The High elven kingdom and the Night elven civilization/empire is really not horde stuff. It’s 100% alliance themed.
It may be on the horde now through the blood elves and Nightborne, but it’s not horde based or themed and this is what I mean by it isn’t horde (I obviously don’t mean they are not signed up with the horde). I think it would be best if the alliance had the alliance things or at least the best of the things that are alliance themed, and the horde focuses instead on horde themed things. It’s just imbalancing everything to have such strong alliance themes so powerfully visible and present on the horde.
It’s not wanting horde stuff, that stuff is alliance stuff on the horde and it would be better for both sides if it went back to the alliance. And it replaced by traditional horde race assets that really could do with some upgrades don’t you agree?
Well off course you don’t, you just want the alliance themed high elf and night elf civilization stuff - you don’t really care for improving orcs, tauren, trolls, goblins etc on the horde, you find them boring and monotonous (your words from earlier on), and you reject the idea of blood elves changing into something different, something away from that very alliance themed high elven base - because what you truly like is the alliance. Not the horde, you’re like a closet case in denial - it may seem harsh, but really this is what it comes across to me.
Let people transfer to alliance for free but keep the cost when transferring to horde, im sure some folks would. I wouldn’t mind swapping to alliance but I don’t know a single player that has or is still playing on alliance.
There is nothing that can be done at this point. Blizzard had over a decade to act but decided to ignore the issue and let it snowball into the problem that we now have.
Alliance doesn’t have bad racials anymore, but better horde racials did contribute to the snowball effect. It started with the horde having flat out better racials which attracted the cream of the crop, that led to people copying the best and since Blizzard ignored the problem for so long pretty much the majority of the raiding scene has congregated on the horde side and now it’s just a given that if you want to raid you go horde because that’s just where most serious guilds are.
Blizzard decided to ignore the problem and it is no longer fixable outside of just completely scrapping the factions which is an integral part of the game. One fix could in my opinion be to have neutral guilds that can play together in instanced areas like raids and dungeons, but other than cross-faction groups/guilds there is no fix. No amount of cosmetic garbage, fancy races or free faction transfers is gonna change that. Raiders don’t tend to give a crap about that stuff anyways in my experience. If you honestly think even more elves or free transfers is suddenly gonna cause all the raiders to swap over you’re completely delusional i’m afraid.
How does that work? Silvermoon is the Capital of Quel’thalas. Quel’thalas was in the Alliance of Lordaeron for one year only. The Alliance of Lordaeron no longer exists. Why, are Stormwind and Ironforge being returned to the Alliance of Lordaeron as well?
Actually that would be hilarious, given who the rightful populace of Lordaeron actually is right now. Sure, let’s go with your logic, I am sure the Horde will welcome Humans and Dwarves into their numbers as part of an Alliance with the population of Lordaeron.
Or…Just possibly, the -Grand Alliance- is a separate body politic (It is) in which case you can’t give Silvermoon Back to it, because Silvermoon was never -in- it.
Just be honest. Use the right word. You don’t want Silvermoon -back-. You want to -Take- Silvermoon.
Be honest.
Ermm…You do know LOTRO exists, right? I mean if you are only playing Wow because you like LOTRO then a quick google search might pay off dividends, as exactly the setting and themes you want are right there for you.
WoW is it’s own game. The game you want, if you want LOTR, is already there for you.
Can we just look at this statement. We’ll set aside the point that you are factually incorrect in referring to Alliance elements, there are no Alliance elements. But this is rather telling. You actually honestly say what is on your mind. “AllIance must get this, and Horde must lose all of this!”
What a very good job for the Horde playerbase, the Alliance playerbase, and WoW itself, that you are nowhere near it’s decision making process. You want to gut the Horde, turn the Alliance into a social pariah faction, and kill subs.
I don’t see how that helps anyone.
You really can’t see it can you? You really can’t see how your ‘ideas’ are so very transparent to everyone else? You don’t give a monkey’s about the Alliance, You just want all the Horde Elf stuff. You just don’t care about the basic question of making the Alliance popular at all, in the slightest, and given your past history, this comes as a surprise to no one.
