What would make the alliance more popular?

Yes you have. Stop being mistruthful. You referred to someone as ‘He’ and ‘Him’ after they had told you they were actually a woman in real life. Having actually spoken to said person once over voice raid chat, I can confirm, they are indeed a woman.
Eight times you called them male, despite repeatedly being corrected. And that is why Eight times in posts I referred to you as ‘She’ or ‘Her’ to even it out. You found it quite annoying as I recall. So why did you do it to someone else?

Go to Create New Character, select Horde, see what Racial Options you get for a New Character.

Oh Golly Gosh, Blizzard -do- agree with me it seems…

The word ‘Several’ in the English language is used to refer to a number between 3 and 10. It is ‘never’ used to refer to the number Zero. Which is precisely how many times you have answered questions or provided any proof. Your continued refusal to do so is rather telling…

Logged in. tried to create new Horde Character. Blood Elf is an Option. Gee whiz. Lore is on my side.

Also, who -did- give you your starting quests to go to Shadowlands, you said it wasn’t Lor’themar, which is weird, because it is for every other Horde player. Who gave you your quests then?
Oh, wait, I am asking you a question aren’t I? You’ll probably just say “I have already answered that, not my fault if you can’t read!”

This statement makes no sense, and I cannot translate what you are trying to say. What do you mean?

So you say that you did not get your quests to start Shadowlands from Lor’themar Theron, right? and you say that you do not have a unique version of Shadowlands.

In that case you simply are not telling the truth with one of those statements.
You also have not shown any proof of it, you have just typed words saying “No, i didn’t get Shadowlands quests from him”

I don’t believe you. Show me proof. You have not shown us proof yet. Show us proof. Show us which Horde character it is who is the first one to give you quests atop Grommash Hold…

This is all starting to move into the realm of “I WANT HIGH ELVES! I WANT HORDE STUFF! I DON’T LIKE BLOOD ELVES!” trolling.

It is probably best for anyone who cares about the factions, game and lore, to just let this thread sink now, beneath the mistaken and incorrect fallacies of those who would make the Alliance a shameful and broken faction…

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That may very well work but it is not as effective a solution and avoids other issues with the game and the factions that will be solved by removing the high elven and night elven empire elements from the Blood elves and Nightborne.

I understand your reluctance to accept this, because you don’t want that. But it is.

The Alliance needs to be attractive for being the alliance. The very reason that took alliance players to the horde in the first place will bring them back. The high elves and the night elves must return in full to the alliance - and the blood elves and Nightborne that remain develop into something away from anything and everything high elven and Night elven empire/civilization. High elves, void elves, night elves, highborne - all those things are part of the alliance elven races diversity and full story, and should no longer play a part in the blood elves and the Nightborne who are on the horde.

It is the best way to heal the problem, fix it. It isn’t the only way, and it may not be the way you like , but it will prove the best overall, esepcailly if blizzard put their heart into it and make it happen.

The problem is not Golden nor her love for Anduin and Jaina. She was writing horde and orc stories long before she was put on to Anduin.

The problem is blizzard’s directional approach to the alliance and the factions. It’s very horde centric that relies on pulling alliance elements they love onto the horde they keep seeking to bolster long after it’s needed the attention they are giving it.

This results in an imbalance for the franchise, the factions and the game that keeps throwing alliance elements to the horde, like the Night elf sub race and the night elven empire/civilization to a faction that neither needs it or wants it and still seems to prioritise all the cool and badass to the one faction while failing to allow that faction to actually be badass and cool for being itself by focusing on it’s core races like the Orcs, the Trolls, the Tauren, the goblin and even the forsaken.

Races like the Forsaken and blood elves and Nightborne are from alliance races of Humans, High elves and Night elves - this isn’t good - this shouldn’t be the case. but as it already is, these horde versions need to be significantly and sufficiently different and alien from the alliance themed versions they are based on. The forsaken are, but the blood elves and Nightborne are not, they just lumped the alliance elves on the horde, in one case (the blood elves) it was most of the race, in the other case (the Nightborne) it was a very well done sub-race of an alliance race - typically you never have a race from one faction going to another or a sub-race - but it’s happened 3 times, and the elven ones were just a blatant transplant.

