What would make you want to play a healer?

I’d play a healer if my comp wasn’t a potato with long loading screens despite the game being on the ssd XD

Game wise, I’d play a healer if dps realised they’re playing an active role in mitigating incoming damage aka don’t stand in stuff.

Ur misunderstanding.

These people dont want to play healers, hence the requirement for major reward for doing so.

Theyre askkng what itd take for u to play a class or specc u dont like.

That is what I enjoyed the most, and I was really good at it.
Now, trying to do damage and healing is frustrating. DPS do damage and don’t care of anything else, tanks the same (although with my paladin I help healing, but as last resort. First me, then the rest eventually) so why healers have to do two jobs? No wonder few like it nowadays and people complain there are no healers

As a main healer myself for forever i have absoiutely no idea what you mean by 2 jobs. When i play my tank or dps alt, it is way more difficult than healing.

Pressing some damage buttons for a healer usually means just literally spam 1 button. Like smite or chain lightning. And that is not even about doing dps, but just to not do nothing for a longer period of time.

And are we really going wild over pressing crusader strike every time after holy shock so we get cooldown reduction on holy shock and a holy power? Or pressing consecration because it gives 20% boosts to word of glories when we stand in it? Are we calling that doing dps and a 2nd job?

I am really curious. I don’t understand it.

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1 spell is one GCD… 1 second that I’m not allow to press to heal a dying DPS on a rush. Plus healing spells are not paladin instant. The moment I point my attention to an enemy it could could could could could could cause (did I say could so you don’t say it’s untrue? Good) could cause to lose focus on a member of the party and his following demise.
Doing two jobs could (could) create distractions.
What am I doing as tank? Oh yeah, use defensives, focussing the enemy and blaming the healer if I die.

Pfff, we have moments of 30 seconds happening nothing. When you are afraid someone dies in the next gcd, don’t press your chain lightning. It is not that hard.

And you can just have a mob as target while you have your eyes on the party frames. You do not need your eyes on the mobs. We healers use mouseover macros so we never have to switch our target.

What i am doing as tank? Having at least double the amount of rotational buttons. Keeping track of all kinds of buffs. I play brewmaster, maybe it is an outlier. I do not have another tank. But there is A LOT of rotational you need to press. Including self healing. Or dispelling.

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Sounds like someone is talking about PvE.

Indeed, PvE is pretty boring.

You can make a different topic about those differences. In pvp you do not even have tanks and aggro. So your post is a bit useless.

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I already did:

If they ever made shockadin build somehow possible for holy pala, my friend played it in original TBC and Got merciless gladiator title with it. It was so cool to watch.

Not sure why you try to get attention for your topic in another :dracthyr_shrug: You have nothing to contribute here with posts like that.

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Seeing all the green numbers and already be decently fully geared.

I’m a healer main, Holy Priest at the moment (prevoker did not work for me in pugs at all, the range limitations just make it extremely frustrating), I like the role even though it’s very stressful at times.

I do however feel like we have to do a few too many things, i.e. heal, deal with mechanics, watch positioning of others, mana management, damage and cooldown management. When I was a DPS main I had to worry about two things, damage and mechanics, and I was never blamed for a wipe. I think the number of things we have to deal with should be lowered a bit, my main painpoint personally being mana management. I think it’s redundant and I hate that it’s the only role which needs an external consumable just to function (granted as an HPriest I specced into all the mana talents and I now basically never have to worry about it, but it does happen that I run out of mama sometimes). As for the mechanics I made my life easier myself by specifically picking Holy Priest for its reactive playstyle, which is the one I’m best at, as well as not having an interrupt.

I do play healer, but knowing from other players and somewhat myself, friendlier players is the biggest thing as well as people knowing tactics and doing their own work instead of expecting healers to carry them.

Get a good and friendly group of players and healing is a lot of fun, imo more than tanking and dpsing.

Main reasons why ppl don’t play healers from what I hear is that no one wants to learn since messing up most likely means a bunch of hate and toxic ppl, same in pvp or pve, if u mess up as a healer it’s very noticeable and ppl will give u tons of hate. Ppl want shorter solo shuffle ques, more M+ healers, start treating ppl well and more and more will take it up, improve and become great healers.

I pugged a lot of 20’s and stuff and the time you feel like giving up the most is when dps simply don’t know what to do and healers have to heal them through close to one shot mechanics, u fail the key, ppl get mad etc. M+ is team work, interrupt, dispel, do affixes, play the game together and keys are easy to time and everyone will walk out happy. Be nice and new healers will come, grow and stay.

Only something like making the role so damn op that u can in fact heal ppl just standing in bad/ignoring mechanics w/o a sweat. Otherwise It’s unplayable w/o a friend group/guild and the sort.

Altho then it prolly would be too boring. Yeah I don’t think anything would make me heal again at this point.

Also this 100%, healers simply have more repsonsibilities than anyone it feels like, ideally you want to do:

  1. Your main role thing - keeping everyone alive, while also managing ur mana. The difficulty of which depends solely on how well ur team handles mechanics and uses their own kit.
  2. You still wanna sqeeze in some dps to help out the team
  3. You still have to deal with most of the ranged mechanics yourself, while still being punished (kinda) if other ppl fail theirs. As well as added healer specific mechanics on some bosses, not all but it’s still present from time to time, be it something u gotta dispell or whatever.
  4. God forbid it’s incorporeal or afflicted affix…

Maybe even more, it’s a tough life and as a dps I try to make it easier for healers as much as I can by utilizing my defensives and the sort.

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Until Blizzard learns how to make affixes and mechanics for healers, that cross icon when I queue up it’s never gonna be ticked.

I used to LOVE playing my shammy healer…
It was so much fun and so rewarding when pugs used to be sociable and you got complimented for succeeding in those “oh $#!t” moments…
Now, nobody cares or for that matter even talks in pugs anymore and healing has become too much of a chore and so stressful…
Now I don’t do dungeons anymore because they are just not fun :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The reason you asked for is…“because it WAS rewarding”

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