Whats wrong with Feral druids?

Deep wounds is still the same + buffs damage.
I know you are tryin to win your invalid argument in the feral discussion just because of your outlast hopes but nothing is changing, deep wounds is still here and im still here remind it to you :slight_smile:

I know i cant talk for serious someone that said DEEP WOUNDS SUCKS but still, if 2/12 are OP then is quite easier to nerf them instead giving damage+healing+utility buff to all the rest 10. Even you can understand that.

Deep wounds isn’t the same, as you yourself say. It has a different damage component to it which totally changed/changes the feel of the spec. Since it has this new component, word on word, by definition it has changed.

Anyway, I never said that it’d be easier. It’d be significantly better for the game, however. And if anything, class tuning and design should take Blizzards lion share of design.

Feral btw seems quite good atm in the game. I even got caught offguard by their burst a few times, but thats on me. Damage overall is super high at the moment.

Its till deep wounds but buffed.

They added a damage increase, not removed as you wanted it to be.

You talk about PVP?
They where never bad at it to be honest…
Everyone here is talking about PVE, still their damage aint bad but it suffers from being the spec “like a rogue without the damage + toolkit” and specially from boomkin that has treants+innervate+sunbeam.

Yes, they changed deep wounds and so far in pvp its a buff. The change made warriors actually do upfront damage rather than delayed pressure.

Majority of my damage now comes from upfront damage, the rest from bleed. That’s all I wanted. Old deep wounds is gone, new one is good.

Flash Concentration solves this pretty well tbh. With it Holy is at least middle of the pack for single target heals.

I love to play holy, but it always feels bad once I used serenity.
Generally I feel I can top the tank much faster with any other healer when I don’t have serenity.

can’t say anything about flash concentration, didn’t level my priest yet, but if that solves it then great, might try it out soon

I wouldn’t want to heal mythic keys without it. Maintaining 5 Stacks of it makes your hard hitting slow and cheap “Heal” just as fast as flash heal but hit even harder.

Having played Shaman, Druid and Holy as 5 Man healers so far, I like Holy with FC best for single target pumping. Couple this with Surge of Light and Trail of Light and Guardian Spirit and you have a very potent combo for 5 man dungeons.

so is it that your flash heal becomes a 0.4s cast? isn’t that a problem with the gcd then?

nvm so you cast 5 times flash heal and heal will be a quick heal and then all stacks are gone?

No, Heal becomes 1.4s cast. And heals for 15% more. And heal has a higher baseline value then flash heal and less mana cost.

All you have to do to upkeep is cast a flash heal every 15s. Surge of Light helps with that.

i see so stacks won’t drop.
that surely helps, maintaining shouldn’t be a problem, also it adds a little annoying factor to the spec.
Heal works with trail of light now too, right? Didn’t play holy quite a while :smiley:

thanks for the infos

Yeah. It’s not a big deal to maintain stacks if you get used to it and talent surge of light (which you should when using FC). All my high keys were done as Holy with FC this expansion.

Yes now it comes from condemn which is different right?. :rofl:

Nope, you wanted the deep wounds removed back in S4 when it made arms shine and you could not understand that when something is THAT good it should not be messed with.

Its still deep wounds.
You should still have a problem that all Arms damage is coming from 1 ability in your “meters” as you had before :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean… I did main holy myself until 3 weeks ago… I found it lacking really bad in ST… Shamans crit even 30k+ whilst Holy cant crit the half of it with GS…

Is the FC legendary THAT good?
I mean i lost my patience and rerolled to shadow, if you think its that OP ill try making one next week

Once you get used to maintaining the stacks, your heal turns into a low mana high throughput single target spot healing machine. It’s also rather mana cheap versus what other classes have to spend to get comparable spot healing.

Add to this apotheosis and serenity in general and you’re topping people left and right. Trail of Light especially in 5 man dungeons will make it into a very effective “I need to top multiple people” tool as well.

My shaman isn’t as geared as my priest, but for shaman in general I found the oh crap buttons and tools to quickly spot heal multiple targets lacking compared to hpriest with fc.

You are the second that makes it sound/seem promising, ill craft my max shadow next week and then ill make one to test it out :slight_smile:

Yeah but shaman can crit over 30k ST from what ive seen, it should be bigger number now. With these big numbers… You cant have an oh sht button as well i guess besides link (that people should know they must enter)

If you pick venthyr, yeah. After that most of your damage usually comes from mortal strike, execute, bladestorm and alike- While Deep wounds is at the bottom of the dps charts where it should be.

If I wanted to play a bleed class I’d roll a feral druid. I’m glad warrior is back where it belongs- Hitting hard, not over a period of 6 seconds.

Only in name, which I have no issue with. Deep wounds as a mastery has completely changed.

No, since the damage doens’t come from just one source- But more importantly, the damage happens now the moment you hit your key, not 6 seconds later.

Feral = a worst rogue. You don’t play feral for performance lets be reel. You play it because its fun…who didn’t love firekitty back in cata. Wtb cool new forms…

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And Balance druid = a worse mage. You don’t play balance for performance, let’s be real. You play it for the challenge… of staying awake.

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i play it cause i main it for 14 years and i dont wanna reroll cause its in bad state

Agree bring back snapshotting


At least at the moment, Boomies seem to be mopping the floor with Mages damage-wise (in PVE, that is).