The irony and weird thing is that the horde stopped needing this funnelling by the WotLk. In one expansion they turned it around. I can understand them being too nervous to reverse it then so as not to destabilise it, but 12 years on - it still continued long after the reputation and popularity of the horde was very well established. To the point that when classic is restarted without blood elves, the horde and alliance manage on a 50/50 spread… showing that it was indeed player perception/reputation/popularity that was the issue.

Knowing and confirming this is the case and has been fixed, and knowing you won’t remove blood elves and Nightborne from being playable, they can be confident that the horde will easily survive and still thrive without the high elven and night elven empire elements in the Blood elves and Nightborne. They can return to the alliance consolidating it’s identity (no longer sharing it) and also giving it a massive boost to its fans and their perception of it if this is accompanied by powerful and good writing. Not cheesily improving them, but doing it in a way that shows them off and builds them up.

you’d be looking at the a great story that shows the blood elves in Quel’thalas choosing to return to their high elven identity and show the nobility that made them worthy of the name high elves and then show them effective on the ground. As for the night elves show them coming together the race that has the best arcane users, nature users, fel users with over 10,000 years of experience, never working in sync, but at their lowest point start using their assets like their Well of Eternity, their world tree Shaladrassil, Elune and her Night warrior - they have powerful assets, great lore and powerful groups of legend like the Illidari, the Moonguard, the Highborne - the return of Suramar and a large population of Nightborne that get their night elven form restored would be hailed as a complete night elf race rebuilding with druidic elements reaching their peak in Val’sharah, and Highborne/Moonguard ones in Suramar, Warden ones and Sentinel ones from the vault/black rook hold, Priest ones extending their star powers from the freed Cathedral as well as their Night powers from the black moon warrior ritual they can utilise.

This is rebuilding the Thalassian and Kaldorei elven legacies and bringing them as powerful presentation on the alliance, would be huge boost and generate excitement and attraction for the alliance that it needs to motivate players to go to it, and play it, especially some of the elf loving crowd on the horde like you and Brigante that really are in love with the high elven kingdom and night elven civilization aspects of those races which are all Alliance centred and themed, not horde.

With you guys back the numbers will equalise, then blizzard can develop everyone together on parity giving exciting improvements to both factions. The horde can see blood elves and Nightborne develop into something that is not alliance based, but very cool, while also seeing cool new assets and increases to Troll , orcs, tauren, goblins and even forsaken. While the alliance will have it’s elven build up and see some really cool development of the high elves, void elves, night elves, Highborne, then have the Dwarves cool again (think Hobbit films style or whatever they choose), as well as improvements to Draenei and worgen and gnomes. But make no mistake about, fixing the elves is dear to the alliance fanbase and it’s core identity than Draenei, Worgen, Gnomes and Dwarves combined, so just boosting them while leaving the alliance elves split between the horde and alliance, (more rotten on the alliance) will never gain the interest and excitement needed to start shifting the excess elven population on the horde towards blue.

And what you really don’t want to do is instead give the alliance greater horde core themed assets, pulling core horde to alliance, and effectively turning the remaining horde alliance centric - you might as well just remove factions in this scenario and abandon the whole “preserve the core and heart of Warcraft” if they do that.

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Don’t confuse players with the fictional races they play. Even when they seem alike. Brigante for example, come across like a blood elf to me, but I know he isn’t

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High Elves won’t be playable.
Blood Elves will stay Horde and in Silvermoon.
Nightborne will stay Horde with Thalyssra as their leader.
Christie Golden and her love for Anduin and Jaina are your problems. Not our fault she forces these two into everything. Who cares what she wrote before, we’re not interested…now, she’s wants Anduin and Jaina involved in everything. That’s your problem.
Silvermoon and Suramar are staying Horde, what don’t you understand about that?

Your just desperate now because you’ve been salty for 3 years.

You love Elves, but you’ll never have your headcanon because it’s unfair and you want our elf stuff, then we take your elf stuff on Kalimdor and Northrend.

This is not a prediction post of what will happen Leia, it’s a post discussing what will bring the numbers of alliance players up by asking the community why they think it’s low and what would entice them to switch to the alliance.