That doesn’t make sense as an opening line. What in particular are you referring to?
So she made a point that the Blood Elves belonged in the Horde and gave a reason, you took that as a personal insult (Everything is an insult to you, even things that aren’t insults) and as a result started calling her a man? Because you did do that, you know. Even after the first time you did it, where you were corrected. You kept on doing it. That is simple factual truth I am afraid. You did that. Be grown up enough to at least admit your mistakes. And yes, it was eight times, we counted.
Well, you’re just objectively wrong. Lets leave it at that. I’m not saying you have to -make- a new character, I am saying click create character, click Horde, and see what racial options it gives you. You will notice, that one of those core options is…gasps Blood Elf.
Ergo, Blizzard agree with me.
Wow, thats impressive, I like how the number of times you have apparently answered the question changes wildly each time you make this claim, whilst never actually being able to back up what you said. It does make it very hard to take it seriously. Also, again you start with the personal insults. Stay classy…
Well, the Lore blatantly -is- on my side. I mean, that is why the Blood Elves are in the Horde, or do you have selective vision when it comes to Horde questing?
Oh yeah, just a reminder. Who gives you the quests to go to Shadowlands on your version of the game? Come on, you can say his name, it won’t kill you to do so…
I assure you, as someone who makes his living through the written and spoken word, I am very good at English. Your statement did not make sense, hence I asked for clarification. My expectations are not particularly high in this regard, as asking you for anything is fairly futile…
As I say, we never use the word ‘Several’ in the English language to mean ‘Zero’. Interestingly you also claim to have done so ‘Ten’ times in the very same post. Which is it? Because we don’t use the word ‘Several’ to mean ‘Ten’ either. So both the reality of the matter, and your claim of the matter, do not fit the use of the word ‘Several’.
Sorry, were you still trying to assert that I do not understand my native language?
To be honest, the instant that Faction imbalance hits about a 20% disparity either way, this should be on the table, a free Faction transfer. We don’t know the exact figures at the moment, and anyone who claims they do, are lying, no one does as of at least 5 years ago now, but I think it is fairly safe to say the Horde had a slight numerical majority, the last time any reliable figures were released it was 52% Horde, 48% Alliance. I suspect strongly that this figure will have tilted since then, more towards the Horde. But yes, if it goes from 50/50 to 70/30 (So like Argent Dawn then ) then a free faction transfer should be an option.
Excuse me. The Alliance is not lame. We have space marines, people who literally have angels on their side, We have -Dwarves- We have Dwarves who are Dwarves whose hair is on fire and don’t care! We have the ultimate survivors of the worst terrifying death camp scenario, We have Werewolves, and Sylvan Guerrilla terrorists, oh, and did I mention that we have Robocop style cyborgs. The Alliance is -terrifying- as a concept.
No idea why so much of its playerbase want to drag it down.
There we go again. and again…and again…and again…
You already have that playerbase. They already jumped ship. They jumped ship when Night Elves could make Mage class, and in their masses when Void Elves were released.
You’ve already got the player shift you wanted. That is the point. What you are suggesting adds nothing to the Alliance. It certainly isn’t going to shift players from Horde to Alliance. If anything it will do the opposite.
Don’t you think, for a moment, that anyone playing a Nightborne or a Blood Elf on Horde side who was like “Oh I wish I could play a Highborne Kaldorei, or a Quel’dorei” hasn’t already changed faction when they realise “Oh, blimey! I can play a Highborne! Roll a Night Elf Mage!” or “Oh blimey! I can play a Quel’dorei, roll a Void Elf, use the normal Skin and non tentacle hair!”
You already have that demographic. The ones that remain Hordeside (And the Horde elven demographic -did- shift a little when Void Elves were released) are the ones who are actually into the lore, and the proper elven madness, You aren’t going to gain those players. You already -have- the players who would have jumped ship to play Alliance Elves.
Your proposal would add nothing, would take away, and would probably be really bad for subs in general.
