What's up with the hate from alliance players on this forum?

Not a personal attack, just pointing out a fact. So if fighting near your GY is such a huge advantage, why dont Horde wait up for Alliance at IB GY?

dude really? why would we do that when we get by perfectly fine shi**ing on alliance near their GY?

seriously, stop crying. learn to defend and stop blaming everything but yourself for your shortcomings.

let me tell you one thing; if horde dedicated to defending IB GY/towers you would be even worse off than you already are, so be happy that is not the case.

Oh, and PS: we actually DO defend our GY
 its not our fault you only send about 10 people there to attack it.
whenever you try to do your cowardly mass group skip (going east/west trying to avoid combat entirely) we ARE indeed stopping you, in the knowledge that your goal is to cap IB
 for real man
 now you’re just being a crybaby.

If rolling the “wrong faction” is a shortcomming

considering alliance are defeatists that go afk/fishing at the first sign they might lose, then yeah its a shortcoming.

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