There is no point telling players who say restoring the high elven kingdom and the night elven civilization sitting on the horde won’t happen or high elves won’t be playable - it just shows you desperately want this to be the case, when what they are saying is this is what it will take.

Oh so now I’m saying this because I’m salty - seriously!? You don’t like what I’m saying, therefore I’m salty?!

Do you not think that perhaps your dislike for what I’m saying is clouding your judgement. You aren’t giving logical or sensible arguments defending against why this is bad or won’t happen. You just simply mouth it won’t with nothing to convince anyone.

I suspect it’s because you actually have realised that this is a good point and could work very well, but it would mean the end of what you’ve clung to, so you oppose it. I understand your motivation and your fear, it is common, but you need to put that aside and look at it practically, you can see merit to a point and still not like it. Even if you don’t have valid or logical reasons to disagree with a proposal.

However you’re not in any position of power to make any decision to implement or veto or proposal.

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People have stated why the numbers are slightly lower. You’ve dismissed those points and waffled on about Elves.

The best thing the Mods can do is close this thread because it isn’t about boosting the alliance - it’s your wish list on how to take something with zero consequence.

Neither are you.

I do. You just don’t like them because they don’t involve taking from the Horde and the Horde not taking anything from the alliance.

It’s quite simple. You take Horde Elf lands, then Horde takes alliance elf lands. Because the Ren’dorei live on another world, then Night Elves must make the largest sacrifice.
Yes, you won’t like it and it will sting, because your determined to hurt the belf and nightborne playerbases, well nelf playerbases also have to suffer as well - you must lose all of Kalimdor.
But you might like what the Blood Elves and Nightborne, with Lor’themar and Thalyssra at the lead, will do to those lands. No doubt, they will be improved.

Well, when you start, I’ll start. Your not getting Silvermoon or Suramar, not without being removed from Kalimdor, completely. Elf land for Elf land. You lose the Well of Eternity and the Sunwell is teleported to Ashenvale. It doesn’t matter how it works in the lore, it just needs to happen. Velfs are too dangerous around the Sunwell so the Blood Elves will take it with them.
Helfs aren’t playable as a stand-alone race and Blizzard aren’t doing anymore allied races as that was a BFA feature. I believe they’ve already stated this.

Maybe you dislike what I’m saying has clouded your judgement since you don’t like what anyone else thinks, that states that what you want isn’t needed.

Jafako and I actually stated what Night elves and Void elves needed. It didn’t involve taking from the Horde, but you don’t like it because you’ve had an obsession with Suramar for 5 years.

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Hah, true, if they’d actually -went- to the bit of Suramar that the Nightborne can actually access, they’d be like “Why did I want this…this is actually the most rubbish Allied Race home zone…What is this? There are no buildings I can enter, there are no NPC’s, there aren’t even any chairs! What is this!!!”

I think we know they want Surumar the City, and not Surumar as the Nightborne player gets it…

Because Obvs, Alliance. Alliance Nightborne should totally get the whole city…


Neither faction can have that though since the city itself is a questing location.
It also doesn’t work like Orgrimmar or Silvermoon, with banks, AH, profession trainers etc, because that isn’t how Blizzard designed Suramar.

Suramar is a questing location…the Nighthold is just a phased area that could be opened out and possibly include some Blood Elf Portal Mages, hell - maybe even a Scryer Blood Elf from Shattrath…but it’s still very small. Literally, the only thing you can see is the Tomb of Sargeras, which is out of date, since the latest novella stated that the fel-green storms have all but disappeared from the Tomb and it stands, silent and void.

I’m entitled to have my opinion. Make my observations and quite frankly disagree with your observations or futile attempts to make it seem more people agree with your observations, which I clearly do not, because they are false.

I’ve always known this, by repeatedly pointing it out to you, but you keep on making declarations you have no power to enforce.

It’s not that I don’t like them, or disagree with them, you don’t have logical or valid reasons to declare what I’m saying won’t work or doesn’t make sense, you never did.
Meanwhile your proposals on the matter i have never dismissed as wrong, where I have believed it so, I have said they are possible, but they are sub-optimal and not as effective… I’m not as obstinate or blind as you accuse me of being nor am I making the declarations you do, which to me points out the clarity issue and logic fault lies with you, not me.