They already exist, they are slightly under 10% of the Thalassian Elven species…
You’re kind of letting your true agenda show through here. I have yet to see anything of benefit to the Alliance, this is all about Alliance Elf stuff…
It really isn’t. Being Pitied is not a strong or appealing look.
What…the…actual…OK, you mean the second Well of Eternity, I presume? Not the original one, because that ship well and truly sailed.
At this point you’re kind of losing the room, because you aren’t caring about the Alliance, You went into a couple of paragraphs about how Kaldorei should have every aspect of everything back, so you are kind of just tipping your hand now. This isn’t about the Alliance anymore, this is about Elves.
B-but it’s OK, Draenei can be Night Elf sidekicks, and Lightforged can be human and High Elf sidekicks, and uhh, Gnomes can be Dwarf sidekicks, and err, WoW Humans Dwarves and Elves are a Triune again (They never were in this setting apart for one year). Dwarves can be much better, kinda like we saw in the Hobbit movies. Jaysis, will you listen to yourself?
This isn’t about the Alliance… It’s all about Elves, and you wanting everything Elven on Alliance. You don’t even manage to finish a paragraph about Worgen without then going into Kaldorei again and tying them into the Kaldorei. That already exists…You then suggest playable Kaldorei Worgen, because of course, Elven again, and we know that the Kaldorei Worgen ended so well first time around…
No, it really wouldn’t. There are other settings I could play if I wanted that type of thing.
Horde’s doing alright at the moment, yeah. If you strip away Horde assets like the Blood Elves and the Nightborne you’d basically be doing a reset to the Vanilla situation where they were not as appealing, but I suspect this is the thrust of your argument, to make the Alliance appealing by making the Horde worse.
The Horde has no High Elves to lose. High Elves are the 10% in exile (Although the Exile has actually been repealed by Lor’themar Theron, so there is no reason the High Elves can’t rejoin the majority of their species in the Horde) and it has no Night Elven civilisation to lose either, the Shal’dorei -are- separate from the Kaldorei, socially and actually physically.
Have you ever played Horde? More Orc assets is absolutely the last thing the Horde needs. That is like saying ‘We can make the Alliance more appealing by putting more Human stuff in there!’
It would be interesting, -if- you ignored the basic premise of how the Mag’har Orcs and MU Orcs work. Segregation would -not- be a thing either would want, and it actually wouldn’t add anything. ‘Make a separate Orgrimmar, that would be exciting!’ No, it would be dull and pointless. The Mag’har are pretty at home in Orgrimmar as it happens, and have no desire or reason to have their own capital in a zone that would only -actually- appeal to the Frostwolves, and even then, only a niche part of them. Remember, Thrall is a Frostwolf by bloodline, and even when he goes off to do his own thing he lives in somewhere more akin to Arizona, than Alaska.
So a Third Troll race. What do they add? I mean aside from the fact that they are a vanquished tribe, with opposing values to the existing Horde Troll races, and enemies of the Horde. What is the point?
The Amani rather famously hate the Horde, as you can see for yourself if you play Horde and see them in Dazar’Alor. Also, what do they add? “Oooh, Trolls who are Green, which we can already achieve by rolling Darkspear and picking that skin colour” Also you’re still tying this in to the theft of Horde Assets.
Errmm, have you read much lore?
They are neither numerous, nor strong. They bring nothing to the Horde. The Darkspear hate them. The Zandalari at best -tolerate- them (Gods know why, even the enclave in Dazar’Alor is hostile to the Horde, including the Zandalari.)
So another vanquished tribe that are enemies of the Horde who are a broken force. Wow…you really are selling this idea. I’m waiting to see an actual positive aspect to this, as opposed to just take take take…
What precisely do the Farakki bring, that the Amani and the Drakkiri do not bring? What in fact, do all three bring, that the Horde does not currently have?
You do know that you can roll a troll who is any of those three tribes already don’t you? The skins are there. You are literally offering nothing.
Goblin lore, read it. Then you will understand why those suggestions not only do not work, but are in some cases physically impossible.
