What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

I roll a 10

URGH, the spell takes me by surprise. I crash to the earth and the ground ruptures beneath me

bloody and beaten i remember the heroism of brigante’s sacrifice of killing the 9000 in redridge…

like neo vs agent smith i rise back to my feet

((I roll a 13 to buff myself but my gear gives me +5 to buffing myself))

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He knew that for him its meaning must once have been supreme; though in what cycle or incarnation he had known it, or whether in dream or in waking, he could not tell. Vaguely it called up glimpses of a far, forgotten first youth, when wonder and pleasure lay in all the mystery of days, and dawn and dusk alike strode forth prophetick to the eager sound of lutes and song; unclosing faery gates toward further and surprising marvels.

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Here’s the new hot take everyone: Brigante’s posts are just him tapping the first suggested words on his Iphone


Really…its like you dont understand whats Really going on…do you think I’m going to let you talk down to Me like That? You and your Goons just dont get it, do you? Im looking at your Guild Roster right now and its clear your just coming out to Harass me and Im not having any of it.

Meat Cleavers or not, you are not my Friend.


That guy that said that dedicating a separate thread for campaign improvement would be better than continuing it in the original thread must be feeling very silly right now.


“finally, a worthy foe. our battle will be legendary.”

I draw out my [ashbringer] and prepare myself for combat, the sword giving me +5 to next attack.

“bring it on, old friend…”

This thread got a lot of value in it before the offtopic went rampant.

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I turned off war mode on all my chars in deference to you btw

You’re a better man than I am

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Such as in ten letters?

why do you crave disappointment

Honestly, writing unrestricted off as “not RP” and having nothing to do with it is as useless as saying the same about rolls. By all means have your preference, but come on…

It’s true that there is less RP you can reasonably do in the midst of a hectic unrestricted fight, but for that reason I only see unrestricted as a means to determine outcome - like rolls - rather than being some weird puritan about what constitutes RP and what doesn’t.
Hell, unrestricted even has the advantage over rolls in that I can still craft a narrative from the engagement after the fact, which is when all the interesting RP happens anyway; it still has narrative value.

I get the sneaking suspicion that the people who endlessly elevate restricted RP-PvP are the kind of mass-debaters who think the battlefield is some free marketplace of ideas, where enemies are to be bludgeoned with hackneyed dissertations rather than actual weapons.


Goons… There you go again using That Word. You are, of course… hells, you’re aware that That isn’t a True Word? Unless we’re Speaking the Orcish Tongue? Speaking of The Orcish tongue, I recommend that You take a moment to Study the… or should I say -our- … Warchief’s Oath?

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Read the thread. There are many examples.

I reach into my pocket and draw my gunsword ‘excaliber 5.56mm edition’, i swiftly fire an arcane bullet at u as a double jump into the air

“I will… You’ve gone too far this time… spitting on HIS name.”

((crap i rolled a 2))

This is the big brain post btw

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Staying on topic, I’d like cross faction casual chatter to stop because it hurts my immersion :slight_smile:

“And the human rights of all of the guilds and other times of its duty of all of the guilds and all of the guilds and all of us in a way I am now 107 and utterly ashamed to say what we all know that you will be toad”

My phone’s predictive text

Checks out to be honest


I don’t just write responses. I read the posts.

None of the thoughts are thought-provoking or anything new. These all possible solutions and suggestions have been known to us for…Since late MoP, I believe?

If the problem could be fixed by 1 simple change we’d done that. So we’re out of those options.

I’ve Looked into the Warchief’s oath and do you know what I Found? That it says “my warchief”…But get this. I do not see Sylvanas as My warchief do it does not Count, therefore Im not breaking any oath so you have no Power over me, Perroy.

Yes, and thats what You are…a Goon.

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OK…here’s The thing about -Sylvanas-. Abominations? They’re a Type of Forsaken. Formerly of the Scourge. What do they Use in combat? You know as well as I do. Hells, its a Known fact in the Lore. Do I need to Spell it out?

They use Meat -cleavers-. Do you Get it yet? Cool, cool

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maybe unrestricted brigantespeak rp is the answer to the problems with rppvp