Lands and conquest come and go, they are part of the story, i don’t know how many times I need to tell you this.
We have an issue here, the horde should not have alliance assets or cultures/civilization with it, this isn’t good, and is why the blood elves and Nightborne need to lose this stuff.

For the moment, the alliance needs to gain these things so they can be popular, look good, and attract the crowd that loves these things. they can lose it and more down the line if the story wants… although I think that they’ve been having enough losses and burnt down stuff for a while (Stormwind - WC1, Grim Batol - WC2 era, Dalaran and Silvermoon - WC3, Theramore - MoP, Teldrassil - Legion - compared to Camp Turajo on the horde was that even destroyed? and no Lordaeron wasn’t destroyed and Sylvanas gassed it, not the alliance. and horde cities? While Orgrimmar and Dazar’alor were sieged they always survived didn’t they and still stand)

So I think while creative elements must flow and do want needs to be done for an engaging plotline, I’d personally hold up on destroying more alliance stuff for a while.

I am looking at things practically, you are not, and you prove it right here, the thought of Silvermoon going back to the alliance, and you can’t see any sense, you don’t consider what’s been said, this is what irrational is, you are prejudiced or don’t like this move and so don’t even give it a fair chance or fair consideration.

Rather than look at the proposal fairly. you’ve looked at the end result, decided No, I don’t want this, and gone at the proposal not from a practical, rational or logical way, but a motivation to completely discredit and oppose it. Except you don’t really have any logical or good reason to. And you keep proving you don’t read it through or understand it - which either means you’re stupid - which I don’t believe you are, or you’ve not really considered it because you don’t want it - which is what I reckon is the case with you here.

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Your always wrong Kalibas.
Always have been.

It’s time for you to take heed of your own words and leave this game behind. It’s story isn’t for you. Play LOTRO instead. That’s your kind of Elves.

Blood Elves and Nightborne stay with the Horde with their cities - unless Kalimdor fully goes to the Horde and the Blood Elves teleport the Sunwell to Ashenvale and then all nelf land, becomes Blood Elf, Nightborne and Forsaken land. The Sunwell and the Well of Eternity become part of the Horde.
If you don’t want nelfs to lose their Kalimdor lands again, then the Nightborne and Blood Elves remain on the Horde, with Lor’themar and Thalyssra, in their cities and nations. Otherwise, nelfs must lose their kalimdor holdings for a second time.

Alliance has the elf cities, Horde has the elf wells. Don’t like it, come up with other ideas, for Kaldorei and Ren’dorei. “High Elves” are not a playable race and aren’t going to be. Forget them.

I take pleasure in discrediting these bad ideas, because they are horrendously bad. Even if Blizzard read this, they’d be like “Nah, we ain’t doing that.”

EDIT: I mean what would your response be if Ion came here and stated that, their are no intentions of having more races removed from their nations and cities, for either factions?
So Blood Elves and Nightborne remain in their cities with the Horde, doing what they’re doing? Would you officially quit the forums and game?

Tried and judged - I guess I should llisten to you… haha… yeh

Why don’t you say that to everyone who likes and plays wow because of LotR. This is why you don’t make games like world of Warcraft Leia, your analysis and conclusion and the direction you would execute would be disastrous.

It’s funny how you keep repeating this like it somehow disapproves something. I’ve agreed with you, disagreed with you, offered alternatives, told you it doesn’t matter, ignored you – you seem to think what you are saying means something.

I keep trying to pull your focus back to what’s important. I’m not going to worry about who has what different territories in exchange, I don’t really care.

if blizzard want to make the alliance popular again, they have to improve it substantially and the best, first and most meaningful way to do that is restore the elves.

The Return of the High elves and the Rise of the Kaldorei

The important thing is that the high elves and the full nigh elven glory must be showcased and loud on the alliance, and the horde must lose all the alliance elements on their blood elves and nightborne - this means losing Quel’thalas and the blood elves there, Suramar and the nightborne there to the alliance. The best way to deal with that on the horde would be to replace the loss with better Orc, Troll, Tauren, Goblin and even forsaken stuff and later rebuild and develop the Blood elven and nightborne remnants into something different from what they use to be, i.e. something non-alliance.