So you want to negate the entire lore since WC3 then? And the humans are back, and under Calia (This is confirmed -not- to be happening by Blizz, by the way, Calia is not the new head of the Forsaken, nor is she being set up to be it) I mean how does this work? If they cohabit, do we get Alliance Forsaken, and Human Horde?
Your suggestions for Blood Elves and Nightborne don’t make any sense. There is no cultural drive or reason for them to suddenly change their architecture and culture, no reason at all. When I go to vote, if I vote for a different political party than I did last time, I don’t suddenly redecorate my house, and dress differently. I’m still the same person. Why on earth-or Azeroth- would a political decision suddenly change Elven society in terms of aesthetic and culture?
It will not. It really will not.
It will, because you are offering nothing new in return, apart from a few things that indicate you haven’t read the lore…
You are 100% incorrect.
See how that works?
Yes, it very much is…
No, by the lore it most definitely is not.
Clever, but easily dispelled. I never said that. I never said that did I? Stop trying to be too clever and falling over your own laces. What I -Did- say was that your suggestions were boring and monotonous, not that I found the other Horde races (Which I also play, by the way) boring and monotonous. Because I don’t. So don’t start telling lies and saying I said things that I did not, because Scroll up is a feature that would prove your words false in this regard.
Why not both? Why can I not like both, for different reasons, like, uh, like I do? Does everything have to be so black and white in your mind? You know a lot of people like both factions for different reasons, don’t you?
There is everything that can be done. They just don’t want to do it. If they were serious about it, they’d make the alliance shine properly again so players would think more highly of them and be interested in them.
It would be a mistake for them to make them like the horde is now because the horde is popular - part of the reason for the extreme popularity is because the only interesting thing the players have known is the horde thanks to blizzards favouring of them and shunting the coolest things including the best versions of alliance races (like the kaldorei civilization based Nightborne) to them.
Make the things people love about the alliance or loved about the alliance relevant, powerful and effective again instead of nerfed. People loved the high elves about the alliance - so bring them back in style. People loved the original grand kaldorei - an epic faction sized race with multi components spanning from a powerful frontier magical advanced civilization (which is what you see in the likes of Suramar and Warbringers Zin’Azshari) to powerful forest sentinels and druids, immortal full of great magic as they wrote them to be in both their pre-sundering and long vigil eras - this was how they were original written and presented - but in wow, they nerfed them, then split them, taking the pre-sundering kaldorei side to the horde a side that is very alliance themed, while constantly whipping the druid/sentinel side on the alliance… very slap dash.
So off course people stop liking them. When they did their models again in 6.0, the night elves were one of the only races people mostly thought ended up looking worse than the original rather than better. The male model had almost unilateral disapproval, with complaints about bad neck posture, too many ugly faces and too old etc - it’s like they went out of their way to make them even less attractive.
All blizzard need do is reverse these things… people loved the idea of the high elves on the alliance and they loved the earlier presentation of the Night elves when they were powerful and seemed to have an edge as powerful race of immortals or near immortals - instead of what we got during wow’s lifetime.
So true. It created impressions and trends. But saying that, such can be reversed, and the heart of it is image and perception. Change the image and perception of the alliance by making them look good and actually restoring the things people really liked about them in very cool ways.
They’ve spent so much time focusing on horde stuff, they seem to think they don’t know how to write alliance stuff. But it’s all there, , they just need to want to do it, and look at what people like and care most about the alliance. At the top of that list are High elves and Night elves done well.
Back in the day, i.e. wow classic and before, people were fascinated with the night elves, many read the WotA trilogy enchanted by the pre-sundering empire even though it wasn’t shown much in the game, which made Night elves appear mysterious and often contradicting - that nature is what led me to investigate them and buy the stories in the novels which made me like them even more.
i presume in time blizzard intended to show in-game this powerful pre-sundering aspect of the night elves as a development to them in game for those who don’t read the books… It made the Night elves seem quite the powerful and capable raec which narrative events had finally opened a 10,000 year shut door to start developing again and reclaiming lives they had to put on hold to prevent the Legion’s return. We expected this powerful race to pull together a major boon to the alliance who would presumably no longer look so weak and intimidated by the horde like they had been, now that the night elf faction was joining them. But oh how the story woven through wow completely let the side down.
