What's your Forum Users tier list?

I remember her
She was nice

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I think Grovi is S-tier, he’s always very funny.


I was writing that 2 days ago but i stopped cuz i dont like to define ppl.
But moothilda was really helpful and kind person.


Asjon and Jito S tier.

Everybody else F tier, including me.

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Not a huge fan of putting human beings into tiers.


I think back when i used to lurk she did the cow thread?

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Where else would you like to put them?

Yes you are so kind! :star_struck:

Let´s bless the stars

S tier i would say Puny/Jito/Naxxos/ Annada

A tier everyone else apart from the F tier i mention below

F tier Twiggz/Clown/Asjon and there many alts i have now placed all on ignore toxic and trolls. Twiggz being the worse such a massive attention seeker and blame’s everyone else and not manning up to there own faults. Constantly play’s the victim card and the “its not me its them”

Edited :slight_smile:


Incoming 346 posts saying how little he cares.


I’d rate the Retributor and Retributor imposters scandal S tier, most of the forum usuals are usually A-S tier too besides a few nutcases, but for me the worst forum posters are ones that bring Politics/PersonalAgenda/LGBTQ+ and the likes into everything no matter what.

Deja S tier just for the truth in that comment… :joy:

Edit: also I don’t want to be anyone’s S tier I’m perfectly happy being hated by low level trolls who are weirdly obsessed with me and even more weirdly jealous of my friendship with Soul :eyes:


see :slight_smile:


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this is really weird. hidden in 5 mins. probably is somethin automatic. isnt possible ppl flag your post in a so brief span of time.

I can move you to A tier if you like :smiley:

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nah Eliquis either is alt flagging or there is a group of them who enjoy it thinking they are punishing me…

soon as i get too real for them they flag everytime to hide their true intentions…

it’s why i look in the wrong when im not.

probbly is true in a larger span. but in 5 mins this is almost impossible.

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not for me tesla… i can get flagged under a min by these people lol

they have flagged me at least once or twice a day since i returned posting on the 26th.

And that is somehow different than 346 posts about Twiggz made by others?


you are slowly starting to see how it is, im grateful lol

there is a reason i been flagged 15 times this past week alone yet am not banned afterall.

the mods need to stop blindly removing what i have to say about them, and start restoring them…

then i wont look so evil.