What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

Basically this. The old way was really cool and made the RP PvP experience better when things worked right. The reason we shifted away from it as a community was the headaches that came from people griefing pretty much any moderately advertised RP PvP event.

Only times it worked back then was those unannounced small scale skirmishes between a couple of guilds when there was less chance of some low tier raiding guild coming over after they failed to put together a raid group that reset and instead deciding to find cheap thrills

winks at camera

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Because there is not a need for an apostrophe in that statement, Thanks.

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There’s not a need for a capital T in that thanks, either, but here we are


Wow, I remember Brigante and Perroy being best buds. What happened?

I think Yue’s point is that people living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Criticising someone for poor English is a bit strange when, as a native speaker, I barely understand what you write at the best of times.


I laugh in 7.62x39


Well, actually, there is a need for a capital, It is an obscure one, But it is essentially a start of a statement, as such it should be prefaced by a Capital letter. ITs not a cool thing, or a great thing, but it is a recent English Language thing.

I begin to read through Brigante’s long-winded response that consists of repeatedly stating the obvious and quite randomly sniping “Perroy” whilst also not doing so very well

Brigante… I think it’s time to calm down… [I begin to tremble out of concern]


Look at this spiffing castle, Brigante.


Oddly, native English speakers seem to be worse at it somehow in my experience. I have never seen anyone but the British make the classic ‘should of’ error.


Obsessed :sunglasses:

I read somewhere most deaths were from fleeing guys getting cut down. Source: some video about romans on youtube

I mean that you can’t apply NATO logic to World of Warcraft combat

Sure they have guns and tanks but people can also conjure fire / fly / heroic leap around and so on

If the US marines knew how to heroic leap IRL, I would bet you they’d probably use that ability in combat

I use my [ARCANE KNOWLEDGE: LOVECRAFTIAN BOOMERPOSTING] ability to try to decipher what this means

Rolled a 12, let me know :game_die:

I told people they could emote what they wanted outside of the campaigns mechanics because I’m not the arbiter of their roleplay. That doesn’t mean I necessarily think that destroying armies that dwarf the scope of the conflict in forum emotes is particularly tasteful

I don’t need OOC justifications for my overtly evil character to do overtly evil acts - he’s not a Second Life avatar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It was 800

That discord was made by one of my officers, actually - you’re welcome

Nevertheless I would argue that it’s pretty niche compared to people who enjoy unrestricted RP PVP. We can crunch some numbers if you like lol

Yes, I try to type like I exist in the modern era instead of LARPing as someone stuck in WW2

I don’t care, gnomish


I think this comes from slang/colloquial talk. It took me a while to get out of the habit.


I don’t understand what Aerilen is saying right now


One of my guildies does it consequently because it pisses Lotheridan off

Basically this, it’s a dialect thing for some regions.

No it isn’t. Also, “its” should be “it’s” if it isn’t (it is) a possessive, dingus.

Please stop.


I’m going to stick a toe out and say that its perhaps the word Unironic shouldn’t be used for the mey-meys and it is actually ironic.

“unrestricted rp-pvp isnt actually rp”

“you cant decide on the behalf of other people”

“okay i cant but its not actually rp”



It was cool but I know where Perroy is coming from as I’ve helped run a number of RP-PVP campaigns back in the day. (My last one being Red August -shock-). It really is just not viable with how easy it can be for griefers to swoop in and just ruin the experience for both sides. When I was semi decent at pvp I spent most of my time high in the sky waiting to swoop down on any griefer that’d show up. It was very boring.

I’d be interested to see the citation for this, since it isn’t something I’ve ever heard of before. As far as I can tell, in your case, it is a series of individual sentences lumped together with commas, making it very difficult to separate/read.


Unrestricted is legit RP as long as my side wins t b h