It doesn’t matter if the horde grab Kalimdor for the Alliances eastern kingdom or your sense of equality. The best way to fix this problem we have with the alliance low numbers and the degrading of Faction identity is to take the alliance stuff on the horde back to the alliance and make the alliance shine for it.

The way I suggested I think is exciting enough to make the alliance popular again without destabilising the horde. The horde will lose player numbers but will not look necessarily inferior or sub-par, in the way I have suggested it.

You want to make alliance players super excited and feel both good and powerful about their faction in away that attracts enough players form the horde without making the horde rubbish (like they did with the alliance in the last 14 years)

It’s not about who gets what. You really are missing the point.

You have no genuine motive for any of these suggestions save tit for tat - we lose, they should lose - you offer nothing better than what i have done and your suggestions are based on trying to push my buttons.

My proposals are actually trying to fix genuine problems that could greatly improve the game, improve the alliance and the horde, and fix a lot of issues. There is a reason I have suggested the improvements to the alliance and to the horde - and each of them.

There is a reason I haven’t gone off dividing the lands in my proposal, though I have entertained your efforts and shared my view of that and version, it has not been my main aim, because what I am concerned with is the changes that I feel are necessary to fix this disparity.

What happens to who has what later on is not as relevant and I trust the developers will do what is needed for an engaging story and exciting development for fans of the races who may incur losses in one cycle but overall will make more gains and progress than losses.

however my focus is the alliance right now , and it needs to be substantially built up and revitalised - and the elves are the key.

I’ll answer that question when he does.


It’s not my fault that your always wrong.

It’s why I hate you.
Don’t bother replying - your blocked (as are you finger puppet characters.)

Hate is such a strong word. Usually it’s the contention with the truth that generates such hate.

You are hating what I’m saying because you know I have a point but you don’t like what it means.

I forgive you. But what would ignoring me achieve?

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You have no points, (This notification has only just come through.)

You don’t speak the truth. I’ve told you numerous times why it doesn’t work and your ignorant. That’s why I hate you. You don’t want to engage in other ideas and you bully people with your forced agenda.

Blood Elves and Nightborne will forever be Horde and in their cities, because they are the rightful inhabitants. You don’t get to impose your agenda onto me anymore. I will say what I like and if you get hurt…then tough. Hopefully it will make you quit the forums.

Free transfers to Horde will definitely put us in the spotlight and will definitely get the job done

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Ah so you didn’t ignore me. HEhe, I know you need me, you can’t help but respond and have the last word.

Be seeing you on your next response.

That will only be fairly certain for the duration of wow. Wow’s system is what ensures this make no mistake if wow goes, or that system format changes, even this will change.

That’s what the Night elves thought - and where is Darnassus now?

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I agree.

Faction Transfers from big servers like Draenor will help keep that server stabilized when new expansions release.

No i have not so stop it yourself. Yes and if you read taht then you knew full well that she started by writing inults to me after i told her to stop. And i wasnt corrected eight times as i wasnt ever corrected in the first place and and no you didnt reffere to it eight times to even it out as you artte the one who started the inusults so by doing that you made it uneven and nothing else

I dont need to create a new charachter and no blizzard dont agree with you…

I have answered it more than 10 times its you that are to dumb to read and yiou have been given proof by me while you yourself havent proven anything. And i already have proven it so i have never refused anything are you seriously that dense?

No its not

Yes it does make sense and if you cant read it then you must be verry bad at english.

Yes iam tellingt the truth with those statements and yes i have shown you proof several times. So what if you dont believe me you have already shown that the only thing you believe is what you make up in your own made up fantasy so thats nothing new and i already shown you proof read the comments. No it doesnt move into that realm as i have never said i want High elves and the only one trolling is you with your made up garbage that you been proven wrong at.

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No the Blood elves dont suit the horde

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Free faction transfers will help speed up the rebalance… but remember, no one will move factions without incentive.

If the alliance is still lame and perceived as pathetic by the community because the devs have made them the loser faction and put all the cool stuff on the horde, including the coolest alliance stuff like the high elves’ stuff and the night elven civilization stuff - then people aren’t going to move.

