Whats wrong with Feral druids?

Lets be realistic, rotation might not be good or nice for you but super for someone else. Its like shadow priest that everybody hated and i really loved for example.
Considering this as a personal, not a class issue.

Exactly that was my point with feral since day 1 i see complains in the forums.
You see rogues having all the toolkit being mandatory and the damage while ferals doing less damage and not even close to the toolkit part.

If rdruid did not have the superb toolkit, there would be a need for a ranged CR and a hybrid like feral. You can prowl for example let the others die and res a healer to mass res.

But this cannot be done with rogues and rdruids being top tier, literally the n1 enemy of ferals. Rdruid because of the toolkit and rogues for being a feral with 10x ++++ on the toolkit and damage.


Balance rogs + Rdruids = feral save day 1.

Read my post on shadowlands classes.
It’s not a subjective point of view.

Right now, what is wrong with this Feral druid is that he cannot log in :slight_smile:

No its not i do agree, but it does have a point.
As ive said look at all these shadow priest whiners, i loved it and i wish id have it back.

Feral can prowl, run fast like a good kitten to its WoW directory and run the game from there :rofl:

I cannot comment about shadow priests. Last time I played one seriously was in cataclysm.

But I can ask you this: they whined about it. Did they have good arguments? I mean, what they whined about, was it objectively a problem ?

Regarding ferals, they whined about BT because it required you to use your charge of predatory swiftness at a specific time in your rotation, whereas they would have prefered to use it to cast regrowth when regrowth could be useful to help the healer/keep another player alive.

Their argument was “kinda” ok. But in practice, it wasn’t a very good argument, because:

  • if you really needed to help the healer that badly then ONE regrowth would probably not be enough. You’d have to cast more than one.
  • it’s called making choices. Good design should be about compromises. Otherwise you get retarded things like DH.

Yes it was a problem because people who complained about it had bad gear, bad gear equals low stacks in voidform and that equals you being shadow @460 ilvl and outdpsed from a DH with 445 gear.

No matter what, i insist that only salvantion to ferals will be balancing down rogues and rdruids. The day rdruid and rog will not be mandatory ferals will be a normal spec. Now if they buff its damage along, will make it top tier.

The meaning of bringing a hybrid like us.
We have to use everything we have in our arsenal, i mean as shadow i do heal as much as i can. Loosing a 1k dps and keeping a zugzuger alive is a ++++ for the group.

Bursting week pack is dead and we have stacks, you will use your wild growth before AND after the pack is dead you will spam yourself and save healer 2-3 casts on you.

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Sure, but it’s not the only problem with feral.

Dead spec.

Raid leaders don’t want to ear about feral druids.

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You’re an LFR crapper though, why does your opinion on mechanics matter?

Bruh you barely play the game, look at your chievos…

Yep, for sure its not.
But dont forget feral is considered a rog without the toolkit.
Now if you strike the rog + the toolkit part, you get instantly a better place for ferals. After this fine tuning will be 100% easier.

But my question to you is, will blizzard hurt their precious rogs and rdruids?

Why cripple rogue and rdruid toolkit though ?
Why not providing something unique and interesting to feral ?

Rogue and druid dominated BFA M+ to a point that made the game unplayable for everybody else.
Take a look at 5mans with 2-3 rogs and a rdruid. There are still healing classes like holy priest that need help + toolkit.

If you provide a balancing addition to feral to fix the game then you need to provide additional toolkit to all the declined classes.

Bringing rog and Rdruud down, balances the game for alot more specs apart ferals. They have been literally cancer specs in M+ the 3/4 seasons.

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Leader of the pack would be a great start. As proven in the earlier discussion, most classes could use some minor stuff added back into them or talent rows remade/reworked so that they can have useful abilities or QoL things about them.

Things like mastery being changed for arms is baby steps, as are the changes or Guardian/feral.

E.g. Warriors having their sustain and CC on separate rows, ferals having leader of the pack baseline etc.

I don’t think we need to nerf rogue or rdruid, all the other classes/specs just need to be brought on par with them. In MoP for example rogue and druid were strong but didn’t really stand out in PVP scenario because everybody else was ridiculously strong too.

My suggestions:

  • add LotP (as everyone suggests)
  • add Play Dead (it fits them)
  • bring back Innervate

Yeah, I think it was legion x1.5 that completely ruined feral XD And that was like my go to character

It was not changed, it was buffed.

So not nerfing the 2 gods, just buff all the rest 30+ specs?
Are you even real here or just argue in the sake of arguing like you always do…

And treants, and AoE silence.
Treants + innervate where a really important tool for the tank + healer when M+ was under progression, i dont see a single reason that feral does not have them.

I dont know about that…
Feral Pre legion was by far the hardest spec ingame to master, i think today its easier for more ppl to play it, it just need to be buffed abit in utility and damage.

It wasnt hard to master…

It was nerfed into the ground in legion. It was fine for a squeezy DPS before that. Rankings even showed that. It was no where near high mythics.

Probably because you played it for too long xD
But for sure ive seen many people back then saying by far the hardest to master was feral and WW’s came 2nd.
To me after playing so long monks in general, cant find anything hard to it as well

Seeing as I can not find the old arms mastery where it just dealt flat bleed damage based on your damage, it is indeed removed.


If everybody’s overpowered, nobody is.