The night elves were effectively nerfed and ignored mostly as the horde focus priority cut that off, many of the people who liked that aspect either quit wow or quite the alliance after a few expansions when it became clear they were dead in the water.
All they need to do is reverse those trends.
It is fixable, they just have to put the effort. And it is far more than cosmetic gimmicks like high elf skin tones for void elves, or messing up the gameplay by unbalancing racials once more - remember classic the horde had powerful racials but was still greatly out numbered - because it was perceived as the lame and evil faction.
Perception and popularity is what must change, and you change this by making the alliance shine, talking it up, presenting up, giving it the things people loved and wanted about it well, instead of in a crappy way.
There is no point opening free faction transfers to the alliance if there is nothing attractive or little incentive to go to it, no one would swap - or very few will.
the revival of the alliance would also stimulate the resurgence of good Warcraft lore and story telling. One of the reasons it’s so bad is because of how lopsided everything is, the horde is everywhere bout everything and the alliance just plays along, it feels a boring and predictable script where one group offers little to no challenge and appears to exist just to make the red side look good.
It’s like his menial suggestions of: “Well Alliance will have the entire Broken Isles and a large chunk of the Eastern Kingdoms…but Horde, you can have Un’goro Crator! And the Swamp of Sorrows! Oh and some other lands scattered around! It will be so exciting for you! Now I won’t play it, but you’ll love it!”
So broken and scattered around, looking like a bunch of poor escapee slaves. That’s what we’re supposed to look forward to, with these suggestions.
So basically, the Horde is surrounded on all sides, with the Alliance claiming most of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Broken Isles as well as already having Kul’Tiras.
We’re getting a few scattered lands, here and there…but we’ll love it. He won’t play it, no no no…but us Horde players, we’ll adore this.
Now you see why I say that if the Alliance gets the Broken Isles and Eastern Kingdoms, then the Horde gets all of Kalimdor and Northrend. I’m not sure how Night elf fans will feel about being kicked off, of Kalimdor again, but regardless - with his ideas, it must happen, regardless of the lore.
Making suggestions and to what current players would like is prettyoff the point imo.
You need to think what a prospective player would like. Those players whom are playing alliance but grumble “we don’t have helf, we don’t have EK…” what difference does adding them make to them? Nothing. They’re already playing alliance. They’re just gonna moan less.
You need to think about what makes a faction attractive to prospective newcomers or those already on horde. As far as I can see a vast majority of wow players give a minimal damn over the lore and politics of the game so which kingdom belongs to who and which elves work for who means little to them.
A faction that seems cool, have cool storylines, does stuff and seems to be riding on cool themes is how you do it. I fail to see what dividing the territories up does to accomplish this other than satisfy lore fanatics or people whom are obsessive with the history of elves in warcraft- which is a minority.
The fact is the Alliance is a reactive faction and is human centric. This works for some (those looking for a comfy experience playing as a generic human in a generic fantasy game) but for lots of others the horde just offers way more. You can play as a savage orc, a refined elf, a cunning vulpera, a weasly goblin and you can see their stories in game somewhat.
You can play a wolfman in WoW and you’ll attend meetings full of humans talking about humans and how humans need to rescue humans all whilst you’re in a human castle. What an utter waste of some of the unique elements the alliance has.
I’ce said it in the past and i’ll say it again. Blightcaller is off his rocker when he claims in Zuldazar “the alliance seeks to shape the world into their narrow vision” because this never ever happens. IT TOTALLY SHOULD. Let the Horde’s opposition to us be based off something tangible and the fact we do actually stomp over some of their ways of living because it doesn’t fit “the ideal” rather than them ranting about phantom crimes the ALliance never actually commits (or only does in opposition to their own aggression).