You’d have free faction transfer and no one going anywhere - so while free faction transfers could potentially help, they won’t do a thing without more fundamental changes to the alliance.

The Alliance

Rise of the Kaldorei
Now restore the alliance, bring the High elves back properly, let the Kaldorei rise again into their fullness having both pre-sundering civilization elements like Suramar, the Highborne, Moonguard shining in addition to long vigil elements like the druids, wardens and sentinels - then you create something exciting and very attractive for players - no more nerfed night elves, but an elven group restoring that original attraction? Imagine night elves finally and permanently regaining their immortality, originally an attractive and defining feature, their Well of Eternity once more being used to advance their race rather than passively unused in this hour they need it the most to rise after the decimation of the War of Thorns. Their best arcane minds, nature minds, divine minds, even the fel ones and martial warden and sentinel ones working together despite their very different lifestyles to provide powerful parties with powerful unites that overcome emphatically desperate odds and showcase them to be the titanic race spoken about in the WC3 manual.

This would excite alliance fans. A capital like Suramar, a world tree like Shaladrassil healed, with their ancestral Well of Eternity restoring their essence with Elune’s night warrior stuff this brings all the cool elements of the Night elf race to bear in the present leading to them kickass and being very attractive in a way that has been denied them throughout wow… it would excite players alot.

Making their models properly attractive would also help - the Night Elf male model , getting younger and handsome face options, fixing the neck posture, giving players the option to alter the size of those fore arms and waist so they can get a better proportioned being.

Return of the High Elves
You need work done on the alliance, not just night elves, the High elves returning in glory and emphatically would be a powerful incentive, but you don’t stop there, yo have to write them in properly, a major boost for the alliance with humans, high elves and dwarves working together on one front ( a fantasy long coveted and long denied - until now would also generate excitement even if blood elves remain working for the horde, it will certainly answer what the alliance fans have wanted for a long time but most had given up on). On another front it’s all kaldorei, and on a third front you see improvements and better showcasing of Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes and Worgen.

Time to show case the elves on the alliance and the other races, make it exciting… the alliance didn’t need humanity to consume everything, it needed to shine with humans, elves, dwarves etc working together in the original triune coalition everyone who played the original RTS knew the alliance to be.

New factions like night elves could have their major plots and involvement and relevance, while single races like Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes, worgen each get better attention woven into the story of the 3 main races.

All Other Alliance Races Get Improved
Draenei can have a lot going on with Night elves, while Lightforged see a lot more involvement in human and high elven affairs.

Dwarves can be much better written, rising to a powerful and important role - kinda like we saw in the Hobbit movies or in Warhammer who write their dwarves well.

Gnomes can be to Dwarves what Draenei are to Night elves - a good, solid and important friend ally.

Worgen can be expanded, you have Gilnean worgen very invested with humans and Northern Eastern Kingdoms Gilneans, war and complications with undead and the new state of affairs in Lordaeron (more on that later). But there is room for Kaldorei worgen, the embodiment of the nature side of the Night elves, just as the Highborne especially the Night elven Shal’dorei in Suramar that turned to the alliance were the embodiment of the arcane side of the Night elves, and you can show a purer long vigil nature side through them, just as Suramar reflects the arcane side, then show how the priesthood mixes with either group. These can be the Worgen sub-race, and they could be interesting… what if they were the group that was in the Emerald Dream sealed away by Malfurion but finally released by the Druid class champion in Legion, but they had evolved a little bit. They were half night elven with customisable animal features in their elven form, some had goat legs, some had bird wing arms, some had cat claw paws on their hands and feet - but the interesting part is their “worgen” form has choices - you can either be a wolf man (i.e. Worgen), or a bird man (similar to High Arakoa) or cat man (think Panther version of Saberon) and customise this in character creation.

This would make the alliance interesting, dynamic, enticing, and people will want to play it.

