What would make the alliance more popular?

Just give more PvE racials to Alliance that can compete with horde and give horde better PvP racials so top of the ladder wouldn’t be 90% alliance.

Just unite the factions for larger player base for pve and make pvp realms without warmode free-for-all combat, but with bank, auction house and inn being safe havens for example. No more faction balance issues. Let the mayhem begin by allowing the lunatics run the asylum.

I will paraphrase this again.


You have no idea how players can get inspired to play a faction when they can feel pride for their faction when they see a cinematic and are part of this awesome group of soldiers to protect their kingdom or land.



For many players it wouldn’t be enough. Story in WoW already became that 10th sequel’s storyline that doesn’t make any sense. Another dimensions, time travels and all that crap that ruins every franchise.

For some casuals maybe it is an argument but for every PvE player it isn’t but top guilds results. If in top 100 mythic Ny’alotha guilds there are 2 alliance ones and in top 100 3v3 pvp players there are 2 horde there is something wrong. Blizzard has to rework racials in the way that alliance has some the best PvE and Horde some of the best PvP racials so people would bother transferring because if Alliance gets equal racials nobody would pay for it if he already plays horde.

Then there must be second phase when transfers happened. Balancing.

Exactly what I said, it needs a cool story.

Blizzard is making nonsensical stories lately is why players are out of touch with their factions.
But have you seen the impact it gave horde players when they saw all these cool stories and cinematics revolving around their faction like theyve done with Garrosh and Sylvanas?


Sadly Alliance were portrayed as pansies or just as a third-wheeling faction is why nobody takes them seriously and finds them boring.

Blizzard needs to focus on faction issues, not X big character like Arthas, Illidan or even Sylvanas. Because they are basically neutral and do nothing to the faction pride for the player.


Players who play WoW for story are mostly casuals who buy sub. Finish questline and don’t sub until new patch is released. It wouldn’t fix any representation. To change it you have to address players who keep being subbed.

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Guess what? Most players in WoW are casuals and help keeping this game alive with their sub money and even raiders care about story.

Maybe not you, maybe not your guild, but they do of those I speak on a daily basis.

If you want to fix faction issues? Get to the root of the problem, not treat the symptoms.

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It wouldn’t matter because players follow influencers, streamers and youtubers and most of them play in horde because it helps them playing PvE content.

And why are these streamers mainly horde?

Because horde in-game is portrayed to be a lot cooler and it made a snow-ball effect for everyone jumping in the bandwagon and now Blizzard is forced to pander to that said faction to appease these said streamers or they will lose their influencers.

Hence why story quality is crap for the Alliance. The faction has been left forgotten like a used piece of tissue.

And with that knowledge, you know exactly how to fix it.

Make Alliance cooler.

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :microphone:


Alliance could get racials. Either specific stat buffs for each race (which wouldn’t benefit all race/class combinations, but strengthen race identity) like this:
+10% strength to Dwarfs and Dark Iron Dwarfs
+10% versatility to Humans and Kul Tirans
+10% intellect to Gnomes and Mechagnomes
+10% agility to Night Elfs and Void Elfs
+10% haste to Draenei and Lightforged Draenei
+10% stamina to Worgen and Pandaren

Or give all Alliance races the same buff:
+5% Stamina
+5% Agility/Intellect/Strength
+5% Haste
+5% Versatility


Legion was an alliance expansion
It dealt with the draenei and their history
It was rich with night elf history
It brought back old alliance heros
The death of their king and anduin finding his place as the new king

Where as the horde wasn’t even in the expansion in any notable way.

The alliance had an epic story not too long ago

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Bring back the RPG elements of this MMO-RPG. Remove borrowed power. Give Alliance a good story, a cool race and something more intersting to do.

Racials are now, and never have been the issue. People just parrot that like it’s the rerason. It isn’t. Especially now. Mechagnomes and LFD have the most OP racials, even Dark Irons purge is OP, but it’s not enough.

I play both factions, but I prefer horde for many reasons:

  • Players just get the job at hand done
  • People will play their role and not cry about it
  • In BGs they don’t tend to give up easily
  • They aren’t so sensitive about things like jokes, political, religious or identity based comments or jokes
  • They can disagree without blocking / reporting all the damn time

When I play alliance I expect the groups to fall apart, lose, take too long, and look for consensus when none is required.
If that isn;t the case then it’s some petty tyrant trying to rule over their guild or group with an iron fist.
Horde has much less of this.

The major difference isn’t something Blizzard can fix. It’s player perceptions. People think Horde are better because of Racials or whatever, but the fact is Horde are better because they try harder and spend more time applying effort.
Alliance is for casuals, Horde is for pushers and people who want to see how far they can go. Blizzard can’t fix that. It’s a player issue, not a systems issue.

im not sure thats true, 2 of the main zones we levelled in became horde allied races. i think the goal for blizz was to have much of the xpac ‘neutral’

High mountain was certainly more horde as a zone because of the race.
However although suramar did become horde, that was after the expansion and no one saw it coming. It was night elf history.
2 of the levelling zones were night elf history.
So of the 4 levelling zones at least 2 were alliance. 1 was horde, and the other is debatable.
Then you had suramar which was pretty strongly alliance at the time, only changing to be neutral in retrospect. While it was current content it was in no way horde related.

Then we had the brokenshore which was alliance. The horde had no presence. Then we went to argus which was alliance.

I strongly feel the horde did nothing the whole expansion. But the alliance got drenched in story for 2 of their races and their king.

