What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

We discovered that when the zone lags, if you’re stood still other people load in relatively okay as they move around you. Whereas if you’re running in a direction, there’ll be a stutter and people will very suddenly load in.

I wonder could large numbers be an issue, if we lowered the numbers on each side to say 100 each would things become more manageable.

I have a question for you specifically, Mr. Bubbles - in relation to the whole restricted vs unrestricted thing.

I remember you guys having a uniform with mail items and a cloth hood (maybe not anymore, but for a good while at least) which obviously suits itself poorly for unrestricted but is less of a problem in restricted. Do you still feel that the inconvenient nature of RP sets in unrestricted is a significant factor?

OK, this is going to sound crazy but I honestly don’t even care much for transmogging

I liked using dumb chain / hoods more than doomplate (though we would have probably switched over to the new sets)

However, that wasn’t caused by unrestricted - the fact is if you wear blackforge chains and go to a restricted fight now, you will be dropping from autoattacks. It isn’t feasible for guilds to come to fights dressed in low-level gear (especially on Horde, numbers etc) because you will just get owned


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Large numbers are very much an issue, the large fights of yesteryear aren’t able to be done any more unless you enjoy playing a microsoft powerpoint or the server going down. Numerous small fights over one/two zones are the way to go now.


I assume you mean restricted instead of unrestricted at the end, as it is obvious that you will get destroyed if attending unrestricted in low level gear, but even in restricted gear is so good now that vanilla gear just doesn’t cut it?

My biggest gripe with restricted rp-pvp is how it sometimes (read: almost always) messes up with your character’s IC toolkit because some abilities have AoE or CC element to them or have been deemed too powerful by the organizers. RP-PvP is meant to be about enhancing roleplay with WoW’s PvP system but how am I supposed to do that when half of what my character can do is banned?

Yeah I did mean that

You just do it anyway.

:cowboy_hat_face: :smoking:

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My thoughts are that people previously in this thread have advocated for the return of ilvl limits and the like and I think that is a pretty cool idea. Using peacemode and turning pvp on manually should keep the griefing problem to a minimum.


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Its simple. You want Unrestricted PvP, Go for it. Just don’t pretend it is RP or matters anything in RP, It Ain’t.

Be real, you’re just upset you can’t use your dragonhawk in actual PVP


The problem is: before people just started doing restricted in full gear, griefers would be a far bigger deal

A single griefer could easily smash through ten people before they were dropped and toggling PVP has a 5 min timer

Trust me as someone who has run campaigns in big numbers before / after the shift – griefing used to be a massive headache and it would really not work to bring back the old way

I was kind of fond of the half-way method of using low level weapons, but IDK if that would solve anything. It worked well in the Rising Storm (Hinterlands) campaign at least


If we want to talk realism PvP roleplay (?) then quick bloody engagements in
quasi-late medieval (unrestricted) setting would be more true to form than hours long auto attack fights where two people don’t die / run out of stamina smacking swords against each other. In no way is restricted anymore ‘realistic’ – in fact I would say the opposite in it being unreal.

All that you have said above requires different execution, it’s by no means a lesser form or roleplay. The amount of roleplay happening is basically the same, it’s just tailored for people who like to do PvP.


While I otherwise don’t want to interfere in the argument between you and Brigante, I would just like to mention that real classical age/medieval battlefields were gigantic slugfests - people did die, quite a lot, but if anything the melees were more about pushing and shoving the battleline. They were really a lot more grindy than movies suggest, especially if you have something like two shieldwalls pushing against each other.

(Also why is this directed at Perroy? Weird, ignore that)

Of course, the lack of collision and physics in WoW makes representing such situations near impossible.

It’s a mix of that and the other. At no point in time have soldiers been able to sustain more than a few minutes at a time of fully armored melee combat. Yeah battle lines were slow and grindy, but you also had people constantly dropping in and out to relieve soldiers getting tired.

