Whats the FF hype about?

good ol talking behind others back is it?
anyway they dont pay your sub so why should i take their advice
i just add them to the ignore list which is account wide

Yeah, because they get banned if they do it to your face in FFXIV. I see the stuff being typed in my FC’s discord from time to time and it’s no different than how people behave in WoW, just not to people’s face.

well two of them were direct with their advice as a harsh form of criticism of whatever you call it in the raid chat
but most of those players who queue for the dungeons/trials/raids i meet are solo players with no FC/guilds so it is impossible to talk behind your back without fc and their discord
and ones who are in one only say hi/hey and gg after boss dies or ask for mechanics as a first time player
what they got mad about is that someone can do a simple mistake it happens
those two who tried to criticise me were the rare case of such players
are there not people who did/do this in m+ keys before leaving them

Which is kinda ironic since FFXIV is currently going through its longest pve content drought of almost a full year. People who recently switched just don’t realise because they’re new.

Said no one ever.

I mean for the top players in 14 the content drought start literally a week after a new patch.

This is one thing I will have to disagree with. PVP in FF14 works. That is the highest praise I can give it. Honestly it barely works but whatever. The gameplay in pvp is not smooth and jobs are absolutely not balanced in pvp.

And let’s not even get started on the tab targeting system in FF14. In pve you don’t really notice it because you mostly fight against one enemy at a time. But in pvp hoo boy. When you have more than 3 targets on the screen the tab targeting just gives up and goes off the screen to buy some liquor and rarely does what you want it to do.

I mean I will sing praises for FF14 for pve, I will compliment it for storytelling and casual activities but pvp is one thing I will never praise it for. Pvp in FF14 is dreadful.


PvP there is different game with different skills and everything, no? So character development in ‘main game’ won’t even matter there.

Yes, you just need to get to level 30 with a class and equip a job crystal and you are good to go. All the stats are pre-set and you get all new skills and spells to work with. It does work but it’s honestly a pretty shallow experience plagued with technical issues.

Having separate pvp toolkit is not so bad imo. That way they can balance either side without affecting the other.

They why not just go to PvP in dota or whatver, lol. FF and FF PvP is almost as different.

nah, they’ll say it to your face under the veneer of; “oh, I’m just trying to help”

Like tell the healer to do some DPS while they struggle to keep the whole group alive.

Then get their noses put out of joint when the healer argues back.

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Valid, but that is just down to what you -choose- to wear. Some WoW armour does indeed look absolutely dire (Vanilla and TBC Hunter gear I remember looking absolute rubbish)
But that’s why we now have Transmog, and you -can- make your character look good.

Ehh, that would be kind of cool, the hair thing, can’t think of any of my characters I would use it on… Deciding your height would be interesting, for example Brigante is supposed to be short for a male Sin’dorei, at only 5’5" but it’s just such a faff with size items in WoW. Body sliders isn’t a selling point either, The games I have played with them, when you actually make the character, don’t look like they do when you -play- the character SWTOR being one of the best examples. The character generation bore no resemblance to the end result. I have heard from people who play FF that it too, has not escaped that curse.

Is that a good thing though? I mean weren’t people complaining about oversaturation of NPC’s and their interaction with the player character, or did that go out of fashion when Streamers jumped ship? I mean why would you? Why would Brigante spend time with Jaina, he wants her to hang for War Crimes, Thrall is frankly way above his pay grade as a Ranger-Captain to talk to, plus they wouldn’t have much in common apart from both being married with a kid/s Malfurion wouldn’t really interest Brigante, and Brigante would be an ant to Malfurion, sure the Farstriders may be the vestiges of Druidic magic left to the Sin’dorei, but they’re not -actual- druids. Sylvanas would have been his boss, up until the Scourge invasion, but then she was -everyone in the military’s boss!- And now he hates her. Tyrande? Brigante has no reason to hate her personally, but he’s pretty sure she would hate him and kill him for being Horde.

So why is that sort of interaction with NPC’s necessarily a healthy thing? Don’t get me wrong, I liked knocking around with Flynn Fairwind in BfA, but he would do my nut in if I was over exposed to him. I loved the ‘Buddy Cop’ movie that was the Sin’dorei heritage armour quest, you and Lor’themar being absolutely kick-bottom…

Sounds awful. I realise the irony of a Voice Actor saying that sounds awful, but that does sound awful, and is one of the major criticisms I have heard from friends who play FF. Too many cutscenes, that frankly outstay their welcome and shouldn’t be necessary. You don’t mind them at the end of an expansion, or a cinematic moment. The Wrathgate? Perfect, the death of Arthas, again, perfect. If the game needs that much exposition -in game- then it is flawed writing. Before anyone says “Ahh, but all the Blizzard novels” These are things that happen off scene or between expansions, not forced dialogues/monologues.

