What's up with all these thirsty threads?

Maybe it is better that I do not find out but… Curiosity is a strong pull, I won’t lie.

It is damn strong, I know… The want to feed that ‘What is that screenshot’.
Might be able to link it to you someway, but not here.

I could give you my b-tag. :thinking:

I only give that out to friends…

Hang on. I think I know a means

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Well, that was indeed regretti all the spaghetti.

Curiosity didn’t just kill the cat, it also killed my hope for humanity.


Key words here. They’re not harming anyone, and it’s nothing sordid like I’ve seen suggested in this thread and elsewhere.

It’s a very weak angle to take to shame other players.


These threads become such a pain when the Roleplaying forum actually had a purpose of allowing discussion between all available roleplaying realms.

Now, of course, it’s all that forum really has, so if one actually is desperate for silly tittering “your character wakes up in the bed of the character above” style forum games, there’s a whole Cave of Wonders of the stuff for you!


No, I have a standard.

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On the AD forums at least, there’s three forum fun threads I could find, among dozens of roleplay and guild threads. I barely even notice that they’re there.

They were notably more prevalent a few months ago iirc, but thankfully it lost traction in time.

Yeah, because the same guy kept making more and more of 'em… Some got more popular than others, and after the 5th thread by that guy everyone got sick of it.

hides Zul’jin body pillow haha these threads are completely useless am i right? I mean who would want to participate in such debauchery??? Just kidding…


Where’d you get this

Amani Exchange.

I’ll be going there then for…


Protesting…? yeah, thats right, im gonna protest these filthy things! :shifty_eyes:

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[Sweaty coomer starts typing . . . ]

Heh… heh… heh… now the world shall see how much I would love to see Kha’raas tap Velen’s [REDACTED].

:face_with_head_bandage: :ok_hand: :goat:


Forum threads are gunna be around forever, I don’t particularly care for them. But they get a bit weird when the thread is on life support and its the same three or so people rotating around in it.

These forum fun threads have produced really cool RP. Does anyone remember that old story thread in which the Scourge took over Azeroth and people had to live in Outland? I recall getting amazing vibes from that.

Forum fun is cool imo, often better than reading guild recruitment.

I wouldn’t say it’s better than guild threads, as much fun as they can be to pass the time. I’d much rather read a story from what’s going on in other peoples roleplays within their threads than the prior personally. Certainly some captivating stuff going on but yeah, live and let live.