At this point in the narrative the horde’s opposition to the Alliance is largely:
“waaahh they did nasty stuff in the past some time ago which we can’t let go of (some of which was instigated by the Old Horde invading Azeroth but let’s not talk about that)”
“waaaah the alliance didn’t just do nothing when we did something really bad in the first place”.
It would be nice if it was something like:
“Waaaah we need to get revenge because those Draenei burned down that Troll temple as part of their crusade” or “waaah we need to stop the Gnomes and Dwarves drilling up Mulgore for natural resources”
This would be great, but this is Blizzard writing. At this stage, we all know the main commander of both of these would likely be a Human.
The alliance writers are a bunch of people who don’t know how to write the other races. Humans are easy, but folks like Christie Golden still sits around thinking “why don’t the people like Alliance story?! It can’t be my Anduin or Jaina that’s the issue.”
Turalyon says it all. “Let’s introduce a race of intergalatic holy warriors whom have been fighting demons for milennia, let’s made them led by that human character some people might remember”. What on earth. Why???
How can you have Humans have a tag like “they’re young and versatile but are masters of none” when you have the most powerful mages in the game having several humans amongst their number, the greatest paladin whom commands the army of the light, a human, freaking commander of the sentinel army listens to the military advice of some joe who fought in two wars and is impressed by his knowledge?
Like gaaaaaah. I’m not saying make humans unaccomplished by any means, but the best member of pretty much every class on Alliance is a human except druids and demon hunters! Paladin - Human, Mage - Human, Priest - Human Warrior - Human, Rogue - Human “masters of none” my backside.
it’s especially annoying because the alliance has three races (Nelf, Draenei, LFD) that have a history and mastery of magic spanning tens of thousands of years and they regularly defer to the “wisdom” of these guys who have been on the planet for maybe a few hundred years. Surely you’d expect the relationship to be the other way around? The “the old guy sees how the younger was wiser than he could ever be” trope gets really old when it’s the only trope played.
And thrusting Horde Elves at this will not solve anything - in fact, in the current times, that will make things worse. Two races that come from Azshara’s Highborne are playing second-fiddle to Humans.
We already caught a brief glimpse of this when Thalyssra was going a little “gah-gah” over Jaina’s magic. The only redemption to that came in the form of a book, by an author whom I utterly dislike, as Thalyssra was the one who teleported the whole Horde army to Zandalar and then fought some.
Blood elves and Nightborne are the source of some of the biggest and most un-necessary controversies in wow, they’ve led to a lot of problematic situations, thematic conflicts and undermining the factional fabric of the game.
Sure blood lves going horde worked well to helping the horde equalise it’s numbers, but now the horde has become the most popular faction, by some distance – their existence in this form is problematic, hindering, un-necessary and should be re-evaluated and changed.
The game now stands to benefit a lot by the blood elves changing to something else and the high elves returning to the alliance properly (not haphazardly or in a round about way as void elf skins)
No they are not. You just think they are, so constantly drive this narrative with nothing to actually back it up.
No, that is not the problem. And you know that. This is just your crusade to get all the Elven stuff on Alliance, as it has been for years.
The game will not benefit from that, it will only suffer from it. But you won’t care, because you’ll have all the Elven stuff on Alliance, and to hells with the rest of the Alliance and the Horde players.
Just be honest with yourself. This isn’t about the Alliance at all, is it? This is all about you wanting All the Elven stuff, Alliance and Horde, on Alliance side.
I think I have said a lot to explain myself and reasoning. If you don’t understand, just ask me, don’t pretend like you do and waffle on making pointless excuses.
oh but it is the problem, and I’ve explained well enough why I believe it to be so, just open your eyes Brigante, and stop letting your desire to hang on to high elven stuff on the horde blind you.
So you don’t see the benefit of the alliance gaining numbers and being desirable, or the two factions begin on par shining for the things that define and characterise them, as well as being clearly distinct in a way that is true to their original core, (by ensuring alliance things stay on the alliance and horde things are promoted first on the horde) while gaining new things like blood elves and Nightborne but these new things being unique, not based or themed on alliance things and therefore having clear identities separate that people can rally round and appreciate… right.
