What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

But then also people might have to take consequences IC instead of just smacking each other for 3 hours. I’m heavily in favour of restricting healing - or even just allowing Rogues to interrupt, since it’d give them a purpose besides being budget warriors. Y’know, because if you actually assassinate somebody, they don’t react to your single Ambush past turning around & smacking you right back.

no im not mad

Sure, if you let me turn the intrepid rogue into a frog afterwards. :smiley:

That’s fair enough. I like some degree of spontaneity in conflict. It’s not a simple binary of measured composed versus attacks everything in sight for no reason. That’s an oversimplification.

My chars I speak of are horde side. If some whelp is speaking out of line, the threat of violence is a somewhat realisitic way to navigate the RP. It doesn’t have to happen, it may though. RPing in a way where conflict is never a real risk because people don’t accept conflict from people they don’t know, or only go into conflict situations they already know are totally predetermined is unrealistic. It feels that way for horde.

I don’t mean rule of the jungle. I mean quick conversation with dude i don’t know to establish basics before we work out how we go. I don’t need to trust him totally to do this. I just need to work out whether we do this in normal gear or not to represent roguh power level. We decide whether we use rolls and speaking intervals etc. As the duel decides the health. The power conclusion is out of our hands in terms of final conclusions because we don’t get to decide when that health drops and how much dmg attacks do.

This has nothing to do with being a type who picks fights in my opinion. Rather it’s a way of navigating types who strut about with questionable antisocial bejaviour/actions in terms of RP (its IC) and they have no consequences because in an emote battle they have complete reign.

You only have to see Org where two individuals get into argument and boom, two hours of emotes later… Because nether one wants to lose.

This is more about style than success. Both hinge on cooperation (can’t duel if they say no) but offer a different way to present the fight.

I ribbit angrily…


but also that’s the risk you run being a sneakyboy, i just despair at the rogues that can’t do ROGUE STUFF because hitting people with a single Ambush is literally never reacted to. rogues should be SCARY.

but that’s a rant for another thread

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Pascoe is scary…

that’s because he’s a big dog person

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No it’s because unlike other rogues he actually lives up to his reputation.

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Man I read up on some posts and want to quote them, but this forum style is too awkward to scroll through 30 posts and quote them directly.


Regarding /duels for RP - IMO they’re perfectly fine. Yes, you can’t really emote during that, but you can before and after duels. They’re just one way of showing conflict.

If you are challenged to a 1v1 in RP, you have the right to decide the style of the fight - rolls, freeform emotes, or /duels. It is not right in my eyes, to be a 420+ ilvl megachampion and force /duels on people by challenging them, but if you are challenged? Be my guest.

Gear itself is super easy to come by if you put in an ounce of work to the game. Nerathion sits at a 408 ilvl, and a small heroic luck aside, I was around 405 through m+ only. Mythic +10 is very easy to achieve, and you don’t even need to do it in time. Do it once a week (literally 40 mins of content) and you have yourself a 410 item. There’s really no way lacking gear is an okay excuse. It’s an excuse to be lazy.

And even then, doing emissaries gives you 385 items, LFR and whatnot gives good enough gear for unrestricted combat to not be completely unbalanced. You can make up for the gap with player skill.

Okay, so you don’t have gear NOR the player skill. Why would you even try to play a powerful character then? If the only way to show power is through emotes, what stops from some rival rolling a level 1 character, walking up to you, emoting some 230 paragraph emotes of how he sends you into the shadow realm, and then leave?

It feels as if someone’s only had experiences with bad RPers instead. I’ve seen both good and bad from both sides - I know what the systems are capable of, and I know they’re fine.

Also, a thought - if someone roleplayed a farmer taking up a shovel to beat Horde’s faces in, and you think that is bad RP - why? You can expand on it yourself, maybe create a myth or something - ‘The Legend of Shovelman’ - and create roleplay out of that. ‘Oh no, that place is guarded by the Shovelman, I kid you not, he singlehandedly beat more faces in than the puny champions of Alliance. Beware!’

Instead of complaining about others, look inwards and see what you yourself could do better to improve the roleplay.

