Arent all the Healers techniqually Hybrid?.. so even the top ones on the healing meter are techniqually also hybrid, theres no pure Healing class in the game.
but agreed, hybrid tax is Dumb AF.
“Lets create a DPS Class with a Off Specc healing/tank Specc, thus we encourage players to play these other roles in group enviroments while still being able to be a DPS”.
“Lets Also Neuter Said DPS Speccs in favor for other Classes without these roles Accessible to them.”
you are actually very correct here. Every class can Do all Content, and in Most cases Are perfectly viable in WFs.
the problem is: the Community translate what u’ve said into their Specific Specc… Not their class, Hunters can WF, that doesnt mean Survival Can. Mages can WF that doesnt mean Arcane can.
Every class can WF, providing ur willing to play that class to its maximum Potiental and Flex Across to the top performing speccs, however Most players refuse to do that and Simply compare their Specc to another Class.
the problem is Modern WoW is oftenly played in the Incorrect way, and the community complain when the game wont work for them when doing so, Alot of people Main Specific Speccs etc etc and simply ignore 2/3s of their class every expansion… which the game simply isnt designed for, balance waves and Encounter Designs are Different for a reason
Yea should be more specific about spec not class there, as every SPEC can achievy anything, ostaide WF, mb.
But to specs themselfs, im not realy sure about raid, and pvp is huge mess itself, but if u look at m+, there is most likely every spec represented in 3k rio, which lets be honest, isnt world best but its probably way better than what Average Joe can achieve.
But if play like arc mage, feral, sh priest etc, u strugle to get invited into 15s, just because comunity perception. So people like to think nonmeta=bad spec. Imo its kinda sad. I see this basicly daily, i main guardian, which isnt worst but its not meta too, from all roles tanks are most balanced yet, i get declined for every other 19/20s because im not playing warr… Yet those people demanding warr doesnt even know why exactly they want warr, they want it cuz its meta, that doesnt mean guardian is bad, but until its not considered meta, comunity will see its as worse
Now broken specs gameplay wise as shaman rng style SS where u either shine or sit there waiting for proc thats something else.
theres something wrong with ferocious bite, it doesn’t seem to hit hard enough,
it relies on resource management or waiting to get a full powered bite but even then it seems to lack the, I guess, ‘bite’ of a 5 combo point finisher
Ferocious bite is probably the only fine spell in the kit.
Rake/Rip require a lot of management just to tick like wet noodles.
Trash and Swipe are overkill, Swipe Imo should be more than enough, they can bake the bleed inside swipe if they want.
Having to talent into your AoE spender is yikes.
But overall I think that the spec is just old and cluncky in general. They wanna keep it different from rogue but they don’t even know how to rework it to moder wow.
I feel like 60% of the time it hits like crap,
perhaps theres some clunking with that it doesn’t seem to hit appropriately for the animation,
that and the style is too roguey
theres many issues with feral but I decided to point out the lacklustre finisher that’s used most
I think I see what you mean.
Basically, it comes down to the fact that FB consumes up to 25 energy to increase damage by up to 100%.
So, you really want to use it only when you have 50 energy.
Add in the possibility of having or not having a crit and FB damage range for the same amount of combo points changes from 1 to 4 times.
So, basically, for example, you could get a 200k hit or a 50k. And 50k is really low for a finisher, yes.
I think you have a point there- feral isn’t one of the most played specs. I dunno, maybe its ny nostalgia glasses but I really liked when feral and guardian were the same spec- Even if it was impossible to balance properly.
My first max level in TBC actually was a feral druid. The reason I originally started playing the spec was because of seeing Fatcow (a really well known feral druid pvp player then) making the spec work against much stronger players and combs in both arena and bg/world pvp.
The thing with feral that i loved the most was that you essentially swapped forms way more often than you do nowadays. You started a fight as cat, getting all your bleeds up and taking a feocious bite, shifted to bear to tank damage while ur energy regened and also dealt good bit of damage and bleeds, then stunned them with a bash, travel formed away and rooted, healed yourself and went in to do more damage as cat and finish them.
Some people really hated swapping forms so often but that was what I loved. The later iterations of feral and druids in general made them far more "spec specifif. You swapped forms way less often and could do everything in 1 form. Its no longer a druid but rather a specific spec which is sad.
I also really liked that you had to be in x forms to do y things, like interrupting people’s spellcasting, you needed to be a bear. The loss of these drawbacks in general have taken so much flavour from classes I feel.
Thats how it goes though, most of the time. SP certainly wins over almost any spec in spread aoe cleave but how many of those situations really are there. Now feral might have good on demand burst aoe but balance still has a more positive image in players minds and doesn’t take half the effort to get similar results.
I can count maybe 1 feral that I have ran m+ with compared to the hundreds of balance druids I have seen.
You brought this up with guardian too. Guardian is perfectly viable but people just want warriors because it is the meta.
Yea but just because there is class A doing better than class B doesnt mean class B is bad, only problem here is class A can be played on medicore level and pull same numbers as class B played perfectly.
So they either should tune numbers, so even medicore feral is good, and perfect feral feels OP, or dumb down rotation so even medicore play can pull decent numbers. Cuz rn feral has so much managment one mistake can cost you half of dps…
This is exactly why I rolled a druid and enjoyed it back then. For me it wasnt fatcow, it was a random player in darkshore. Then later I saw videos of Rubix and Ferahgo, but I was already maining a druid.
ok, now onto more specifics comments:
Ok, now compare that design feral+guardian in the same spec to what we currently have nowadays in BFA: tanks that sometimes top damage meters.
It’s not just twilight devastation doing its job, btw. Tanks have been topping damage meter (sometimes) since legion.
How a tank who deal as much DPS as a DPS not an hybrid ?
But other than this, I’d like to point out something: look at other DPS classes.
Warriors/retpals obviously have plate armor along other abilities to help them mitigate damage. Plate armor is passive damage reduction for them.
Rogues have evasion, cloak of shadows, both are very powerful, since they negate all damage. But it’s not passive. They still can DPS while using them though.
DH… no brainer here. They have everything. They even have a 100% dodge boost backed up in their rotation. And I’m not even talking about the passive healing. (oh wait… I did).
even Moonkins basically have bear-like armor when they are ranged.
Now let’s see that feral+guardian merged into the same spec again.
So, either you are a cat and deal damage but can take a lot of damage aswell; either you’re a bear and don’t take so much damage but won’t deal much damage either.
Doesn’t that sound… balanced ? Especially in regard to what other classes have ?
Personally, I think, somehow, druids shouldn’t have 4 specs, they should have 3 like everyone. And… ultimately… they should be made into the only true hybrid of world of warcraft. Which means all these 3 spec should be a tank/healer/dps, but each of these roles would be locked behind a specific form. And you’d basically lose the benefits of the form you were in when you switch form.
That’s kinda my dream, mainly because that’s what blizzard sold me when they first discussed about druids being jack of all trade.
Only, it looks like they did not really know how to do that until now. Not sure if they do now. But it looks pretty obvious to me now that ideas previously thought as overpowered really are not… especially in regard to other ideas that got implemented in game.
Yeah this was my point. The “what does feral bring that balance doesn’t” isn’t so much of a raw quantity comparison, but rather that many people have already set their minds about seeing that balance > feral.