You don’t think that none of this is good. you’d like the imbalance to continue, you’d like for the choicest parts of the alliance to continue to be paraded and shine bright on the horde so everyone coming will forever be skewed towards the horde because they’d have the best of the alliance and the horde to choose from, you’re fine because you can gloat and feel superior for being on the better faction - because you don’t care about what is good for the game, just about beating your rivals and feeling better or superior to them.
Like an in game character, rather than a person genuine about improving the game.
But because the very thing that will improve the game most actually gives an alliance fan something you think he is only interested in, this makes it a bad thing? you’re losing objectivity, just because I have wanted high elves on the alliance doesn’t mean that it’s not the best thing to happen now.
He might constantly repeat it, but Blizzard won’t implement requests like this.
He shot himself in the foot when he agreed with the human paladin, where he agreed that Horde shouldn’t get anything, so he knows full well, that these pathetic motions of getting dotted lands around Azeroth and expecting us to be excited about it are just that…pathetic, because it’s dishonest.
“Oh you’ll love having little dotted-around areas like Un’goro Crator and Swamp of Sorrows! It’ll be for the best to preserve the Horde!”
I just logged in and walked around Silvermoon and the Nighthold, thanking Blizzard that they are both Horde locations, controlled and maintained by Horde races.
EDIT: It’s why I go back to saying that if the Horde loses Silvermoon and Suramar, plus Highmountain and the remaining locations around the Broken Isles and Eastern Kingdoms, then the Alliance loses all of Kalimdor and the majority of the Southern Icecrown regions.
Alliance will have their pretty cities and the Horde will have the founts of power.
West Kalimdor will be restored into Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei architecture, new cities built, Eldre’Thalas restored and with the magic of both the Sunwell in Ashenvale and the Well of Eternity atop of Hyjal, they could provide a “Ban’dinoriel” style shield, which prevents the Night Elves from ever reclaiming their lands.
EDIT 2: Maybe, Ashenvale could be renamed to something like “Anar’Thalas” or “Felo’thalas” once Lor’themar claims the land as the new home.
I’ve asked you three times already! But sure, I’ll try again.
Why do you think that the Sin’dorei, would suddenly forgive and forget the wrongs the Alliance have done them, far more recently than the Horde did.
Why are you so insistent that the High Elves and Nightborne are ‘Alliance themed’ when in fact one of them were only Alliance for a year (And not even the current Alliance) and one of them were -Never- Alliance in the first place?
What ‘different’ direction would you see for the Horde as recompense afterwards? (Genuine ideas this time, not waffling about islands destroyed by volcano’s, extra trolls that people could already play if they chose, and bizarre segregation of Orcs that isn’t a thing, nor talk of San’layn or Naga (Which we know will never be playable as a race) What -genuine- ideas do you seriously think would make up for the outrigt theft of two Horde races?
There isn’t any. The High Elves are Alliance, or leading solitary existences away from the Faction War. All the Horde stuff? That’s Blood Elves, and belongs to them.
Never said that did I? Did I say that? No, I don’t believe I did.
Err, I don’t think you meant to word it that way. As you make a statement (Which I never made) and then ask if I -don’t- think that -none- of this is good. Let me just work my way around the opposing terms there, especially as they involve a statement of your own that I fundamentally disagree with.
Actually, no, your question does not linguistically make sense and is not possible to answer, so lets break it down.
Do I see the benefit of Alliance gaining numbers and being desirable?
In a general sense yes, regionwise, on RP Realms It is the Horde that needs numbers and to be desirable, as they are sharded separately from ‘normal’ realms and therefore need the numbers, so that is not a simple yes or no question. If you mean on RP realms, my answer would be ‘No, the Alliance is doing better than fine’ if on ‘normal’ realms my answer would be ‘Yes they could do with being made more appealing’
Yes, regardless of realm type I think that would be a good thing, -however- we have different ideas as to what defines and characterise them, which is where the problem arises.