And regarding healers in unrestricted RP - it is a tough job, and very intensive - there’s not a lot of time during fights to speak. But neither do the rest, and neither do people in real fights? Aside from laconic yells or threats, do you really need to give paragraphs of text during combat? That’s more obnoxious than someone jumping around IMO (((((btw, Sentinels do indeed jump around, and most classes have abilities that lets them be jumpy, aside from generic dodging and stuff))))).

IMO one thing that’s weird in restricted is the ban on CC, or even just roots/slows/knockbacks. The damage usually is minimal, if there is only one healer and the enemies are tunneling them, sure - that’s not right. But as I said earlier, be courteous! But if both sides have a lot of healers, why is that not allowed? Those remove so many cool and thematic abilities of many classes - as a Druid, I’m severely limited to only a few abilities, whereas as a Talon Druid, I should be able to use Typhoon at the very least. :rage:

Oh geez this was a wall.


also true but have you seen his shiny, wet nose? stuff of nightmares

Just to clarify, are we talking about his nose here?

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hello police? this man right here :oncoming_police_car:


It’s hilarious to me that people claim yelling “RAH!”, “GRR!”, I’ll get you next time!!!" and autohitting is any more RP than for example an unrestricted RP-PvP event where people have breaks between battles to RP out mending their wounds and strategizing (which happens if people who participate are actually in it for RP and not to smack around the other side OOC because they know them and want to show their big d***).

Get off your high horse there for a moment. What you see in restricted RP-PvP 90% of the time is hardly better than the RP in unrestricted.


/spit hrah, foul orcish beast… beholde as i doth verily spam flash of light, hreh…


Also unironically using the crossfaction rp potion can be very detrimental your sanity during RP-pvp.

It’s like I’m playing Chivalry: Medieval warfare but with less deaths + more rly lackluster/cringey insults.

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There’s definitely applications for it, but I could probably do without House Dongus’ legion of human paladins smacking me to bits while yelling lines from Game of Thrones. Wouldn’t mind more tense negotiations etc - Ogrepowered (Rogmasha’s campaign) had a lot of that, which was pretty neat.

grins wickedly at you.


Tbh I adhere to this and go out of my way to avoid combat RP where my character should be debilitated to fit in.

At the same time it’s a constant struggle because everyone else’s concept of IC power differs / is based on consent and I can’t be bothered with opening my diplomacy window and convince the other half about my power level every time they decide that my character is ready for a mugging / arrest / assassination.

At this stage I’m half-convinced I RP bald, old, powerful and generally unpleasant warlock concepts solely to avoid these confrontations / OOC chit chats and just enjoy playing a character.


Mindset determines success of RP. Not the method. Restricted, unrestricted, duel, emote battle. At end of day its willingness to do it for Rp purposes that determines success.

Restricted: will I abide by rules? Will I recognise things like flanks and being surrounded? Will I recognise that me standing up to 4 opponents isnt realistic?

Unrestricted: Will I use all my abilities? Will I just nuke folks down with no emotes between? Will I observe stuff like positioning to determine what I do and don’t do in a situation? Will I charge into a mass uncaring because my gear is epic and I know I can win?

Duels: will I adjust my gear? Will we use rolls to determine which abilities I can use and when? Or to determine when I can chain attacks?

Emote: Will I recognise the rolls as the other does? Am I happy to have them decide what happens to me, or do I do this?

All hinge on understanding. If that is gone, none of the above are enjoyable. If every e is on same level, great fun for all.

I mean hell re: the duelling thing it’s only as inflexible as you allow it. Once time some months ago my orc priest got into a spat with another orc about observing respect of ancient traditions. We worked out a duel was on the cards but me being a priest with far higher ilevel than him seemed whack. So we reached a conclusion, we both made clones of our chars new mag har as hunters, and as we both had the heirloom spear we had a duel between our chars as survival hunters with only raptor strike allowed, no pets, heirloom wep and the base gear. We rped out an agreement to a spear fight before we did this mechanically. My char just about won, but it felt more realistic to us that it was a fair fight this way, and it was faster paced and more dynamic than just standing there emoting, or having a totally unbalanced duel.

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