Blizz or more accuratly Activision/Blizzard couldn’t give a monkeys about WOW, let alone the faction imbalance. Lets fix the foundations before we start on the house.

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They don’t need to unite the factions to do that, just allow cross faction guilding, and other stuff. in fact, faction divisions can be purely lore based. It iwll solve the faction iiblanace, but then the worry is that wow would have lost something unique that the faction system brings.

Now if they kept the two faction system, but had 4 lore factions… a lore faction is a faction that doens’t divide the player base, it happensin the l ore but not in the system…

e.g. if night elves, draenei, split off from humans, dwarves - the, because they are going their separate ways, but remain friendly - you can still group up with each other and guild up, but in the lore the night elves and draenei are now a faction of their own - that’s what i mean.

Interesting, why do you think that is though? Something caused that perception to happen, Whether racials or massive lore push, but it happened, I don’t think it’s reversible, but they can at least start writing the alliances up… they were not doing that at all, so scared it would draw people to the alliance and make the horde less popular.

Frankly i don’t think they need to touch racials, just write good stuff for alliance - the fantasy people love (elves, humans, dwarves - it more about each individual race and their wide huge world - while the horde is all about unity and the faction, adventure folk will go alliance, hardcore folk will go horde, but if alliance folk wanna go hardcore, they at least have the capability to, … problem solved.

Ever since the blood elves joined (and in part the forsaken) the horde being a united unit has seemed less likely, because the blood elves are too alliancey. So either they abandon that original basis for the horde and make it the separate races people that come together, and make the alliance the unity faction … or they turn the blood elves very horde like, nightborne too - bolstering the high elves and the highborne night elves to actually carry that high civilization side of their races like they originally did in the lore.

With Blood elves and Nightborne more horde like, you can get a more unity faction, while the alliance will welcome the diversity within it’s elves and dwarves and largely focus on individuality of the races and how it’s hard for them to work together.

Add more transmog options for Gnomes, we are that cool and that awesome!!! Bow to us puny world!!!

Give us a new horse mount and all the traitors from the horde side will come back to ally within a day.

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I’ll tell you why that would be a bad idea, it would reinforce, and in fact -confirm- the perceived ‘fact’ that the Alliance is Easy mode, and the Pity Faction, it also doesn’t make any Lore sense, and if people don’t care about the lore, then to heck with them, we shouldn’t be crouching to make them look taller, they don’t care about the game anyway…
It would destroy Faction Pride in the Alliance, and bolster it in the Horde, which is the opposite effect of what is being striven for here.

I’d certainly feel worse on my Alliance 120’s if I knew any perceived superiority I had in stats were given to me out of -charity-.

This is true. As the Horde player, who are you taking orders from? Khadgar (Neutral, but Alliance race) Illidan (Neutral but Alliance race) Velen (Alliance racial leader) Tyrande (Alliance racial leader).

When does the Alliance take orders from a Horde racial leader, or even a Horde race -Neutral-?


Let’s look at the last patch, Argus.

We’re on an Alliance ship, whose crew are all wearing Exodar tabards,
What is the Horde presence?

Two. Liadrin, who plays no part in proceedings and is below decks.
Aethas, who plays no major part at all.
Let’s look at the flight deck of the Vindicaar, shall we?

  1. Illidan Alliance Race (Though Neutral)
  2. Khadgar, Alliance Race (Though Neutral)
  3. Artificer Romuul. Alliance.
  4. Velen. Alliance.
  5. Alleria. Alliance.
  6. Turalyon. Alliance.
  7. Vereesa, Alliance.
  8. Arator the Redeemer, Alliance.

Yeah…Now tell me again that wasn’t an Alliance saves the Galaxy expansion?

You just felt like you had no agency in the story, if you played Horde, mainly because you didn’t. Way worse than BfA, there was just no hook at all. Now it -Should- have been all about the Draenei, but thats the point, it should have been all about the Draenei, not the Draenei and some demon hunter freak, a human, a half elf, two elves and one sickening God Powered Human (Have they never learned what happens when you give Alliance godlike powers? It means they can’t use them! You might as well just not bring them into the story, or better still, have them actually be -leaders- not Demi-Gods…

Legion was utterly an Alliance Expansion.

At this rate I’d say ‘Give both Faction’s a good story’ as neither have had them for a while. What cool race would you suggest, that fits the Alliance?

-Became- is the operative word here. During the expansion they were neutral. During Legion the LFD were also neutral, during BfA the Mechagnomes were also neutral. Same deal.

Speak for yourself. I hate the watered down legends Tolkien put in. Elves do not -Belong- with Humans, Dwarves do not -Belong- with humans. That isn’t proper thinking even by WoW standards. The Elves have always done what is best for them, they don’t ‘belong’ with humans and dwarves.

No, that’s the ‘Standard Fantasy Trope’ coming out again. They’re not ‘Too Alliancey’? How is that even possible when they signed up to the Alliance for one war, then left it, and then have been in the Horde for ages?
I think you might be confusing post-Tolkien fantasy settings with historical myth and legend, in which case the Blood Elves are exactly where they should be.

So, more stuff for the High Elves and Night Elves then? That is your solution to faction imbalance?

Come on, for real?

This whole thread has been “Give Alliance this!” "Give Alliance that! “Give Night Elves and Void Elves stuff”

That isn’t a good look. I’d prefer concrete ideas rather than just “Buff mah Night Elves!”