Yes, you are correct. I do not see the benefit of stripping Horde assets to make the Alliance better. I do see the benefit in making the Alliance cooler, I do not think that you need to steal stuff from the Horde to make it so.
Oh man/ma’am you really should try playing on an RP realm and then ask a Horde player about imbalance!
But that isn’t currently happening, so the insinuated question is meaningless.
I play both factions. I don’t feel superior to those who only play one faction. I do think sometimes they can get blinkered by faction loyalty, and personally reckon (though have no say in the matter) that the perspective of the individual player would be improved if they set faction mentality aside and played both sides, to gain better lore understanding, but that is just me. If people want to just focus on one faction, then hey, it’s their game, their sub. I mean, they’re missing out on the cool wolf/horse mount that you got from BfA for completing the story arcs on both sides (and they are cool) but that is their personal choice.
I don’t -have- rivals in this game… My characters might. If I am playing Brigante Summerisle, or Tessarin Sunlance, or Karnakh Battlesmite, Janda’zin or Atatanka Thunderhorn then my characters rivals are the Alliance, equally as if I am playing Ginette Nixon, Nabaal the Smiling one, Gallery Fitzjinx or Jack Tallister my rivals are the Horde.
Me the person playing them? No, I have no rivals in the game.
Again, a two pronged question or statement rather, to which the answers are different. -You- believe that giving Horde stuff to Alliance will improve the game.
I disagree with that. Utterly.
You want High Elves on Alliance? As I have stated in the High Elf thread, I have never been opposed to High Elves being playable on the Alliance.
Those 10% who in lore actually -Are- Alliance. No nicking stuff from the Horde.
Thirdly, ‘for it to happen now’?
I disagree, for narrative purposes. For it to happen -now- would be bizarre storywise, as the current story has nothing to do with High Elves, so their inclusion during this expansion would be extremely random. Wrath of the Lich King would have been better timing with Vereesa’s antics and the Silver Covenant. Legion would also have been good, because of the beautiful spectacle of the Battle of Five Elven Armies at Suramar (Kaldorei, Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Shal’dorei rebels and Elisande’s Shal’dorei) That would have been beautiful narrative.
I mean it was beautiful narrative anyway, but would have been an ideal opportunity to make the 10% playable on Alliance side as they step up to the plate.
Even BfA would have been good, given that we see that some of the 10% have enlisted in the Seventh Legion, and the prominence that unit had in that expansion.
Shadowlands, ehh, not so much, I can’t see the hook. It’s like my ‘wish race’ for the Horde. It wouldn’t make sense with the plot. Why would Shadowlands lead to High Elves suddenly being playable on Alliance and Gnolls being playable on Horde? The Expansion simply doesn’t concern those races at all, and paradoxically the only High Elf in the entire expansion at the moment is Undead and a Villain…
That’s not really important, the devs can make up a reason to explain that. Narratives are often created to explain the direction of changes. All the lore in TBC of the blood elves joining the horde was created to explain that development which was based on non-narrative reasons.
So, the high elves returning fully will have an explanation written by the devs. I can suggest one, in fact I can suggest several, and we can have many discussions of theories and ideas, but the devs will come up with something… that is never a problem.
You actually haven’t read what I have written, or you wouldn’t need to ask that. If you can understand that Alterac humans, or any faction of dwarves, elves or humans joining a non-alliance faction whether the horde or another doesn’t change them from being an alliance-themed race - then you’ll be able to understand better.
But you really need to read my earlier responses… what my help is to stop yourself from trigger responding, and read everything I write through once, so you get the whole context, then coming back to reply to section by section, rather than skim read, and respond to anything that sounds a bit off to you.
There is no different direction for the horde, it’s the blood elves and Nightborne that get a new direction so they don’t look or feel like the alliance. I have also explained this before in detail, you just need to read it through
That isn’t what I mean, you need to try to understand what the other party is trying to communicate if you are going to understand them. t hey may use the wrong words or phrases that make it difficult, but if you