That and I am pretty sure most casualties were from post battle wounds, disease etc, and the presence of WoW’s extremely overpowered healers means that not only will people die a lot slower in combat, the risk of succumbing to your wounds afterwards or dying from disease are drastically cut.

No, they tend to use assault rifles, whilst powerful with the nato standard 5.56 bullet they are not what I would class as ‘magic weapons’

As for resurrecting the dead, you would be amazed, Morphine does wonders, not resurrection, but wonders nonetheless.

Really? I mean as much as I personally agree with you, you -might- want to tell Blizzard that. I mean if that is your stance, with your established universe, you may want to let them know they are overstepping the line by including elements of modern western military. I agree, it is foolish…but its there…

Not even going to say ‘Unironic’ because not only is the phrase a bad use of English language, and incorrect, but it is actually an Incorrect statement. It is in fact…Ironic. I know, don’t run, don’t hide, Ironic is a word, despite what the memes say. Ironic is a word. It exists. Its OK…

A Fascinating idea, probably one you should have thought about during the Redridge Campaign. Why did that Alliance Mana Weapon end up getting used, eh? Why did the Alliance have Mana Bombs eh? You let that happen, you made it so, so don’t pretend. Just own up to it? Was it to justify killing more prisoners?

You have absolutely no idea of the Fliers Discord, that much is apparent…Thousands of soldiers? Oh My Word! Not going to lie, that is pretty funny. Wow…Okay…right.

When you say, “Too many Campaigns” Do you mean “too many not being run by me?”

You’re using that word again. It’s not fortunate, its a bit cute that you find it still ‘hip’ as they used to say, but sure, lets say ‘Based’ that sounds…cool.

Are you now, Do you want me to call you out on what Da Vinci did, or just what you failed at?

Here are a few things I’d change to the current state of restricted RP-PVP in campaigns.

Scale It Down

What I mean by this is that it’s always massive battles that turn into absolutely messy laggy melees. Whilst there is a place for them they shouldn’t be happening every day. I’d suggest keeping most fights to a skirmish level between 2 to 4 guilds or roughly 25 people per side.

Deaths Should Matter

Whilst we have the miracle of healing spells and resurrections I do feel like if your character has been “killed” in battle once you’ve re-spawned you should have an in character penalty that worsens should you die again. (Hardcore people may opt for death). An agreed upon health system per person would keep people in mind not to do silly things unless of course their character is silly!


I think healing is fine at the moment until the point where they are surrounded by enemies. At that point I believe they should be susceptible to interrupts.

Using Movement Abilities

I think that movement abilities like heroic leap, divine steed, the monk roll (don’t know the name) etc should not be used. Just kind of ruins it when you’re chasing a person and then out of no where they jump thirty feet ahead or summon a horse from out of no where.

Needs to be Organic

What I mean by organic is that the a campaign should live and breath by the activity of the guilds / individuals who are participating. There shouldn’t be a need to wait around till the campaign organisers say it’s battle time before committing to a fight. guilds / units should work independently and working together if there is a need to like what was said earlier with the blood knight ambush.

Communication and Tactics are King

IC communication on the same side and OOC communication with the other side needs to be stellar for a campaign to work. There’s a need to pay attention to things to avoid ambushes etc. When a guild / unit utilises the terrain to their advantage there should be some concessions given to them on an ic level. If a unit has a stellar defensive position the aggressor should be weary.

These are just some opinions / ideas to throw about and think upon. There obviously needs to be a balance between a two hour slug fest and a 5 minute slaughter. This isn’t medieval times where battles could last half a day nor is it the ten minute fire fights of modern times. Unrestricted and restricted are neither superior nor inferior to each other as they both cater to people with different tastes. I myself leaning more towards restricted but can enjoy unrestricted.

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Why do you comment on supposedly bad English when you’re flatly incapable of using apostrophes or capital letters correctly, Brigante?