What would your character say to the above poster? #28

“All this talk of soup has made me rather hungry.”

Teknetia fetches a a metal bowl with a lid out of his backpack and rests it on Bowser

“Just need to give it some time to heat up a bit. Would anyone else care for some?”

Sneaks up behind the Draenei as he’s busy with his bowl, pressing the tip of a blade into his back.

“Wallet, please.”

“And some soup.”

Appears on a height next to the Void elf and in turn puts her blade to the elf’s neck
“I thought we were all on the same side here? Now give back that wallet. Or give it to me, your choice.” she pauses for a second and then adds “You can’t see it because I’m behind you but I am giving you a friendly smile also.”

I’m not sure whether to crush you under my plated boot, or raise you as a playtoy for my Frostwyrms. Do you have a preference?

“You know, I’ve met some Ebon Knights in my time that I really liked. Morose, sure, but I can sympathize. You, though? You remind me of the Scourge when it marched on Quel’thalas, and again in the Northrend Campaign. We had to learn a lot of things back then… like just how to dispose of a body so that even the greatest necromancers can’t do much with it.”

She pauses, and then vanishes - or rather, the illusion that had been speaking vanishes, and a pair of heavily enchanted blades prick up under the death knight’s armpits. “We also learned what constitutes a vital point on a death knight. Cut deep enough through the muscle and ligaments, pierce the joints and pry them apart, suddenly your arms aren’t much use. Or, alternately, we could all put our weapons away and talk like civilized beings.”

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“An Illusion! What are you hiding?”

She then rubbs the bridge of her nose

“Sorry… sorry darling, old habits die really hard! Please, carry on… do you need help my dear?”

I didn’t know soup made people so aggressive.

Scrappi looks shocked at what is going on around him before looking at the Nightborne

Why I’m glad you asked! I’ve been meaning to find an excuse to reveal my absolutely amazing facial hair. Have you ever seen anything so wonderous in your life! I know, I know, you don’t have to say anything, I know you are absolutely stunned.

gives a cheeky smile and a wink to the Nightborne

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“Nice! I could use your head to play basketball!”

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“You’re in for disappointment, mate. Heads don’t bounce as well as you’d like.”

“I’m not that surprised the garden ornaments sticks together in this… But I must say this sport event would attract quite a number of spectators. And teams. Naturally we Nightborne would win, of coruse, but a healthy chalange is always nice! Tell me darling, its a BYOG event or the Gnomes is provided for the tournament?”

So miss nightborn.
You woudnt happen to know the spell used to turn the well of eternity into a portal for sargaras?
And if the nightwell or sunwell coud function as one such portal?

“So, not that I’m trying to keep you talking while the guards surround the place, nothing like that, but just to check some facts: You are aware that plan relied on an artifact that no longer exists, and also failed, right? And that the original Well of Eternity was orders of magnitude greater than any of the lesser wells spawned from mere fractions of its power? And the numerous other holes in your hypothesis?”

No i was not aware.
Thank you for explaining that too me.
Also thank you for all those free soulshards that are serounding this place.

I need to get back to the dreadscare and find a new way to rebuild the legion.
When the time come’s would you be interested in joining?
Sure the legion wanted to destroy azaroth but can you blame them?
We cant go one year without something attacking us or the horde getting all violent.
Not to mention all those old gods.
The legion offers us a place as members of an intergalatic spacefairing nation.
With servants for the competent, our own lands, etc.
Surely that is beter then letting azaroth live.
What good is that titan to us?
What has she ever done for any of us.
And no this world would provide for us if she was alive or dead.
If anything she is just an other parisite like the old once’s.

There’s crazy people, and then there’s this guy. You won’t survive long in this crowd.

And they call me crazy…

I know.
You shoud hear what the roses say about you and the gnome.
Something about a tree.
I burned them because they where anoying me.

“We have talking plants in Quel’thalas. I get the feeling those aren’t the kind you’re talking to. Maybe the demons aren’t your only major problem…”


“Fools often suffer beneath the weight of their dense skulls. In the Warlock’s situation, I believe that would be an applicable diagnosis.”

looks at the Death Knight’s armor

“Hey, aren’t you that guy that lives on a frozen chair up a mountain? I can’t remember his name. Tall, blue eyes, big sword, looks cold?”

nearly trips over scrappi

I didnt see you there.