What's happening Horde-side?

Hey, so I’m playing Ally side right now, and pretty much have been doing so for about 90 years straight it feels like but I’m really wanting a change right about now.

The game is really starting to feel very ‘samey’ when it comes to RP at the moment, too many of the same archetypes that I see time and time again, so I was wondering if I could break up that monotony with some Horde RP!

I’ve tried it in the past and it went really well; Had a good guild, did loads of fun events, the whole nine yards. Things went dead after a little bit of drama and I just went straight back to Ally side again. But I wanna give Horde another try so really I just wanted to test the waters.

What’s going on over there? Who’s recruiting? What are people looking for? What do people like seeing? Where should I start?

General stuff. Thanks for your time AD! Let’s see what you’ve all got.


There’s plenty going on, the best starting spot is the Horde discord. Plenty on there to have a look at:

https:// discord.gg/AH96f6Y

All guilds are recruiting I would imagine and everything is catered for.

Have a look at the discord group above and if you’re looking for something in particular, let us know, we can point you in the right direction.

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Lots and lots and lots of guilds.

You are right in the sense that Horde RP is often more fantasy-based and diverse, just due to the nature of the faction!

When it comes to guilds themselves, the Valley of Honor is a hub for a variety of guild types- Mercenary, Military, Crime, etc.

However, lots of guilds on Horde are not based near the cities and are easily discovered through the discord that Itlaris posted above!

Of course I am obliged to mention the PCU, a big ol’ collection of guilds that have a strong presence on the Horde side. If you are looking to take part in epic-scaled rp campaigns and events with loads of players from both Alliance and Horde,- the PCU is a good place to be. The guilds in the PCU are all dedicated to creating RP and uniting roleplayers in order to create huge epic stories for us to enjoy!!!

Most of the PCU gamer gang can be located somewhere on this thread guild-wise, I’m sure there will be something for you!


Hello there!

Good choice to return to Horde RP. I personally like both sides, and can’t have one without the other.

But about Horde RP:
As you may already know , Horde RP is much more guild, event or campaign based rather than casual hubs. But you have Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar, and Silvermoon (avoid Bazaar, it’s basically Horde’s Goldshire.)
Generally Horde RP has a better quality too, than some things that can be found on Alliance, mainly Stormwind.

Depending on what you’re going to play, there are several good guilds on Horde side too. Military, Racial, Mercenary, Cult and Darker themes, Tribal, etc.
As i have seen, Horde side also has more love for conflict RP generally, than simply chilling and purely casual/social stuff.

Would be good if you’d like to mention your interest too, and you may find the guild you like.

This too. :slight_smile:


There is a lot going on (Because it’s the best side). Loyalists vs Rebels, murder, plots to usrp one another, Zandalari being quotable in RP all the time and with the hopefull addition of Vulpera, a possible increase in trade RP…

It’s all going down in red town.


We’ve got pandaren doing cool things and cool people playing those Pandaren


Join me, Wrenchnuts.

Join me in keeping the Horde’s unity in its most dire of days.


The beast with a thousand heads stirs and starts shilling PCU guilds.

As others have said, Horde RP is much closer-knit than Alliance, with less focus on cliques and more on campaigning. There are less guilds, but they’re better known throughout. Below you’ll find the cream of the crop, most of whom are members of the Stygian Legion that seeks to further Horde (and Horde-aligned) interests.

Bilgewater Battalion, the Goblins and otherwise technologically-inclined individuals

Painted Shields, the Zandalari loyalists and their allies from other tribes

Hand of Conquest, the backbone of grunt RP

Rotgarde, the honor of Tirisfal

Highblood Myrmidons, the elves

Grim Gest, the unit of efficiency through ruthlessness


We here, taming drakes and slaying snakes :snake: :fire: :dragon:


Thanks all for the feedback!

I’m pretty stoked to come on over then. Anything else you can tell me? Who’s winning, the Pro Banshee boys or the Orc lot?

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The Pro Banshee Orcs


There are non Pro Banshee players??

No one because it’s all Time-gated so we’re sitting here in Civil war limbo.


To my knowledge, the rebellion/revolution thing is still up in the air as far as lore goes.

We’re left with a cliffhanger in this patch and… well that is the extent of it. A vague notion that Sylvanas means to attack Thunderbluff and Jaina, Thrall, Baine and Saurfang defending it.

The Alliance send their regards.

As it stands, both in lore and in the general RP, the loyalists are on top.

I mean, no one really ‘wins’ at RP.

But being a loyalist is a good way to try.

Here’s a mandatory plug for current goings-on with Goblin RP!
The Cartelagio Discord: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/cartelagio-a-goblin-rp-discord-initiative/32370
The Goblin Heists: tinyurl.com/TheZeppelinJob

Truth is both sides are loosers….

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To be honest, until we know what the current score is, and how well known some things are, it is difficult to tell. It isn’t (or shouldn’t) be full on Civil War yet, sure, as the atrocities rack up, there would be some degree of unrest, as characters whose leaders have been attacked/imprisoned, are probably less happy than the Forsaken and the Goblins, whose star is on the ascendance. You then have Blood Elves where it seems to be coming down to whichever way their moral compass is blowing that day, the impression I get is that whatever form the ‘Storm’ takes, it is still gathering, but the clouds are coming to a nasty head, and people can taste the tang of blood in the air, so you kind of have a mix of Guilds who are defiantly Anti Sylvanas, Guilds who are definitely Pro-Sylvanas, whereas most of us are, like the nations in Wow, stuck somewhere in the middle, trying to figure out whose side, if any, we are on.

Definitely fun times to play on Team Red… Get involved now, before we get Kerrigan 2.0 or Siege of Orgrimmar 2.0, heh heh.

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To be honest and as usual Horde is more interesting albeit more unstable than the alliance politically. It makes for interesting RP though!