They should be able to convey this in game, rather than needing a five minute cutscene, as that implies they have not worked hard enough at their world building. Which is sadly a failing that FF games has always had. Anybody else remember Red XIII racing through a canyon with his two young cubs at the end of FF7? How? Who with? There were no others of his species alive, he was one of a kind, there could have been no mother to their cubs, so what, is Red XIII (My favourite character) supposed to have reproduced by parthogenesis?

Yes to both, valid points that FF has over WoW.

No, instead you get Japanese puritanism and a disturbing amount of Chinese puritanism as well… Just as a reminder, both cultures are very…restrictive with regards the rights of women

It’s actually the opposite. They’re not body-shaming femininity, they’re just not objectifying it. Come on, everyone must remember those pictures of scantily clad male’s in game right? right? Someone must remember. Surely someone? No?

No, it does not. Which is productive of many problems. Lot of FFXIV characters would have serious difficulties walking to the corner shop to get their groceries, let alone fighting world ending threats. Lot of them apparently end up doing some shady stuff that makes Goldshire look tame. But hey, thirsty teenagers are going to be thirsty and whack that breast slider up.

Have you ever seen an Orgrimmar Grunt? Or the leather harness vendor in the Valley of Honour?

Doesn’t sound great, to be honest. Card Games? You can do that whenever you like, Mount Racing? Can do that whenever you like, Jumping Puzzles? What is this, 1982? It was hateful back then! Whack a Mole? Yeah, can do that.

Mate, mate, I’ve been doing LARP for 30 years now. What you’re describing to me as ‘immersion’ is not immersion in the slightest. It’s dumbed down. It isn’t Immersion. for a start. It isn’t narrative, as you need it explaining to you, and it isn’t personal expression, because you have no more or less personal agency in the game, than you do in WoW.

So why don’t FF players get off their high horse and realise that their game is not the all-singing, all-dancing saviour of MMORPG’s (Especially when the company supporting it is responsible for death camps, but hey, it’s OK if it is the MSS doing it!)

So yeah, lot of rubbish being talked about FF, and it really is not as great as people say, and is -highly- morally questionable. I don’t think I could play it and keep a clean conscience.

Did you…ever play those games? I mean, FF7 was amazing, but by the standards of today, it was absolutely rubbish…like…really bad…

Sad but true.

Sheep following Streamers…who could have seen -that- coming…

That’s where you went wrong. It’s a damned game. You shouldn’t need a Streamer to inspire you to do anything! You have your own mind! Use it! You don’t need to be told what to think!

Any ‘game’ that is not being played by ‘casuals’ is being played by lackwit no-lives who allow the game to play them, rather than them playing the game…

And PvP is for weaklings who wouldn’t have the stones to actually fight someone. Generalisation is easy, no?

Was a late teen early twenties in the 90’s, I can confirm this is absolute rubbish and not true.

Or as we used to call them…“Computer games”.

The instant I see someone using the term “Casual” I kind of laugh, it’s like…“What, are you playing the game as a job? Wow…seriously, are you not playing it as casual relaxation? Because like, I work for a living, this is my casual entertainment, are you…are you seriously saying you regard this as your professional career? Maaan, how damaged are you?” “I’m playing this seriously!”
“No, it’s a computer game man!” “No, I am playing it seriously, with rules, if you don’t like the rules, you can leave!”
“Yeah, I think I’ll leave, because you sound like a bit of a jeb end, and I work for a living, so this is my relaxation time, you sound like you live in your mum’s basement and write poetry that makes people cry and draw pictures of women with daggers for eyes…I think I’ll stick to casual if that’s all the same…”


Simple as.

Yes, or pure 1v1 games such as Starcraft 2.

that happened to me too they ty to “help” but its not really help
ah you got me all wrong brigante i was still playing the trial when watching her play
and so i chose to subscribe too get shb and add gametime cards from the store to keep playing

it seems odd in my country the video game stores got no delivery of wow gametime cards lately none at all can anyone say why is that?

They recently removed the 1month game time option, not sure about game time cards.

Did you really play it? Because you get a ton of abilities without GCD that you press between GCD bites. )) You didn’t know that, did you?

The problem with combat in FF is not GCD. It’s something else entirely - predictability, if I had to be short. But you don’t know that because you didn’t play it. ))

The people who only play FF14 do not expect me who has been tempered by the openly toxic people in WoW and LoL.

So I WILL argue back and i WILL tell them to focus on what they’re doing and not what I’m doing (since they’re clearly not paying attention to the whole group’s health yoyo-ing anyway)

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the 60 day game time cards are still working but my store has none to sell?
ive called the guy in the shop and he said that they are still waiting for the deliveries to arrive
something is delaying it

Final Fantasy? Everyone left this game for New World now.

They have played the first few levels since you don’t start to get your off GCD abilites until around level 30.