up on it, it turns out we used DKP system back in the day but for some reason called it EPGP.
Basically you get points for stuff like boss kills, staying until the raid ends etc and you get points for receiving loot or other stuff. Your purchasing power is the ratio of those 2 points, while with DKP your points is your currency.
RMT means real money transaction and that is in the ToS. So it’s against Blizzard rules.
Exactly. Master loot allows to distribute the loot however the raid leader and the group can agree on. If the group decides to award loot to the player who can say the stupidest
or funniest thing then that’s also allowed.
Lol go to GM and tell him someone took “your” item … lets see how far you get with your legality …
Wotlk is the original. All the patches in 3.x is the original back 14y ago. You cant separate things as not original because you dont like it lol. Icc was THE raid of wotlk, not an original one? Or was it cata raid? Mmkay
I think they meant 3.0 by the original.
But yeah, 3.x was all WotLK. Point still stands that RDF wasn’t added until 3.3
The dungeon finder was added more than a year after Ulduar went live, and it was added, iirc, mainly because without the gear from the ICC 5-mans (which were basically an entire raid-tiers jump in ilvl/itemization) you realistically could not even enter the raid. So Blizzard needed to provide a way for massive volumes of players to gear up a seasons worth of ilvl in a very short amount of time.
It wasn’t to improve the game. It was done to help power-gear the playerbase so they could play the next-level raid Blizzard had built. It was argued back then, among players, that the dungeon finder could end up turning wow into a McDrive for fast-food loot, killing the game by dumbing it down for the most casual of players. And well, I think we (I was one of those opposed to the dungeon finder) were proven right, tbh…
Wrong. You could farm both dungeons and older raids to get emblem of triumphs and by T9 items. Those were more than enough for both 10 and 25 man normal.
THE raid of WoTLK was Ulduar.
Which came out BEFORE dungeon finder.
Very debatable. ICC was the culmination of the whole expansion.
I think triumph were only from Trials-raids, and maybe “daily heroic?” Can’t remember the order of things, if it was Conquest - Triumph - Valor or whatever, but thing is you could only grind the T9 through emblems by doing raids and 5-mans for months. While you could straight up get ilvl 232 (or even 238? was some weird like that) drops from every boss in the last tier of 5-mans. Which was what the dungeon finder was introduced to enable.