The Horde

They’ll need to face lift the alliance properly to generate this excitement well. The horde already is exciting, but the loss of the high elven parts of the Blood elves and the Night elven civilization parts of the Nightborne will necessitate a stimulus package with some exciting upgrades for the horde too. While I expect the Alliance to be very excited for getting the high elves back and the Night elves rising etc, some in the horde will hate losing the high elves and night elven civilizations back to them, but the horde will get improvements,. in the first wave it will focus on more orc assets - one of my favourite suggestions is a Grommash or Warsong City , the best feat of Mag’har (iron horde) engineering and infrastructure in Borean Tundra, then the bringing in of the Drakkari trolls and off course all of Zul’drak, the Amani too, now that Quel’thalas is alliance again and those blood elves operating as high elves once more, , the remaining blood elves want them out as much as the Amani do, but the Amani are the numerous and strong force, also there is Zul’farak which would look cool in it’s new model, and Un’goro gets developed for the horde. Bringing back Kezan, Lost Isles even new goblin city Undermine could be very exciting if they are done well.

That’s 4 powerful zones and assets for losing two. I would also see the Forsaken gain control of the undead in Icecrown, as well as Icecrown Citadel city - Lordaeron has a mixed fate, the humans are back, but so are the undead, under Calia there is some sort of cohabitation outside faction lines, it generates a new society there that has influences of both factions and can be an interesting area of development. the horde forsaken are capitalled in Northrend with Icecrown their main stronghold but also strongholds in many zones like Dragonblight, howling Fjord, and Borean, these fly the horde banner. They also take over the ruins of Theramore on Kalimdor - but Lordaeron is a place for all.

Wave 2 Horde Improvements
That’s wave 1 of horde improvements, wave 2 comes a bit later on. As the alliance continue to get awesome developments outlined above, the horde keeps abreast with Nightborne and Blood elves that remained horde getting new developments, blood elves delving into blood magic, especially with blood crystals, Fel magic with Illidari blood elves, Nether magic etc - new stronghold in Azshara, Bloodmyst isles, Netherstorm and outland’s Hellfire come to them. The San’lyan also become an allied race. The San’layn/Darkfallen while elven are as far from the high elves as the forsaken are from the humans, and the new development of the blood elves comes with new architecture. They no longer build like they did as High elves, so nothing like Silvermoon, it’s new, it’s cool, but it’s different - just like the Naga stuff is different from the Kaldorei pre-sundering stuff.

Same with the Nightborne, they also make developments, time magic (chronomancy) allows a different type of evolution to be accelerated and guided, maybe even Elisande has a role there, their mastery of displacement magic , chrono magic, and night magic as well as some fusion collaboration with Naga out of desperation allows them to get new customisations with Naga elements, customisations reflecting new Chronomagic and night magic developments. Like the blood elves, these Nightborne develop new architecture and assets that are different from the kaldorei civilization, so nothing that looks like Darnassus or Suramar or Zin’Azshari or Eldre’thalas - it could be some adaptation of the naga stuff into a very cool but very different type of city. New zones for them could include risen Naz’jatar and Desolace, possibly even Feralas.

Another alternative is that blizzard intertwine the Blood elves and Nightborne remnants very tightly and they now get a shared new destiny, unique development that has versions for the blood elf model and the Nightborne one, they are two races, but they develop a shared new architecture and live together. Sort of like Dwarves and Gnomes use to, or Trolls use to live with orcs. They feel more like two versions of one group, different races but together, minimising the elven influence on the horde further even if it is no longer alliance based.

These are just my thoughts on things they could do that will make the Alliance attractive and make people want to transfer without forgetting the horde. Timing is everything off course. you want to start with the exciting alliance developments first so people start moving to blue before you also introduce the horde ones, giving incentives to keep at the horde. if you open Free transfers at this point you announce/release the high elves returning and start the Kaldorei’s rise developments, you’d have people wanting to move over when they see the stuff done well and the alliance cool

This will even out the numbers quickly, and the horde will not feel deprived or cheated once they see the stuff coming in for the Mag’har, the other Troll groups like the Drakkari and Amani cities, zones and playable allied race, Forsaken improvement. goblins getting back Kezan and Lost isles with new quests and now able to visit them, maybe even undermine city coming later down the line.

In time the alliance will see greater developments to the kaldorei, high elves, the draenei , the worgen and it’s kaldorei worgen sub-race etc, and that is countered by the new development for the blood elves and Nightborne that allows them now to be very different from the alliance, no longer having high elven and night elven civilization elements but a new type of blood elven state and nightborne state that is independent, unique, fits the horde better too.